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dc.contributor.authorLarikka, Caroline
dc.identifierKUN350 0 O ORD 2023 HØST
dc.description.abstractThis master’s thesis delves into Matana Roberts’ art project, i call america, exploring its intricate nature and its defiance of established representations of American history and culture. The central research question examines how Roberts’ experimental method, manifested in the project’s open structure and multidimensional themes, challenges conventional narratives while creating room for alternative storytelling. Drawing on Roland Barthes’ concept of “Text” and Umberto Eco’s idea of the “open work,” the analysis underscores the project’s receptivity to diverse interpretations and active audience participation. Roberts’ distinctive compositional method, “panoramic sound quilting,” is examined in the context of cultural heritage and metaphorical quilting, highlighting its ties to American and African American traditions. The study focuses on selected visual and auditory elements to reveal references and quotes, aiming to explore the core elements and purpose of the work, particularly in relation to the challenges of American identity in the 21st century. The thesis contends that i call america encourages reflection on American identity and culture from various perspectives and backgrounds. The conclusion synthesizes the findings, emphasizing the project's ongoing relevance. It underscores the multifaceted nature of i call america as a patchwork of meanings, challenging traditional representations of American history and offering a nuanced exploration of the complex tapestry of American identity. The project serves not only as a significant contribution to art history but also as a reminder of the importance of including diverse voices in the collective understanding of American history and identity.
dc.publisherThe University of Bergen
dc.rightsCopyright the Author. All rights reserved
dc.titleEt lappeteppe av erindringer: Matana Roberts’ eksperimentelle historiefortelling i kunstprosjektet i call america
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.rights.holderCopyright the Author. All rights reserved
dc.description.degreeKunsthistorie mastergradsoppgave

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