• Augmented Reality in First Aid Training 

      Frøland, Tord Hettervik (Master thesis, 2019-01-25)
      For å få høygradserfaringer med å håndtere ulykker, er det nødvendig med live-trening. De må gjennomføres periodisk og er viktige i mange organisasjoner, men er dyre å sette opp. Nåværende metoder brukt i live-trening for ...
    • Automatic Differentiation of Third Order Derivatives using Forward Mode in C++ 

      Lium, Torbjørn (Master thesis, 2009-01-07)
      Automatic differentiation of third order derivatives is implemented in C++. The implementation uses uses object-orientation and operator overloading to perform the differentiation. A short introduction to operator overloading ...
    • Automatic interpretation of otoliths using deep learning 

      Moen, Endre; Handegard, Nils Olav; Allken, Vaneeda; Albert, Ole Thomas; Harbitz, Alf; Malde, Ketil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-12-17)
      The age structure of a fish population has important implications for recruitment processes and population fluctuations, and is a key input to fisheries-assessment models. The current method of determining age structure ...
    • Automatic interpretation of salmon scales using deep learning 

      Vabø, Rune; Moen, Endre; Smolinski, Szymon; Husebø, Åse; Handegard, Nils Olav; Malde, Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      For several fish species, age and other important biological information is manually inferred from visual scrutinization of scales, and reliable automatic methods are not widely available. Here, we apply Convolutional ...
    • Autonomous mobile robots - Giving a robot the ability to interpret humanmovement patterns, and output a relevantresponse. 

      de Lange, Sindre Eik; Heilund, Stian Amland (Master thesis, 2019-06-28)
      The demographic challenges caused by the proliferation of people of advanced age, and the following large expense of care facilities, are faced by many western countries, including Norway (eldrebølgen). A common denominator ...
    • Axiom-Based Transformations: Optimisation and Testing 

      Bagge, Anya Helene; Haveraaen, Magne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-10-10)
      Programmers typically have knowledge about properties of their programs that aren't explicitly expressed in the code ­ properties that may be very useful for, e.g., compiler optimisation and automated testing. Although ...
    • Axis patterning by BMPs: cnidarian network reveals evolutionary constraints 

      Genikhovich, Grigory; Fried, Patrick; Prünster, M. Mandela; Schinko, Johannes B.; Gilles, Anna F.; Fredman, David; Meier, Karin; Iber, Dagmar; Technau, Ulrich (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-03)
      BMP signaling plays a crucial role in the establishment of the dorso-ventral body axis in bilaterally symmetric animals. However, the topologies of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling networks vary drastically ...
    • B-chromatic number: Beyond NP-hardness 

      Panolan, Fahad; Philip, Geevarghese; Saurabh, Saket (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      The b-chromatic number of a graph G, chi_b(G), is the largest integer k such that G has a k-vertex coloring with the property that each color class has a vertex which is adjacent to at least one vertex in each of the other ...
    • b-Coloring Parameterized by Clique-Width 

      Jaffke, Lars; Lima, Paloma Thome de; Lokshtanov, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      We provide a polynomial-time algorithm for b-Coloring on graphs of constant clique-width. This unifies and extends nearly all previously known polynomial-time results on graph classes, and answers open questions posed by ...
    • b-Coloring Parameterized by Clique-Width 

      Jaffke, Lars; Lima, Paloma T.; Lokshtanov, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We provide a polynomial-time algorithm for b- Coloring on graphs of constant clique-width. This unifies and extends nearly all previously known polynomial time results on graph classes, and answers open questions posed by ...
    • Balanced judicious bipartition is fixed-parameter tractable 

      Lokshtanov, Daniel; Saurabh, Saket; Sharma, Roohani; Zehavi, Meirav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The family of judicious partitioning problems, introduced by Bollobás and Scott to the field of extremal combinatorics, has been extensively studied from a structural point of view for over two decades. This rich realm of ...
    • BattleFit Commander: A Game Design Approach to Enhance Motivation for Exercise 

      Vaular, Simon; Kvilhaugsvik, Øystein (Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      Physical activity provides numerous health benefits, while a sedentary lifestyle poses significant health risks. Despite this, inactivity is prevalent. Common reasons for not engaging in exercise include a lack of time and ...
    • Belief Propagation in Self-Dual F4-Additive Codes Utilizing Local Complementaion 

      Hammer, Åsmund (Master thesis, 2019-06-27)
      Developing algorithms for belief propagation in self-dual GF(4)-additive codes utilizing local complementation in order to improve decoding performance.
    • Beyond the question of fixed-parameter tractability 

      Dregi, Markus Fanebust (Doctoral thesis, 2017-01-06)
      Multivariate complexity is a prominent field that over the last decades has developed a rich toolbox, not only to tackle seemingly intractable problems, but also to describe the boundaries of tractability in a richer and ...
    • Bidimensionality and Kernels 

      Fomin, Fedor; Lokshtanov, Daniel; Saurabh, Saket; Thilikos, Dimitrios (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Bidimensionality theory was introduced by [E. D. Demaine et al., J. ACM, 52 (2005), pp. 866--893] as a tool to obtain subexponential time parameterized algorithms on H-minor-free graphs. In [E. D. Demaine and M. Hajiaghayi, ...
    • Bifurcation and sensitivity analysis reveal key drivers of multistability in a model of macrophage polarization 

      Frank, Anna-Simone; Larripa, Kamila; Ryu, Hwayeon; Snodgrass, Ryan; Röblitz, Susanna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      In this paper, we present and analyze a mathematical model for polarization of a single macrophage which, despite its simplicity, exhibits complex dynamics in terms of multistability. In particular, we demonstrate that an ...
    • Binary Linear Codes With Few Weights From Two-to-One Functions 

      Li, Kangquan; Li, Chunlei; Helleseth, Tor; Qu, Longjiang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      In this paper, we apply two-to-one functions over b F 2n in two generic constructions of binary linear codes. We consider two-to-one functions in two forms: (1) generalized quadratic functions; and (2) (x 2t +x) e with ...
    • Binding Leverage as a Molecular Basis for Allosteric Regulation 

      Mitternacht, Simon; Berezovsky, Igor N. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-09-15)
      Allosteric regulation involves conformational transitions or fluctuations between a few closely related states, caused by the binding of effector molecules. We introduce a quantity called binding leverage that measures the ...
    • The bio.tools registry of software tools and data resources for the life sciences 

      Ison, Jon; Ienasescu, Hans-Ioan; Chmura, Piotr; Rydza, Emil; Ménager, Hervé; Kalaš, Matúš; Schwämmle, Veit; Grüning, Björn A.; Beard, Niall; Lopez, Rodrigo; Duvaud, Severine; Stockinger, Heinz; Persson, Bengt; Svobodová Vařeková, Radka; Raček, Tomáš; Vondrášek, Jiří; Peterson, Hedi; Salumets, Ahto; Jonassen, Inge; et al., +18 authors (total 37) (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-12)
      Bioinformaticians and biologists rely increasingly upon workflows for the flexible utilization of the many life science tools that are needed to optimally convert data into knowledge. We outline a pan-European enterprise ...
    • BioHackathon series in 2011 and 2012: penetration of ontology and linked data in life science domains 

      Katayama, Toshiaki; Wilkinson, Mark D.; Aoki-Kinoshita, Kiyoko F.; Kawashima, Shuichi; Yamamoto, Yasunori; Yamaguchi, Atsuko; Okamoto, Shinobu; Kawano, Shin; Kim, Jin-Dong; Wang, Yue; Wu, Hongyan; Kano, Yoshinobu; Ono, Hiromasa; Bono, Hidemasa; Kocbek, Simon; Aerts, Jan; Akune, Yukie; Antezana, Erick; Arakawa, Kazuharu; Aranda, Bruno; Baran, Joachim; Bolleman, Jerven; Bonnal, Raoul J. P.; Buttigieg, Pier Luigi; Campbell, Matthew P.; Chen, Yi-an; Chiba, Hirokazu; Cock, Peter J. A.; Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Constantin, Alexandru; Duck, Geraint; Dumontier, Michel; Fujisawa, Takatomo; Fujiwara, Toyofumi; Goto, Naohisa; Hoehndorf, Robert; Igarashi, Yoshinobu; Itaya, Hidetoshi; Ito, Maori; Iwasaki, Wataru; Kalaš, Matúš; Katoda, Takeo; Kim, Taehong; Kokubu, Anna; Komiyama, Yusuke; Kotera, Masaaki; Laibe, Camille; Lapp, Hilmar; Lütteke, Thomas; Marshall, M. Scott; Mori, Takaaki; Mori, Hiroshi; Morita, Mizuki; Murakami, Katsuhiko; Nakao, Mitsuteru; Narimatsu, Hisashi; Nishide, Hiroyo; Nishimura, Yosuke; Nyström-Persson, Johan; Ogishima, Soichi; Okamura, Yasunobu; Okuda, Shujiro; Oshita, Kazuki; Packer, Nicki H; Prins, Pjotr; Ranzinger, Rene; Rocca-Serra, Philippe; Sansone, Susanna; Sawaki, Hiromichi; Shin, Sung-Ho; Splendiani, Andrea; Strozzi, Francesco; Tadaka, Shu; Toukach, Philip; Uchiyama, Ikuo; Umezaki, Masahito; Vos, Rutger; Whetzel, Patricia L.; Yamada, Issaku; Yamasaki, Chisato; Yamashita, Riu; York, William S.; Zmasek, Christian M.; Kawamoto, Shoko; Takagi, Toshihisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-02-05)
      Abstract The application of semantic technologies to the integration of biological data and the interoperability of bioinformatics analysis and visualization tools has been the common theme of a series of annual BioHackathons ...