Now showing items 218-237 of 2395

    • Biomarkers and Algorithms for the Diagnosis of Vitamin B12 Deficiency 

      Hannibal, Luciana; Lysne, Vegard; Bjørke-Monsen, Anne-Lise; Behringer, Sidney; Grünert, Sarah C.; Spiekerkoetter, Ute; Jacobsen, Donald W.; Blom, Henk J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-06-27)
      Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, Cbl, B12) is an indispensable water-soluble micronutrient that serves as a coenzyme for cytosolic methionine synthase (MS) and mitochondrial methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MCM). Deficiency of Cbl, whether ...
    • Biomarkers and echocardiographic predictors of myocardial dysfunction in patients with hypertension 

      Bielecka-Dabrowa, Agata; Michalska-Kasiczak, Marta; Gluba, Anna; Ahmed, Ali; Gerdts, Eva; von Haehling, Stephan; Rysz, Jacek; Banach, Maciej (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-03-09)
      The study aimed to identify early echocardiographic and circulating biomarkers of heart failure (HF) in hypertensive patients with normal resting echocardiography. Echocardiography at rest and during exercise, and selected ...
    • Biomarkers for Diabetes Mellitus in advanced Peripheral Arterial Disease. Diagnostic performance and outcome prediction of HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose and the oral glucose tolerance test 

      Hjellestad, Iren Drange (Doctoral thesis, 2019-05-14)
      Background: At present, the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM) is based on the result from either of three tests; HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) or 2-hour post glucose-load value following an oral glucose tolerance ...
    • Biomarkers of inflammation and left ventricular remodelling in psoriasis patients treated with infliximab 

      Midtbø, Helga Bergljot; Kringeland, Ester Anne; Gerdts, Eva; Ueland, Per Magne; Meyer, Klaus; Linde, Anja G; Ulvik, Arve; Jonsson, Roland; Tveit, Kåre Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Objective: Psoriasis is an immune mediated disorder associated with T cell activation and cardiovascular disease (CVD). We explored the association of inflammation with left ventricular (LV) remodelling in psoriasis patients ...
    • Biomarkers of one-carbon metabolism and B-vitamin status : Targeted metabolomics in rats and humans exploring the effects of PPARα-activation and dietary composition 

      Lysne, Vegard (Doctoral thesis, 2019-10-04)
      BACKGROUND: One-carbon metabolism is an overarching term describing central metabolic pathways involved in the transfer of one-carbon units. These include the methionine-homocysteine and folate cycles, as well as the choline ...
    • Bipolar multiplex families have an increased burden of common risk variants for psychiatric disorders 

      Andlauer, Till F.M.; Guzman-Parra, José; Streit, Fabian; Strohmaier, Jana; González, Maria José; Flores, Susana Gil; Fabeiro, Francisco J. Cabaleiro; Noriega, Francisco del Río; Perez, Fermin Perez; González, Jesus Haro; Diaz, Guillermo Orozco; Diego-Otero, Yolanda de; Moreno-Küstner, Berta; Auburger, Georg; Degenhardt, Franziska; Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie; Herms, Stefan; Hoffmann, Per; Frank, Josef; Foo, Jerome C.; Treutlein, Jens; Witt, Stephanie H.; Cichon, Sven; Kogevinas, Manolis; Bøen, Erlend; Dale, Anders M.; Djurovic, Srdjan; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Reinbold, Céline Sonja; Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen; Agartz, Ingrid; Melle, Ingrid; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Stordal, Eystein; Andreassen, Ole; Rivas, Fabio; Mayoral, Fermín; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Forstner, Andreas J.; Nöthen, Markus M.; Rietschel, Marcella; Stahl, Eli A.; Breen, Gerome; McQuillin, Andrew; Ripke, Stephan; Trubetskoy, Vassily; Mattheisen, Manuel; Wang, Yunpeng; Morken, Gunnar; Vaaler, Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Multiplex families with a high prevalence of a psychiatric disorder are often examined to identify rare genetic variants with large effect sizes. In the present study, we analysed whether the risk for bipolar disorder (BD) ...
    • Bivariate causal mixture model quantifies polygenic overlap between complex traits beyond genetic correlation 

      Frei, Oleksandr; Holland, Dominic; Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen; Shadrin, Alexey A.; Fan, Chun Chieh; Maeland, Steffen; O'Connell, Kevin S.; Wang, Yunpeng; Djurovic, Srdjan; Thompson, Wesley Kurt; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Dale, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-06-03)
      Accumulating evidence from genome wide association studies (GWAS) suggests an abundance of shared genetic influences among complex human traits and disorders, such as mental disorders. Here we introduce a statistical tool, ...
    • A Blended Learning Course Design in Clinical Pharmacology for Post-graduate Dental Students 

      Rosenbaum, Paul-Erik Lillholm; Mikalsen, Øyvind; Lygre, Henning; Solheim, Einar; Schjøtt, Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      Postgraduate courses in clinical pharmacology are important for dentists to be updated on drug therapy and information related to their clinical practice, as well as knowledge of relevant adverse effects and interactions. ...
    • Blood eosinophils during bronchiolitis: Associations with atopy, asthma and lung function in young adults 

      Sørensen, Karen Galta; Øymar, Knut Asbjørn Alexander; Dalen, Ingvild; Halvorsen, Thomas; Mikalsen, Ingvild Bruun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Aim: To study if blood eosinophils during bronchiolitis were associated with atopy, asthma and lung function in young adults and if these associations differed between respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis and ...
    • Blood Lactate AUC Is a Sensitive Test for Evaluating the Effect of Exercise Training on Functional Work Capacity in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure 

      Valborgland, Torstein; Isaksen, Kjetil; Munk, Peter Scott; Larsen, Alf Inge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Purpose. Exercise training is an essential treatment option for patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). However, it remains controversial, which surrogate measures of functional work capacity are most reliable. The ...
    • Blood Metabolites Associate with Prognosis in Endometrial Cancer 

      Strand, Elin; Tangen, Ingvild Løberg; Fasmer, Kristine Eldevik; Jacob, Havjin; Halle, Mari Kyllesø; Hoivik, Erling A; Delvoux, Bert; Trovik, Jone; Haldorsen, Ingfrid S.; Romano, Andrea; Krakstad, Camilla (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12-14)
      Endometrial cancer has a high prevalence among post-menopausal women in developed countries. We aimed to explore whether certain metabolic patterns could be related to the characteristics of aggressive disease and poorer ...
    • Blood neurofilament light concentration at admittance: a potential prognostic marker in COVID‑19 

      Aamodt, Anne Hege; Høgestøl, Einar August; Popperud, Trine Haug; Holter, Jan Cato; Dyrhol-Riise, Anne Ma; Tonby, Kristian; Stiksrud, Birgitte; Berge, Tone; Barratt-Due, Andreas; Aukrust, Pål; Heggelund, Lars; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; Harbo, Hanne Flinstad; Quist‑Paulsen, Else (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective To test the hypotheses that blood biomarkers for nervous system injury, serum concentrations of neurofilament light chain protein (NfL) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAp) can serve as biomarkers for ...
    • Blood steroid levels predict survival in endometrial cancer and reflect tumor estrogen signaling 

      Forsse, David Erik; Tangen, Ingvild Løberg; Fasmer, Kristine Eldevik; Halle, Mari Kyllesø; Viste, Kristin; Almås, Bjørg; Bertelsen, Bjørn-Erik; Trovik, Jone; Haldorsen, Ingfrid S.; Krakstad, Camilla (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-02)
      Objective Blood-based biomarkers are attractive due to ease of sampling and standardized measurement technology, reducing obstacles to clinical implementation. The objective of this study was to evaluate a clinically ...
    • Bloodlettings in Hemochromatosis Result in Increased Blood Lead (Pb) Concentrations 

      Yazdani, Mazyar; Distante, Sonia; Mørkrid, Lars; Ulvik, Rune Johan; Bolann, Bjørn Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Hemochromatosis is a hereditary disorder, most often associated with mutations of the HFE (High FErrum) gene. If left untreated, it can result in severe parenchymal iron accumulation. Bloodletting is the mainstay treatment. ...
    • Bloodstream infections and antimicrobial resistance in Zanzibar, Tanzania, with special focus on typhoid fever and malaria 

      Onken, Annette (Doctoral thesis, 2024-08-27)
      Bakgrunn: Globalt bidrar infeksjonssykdommer signifikant til sykdom og død, og lavinntektsland er uforholdsmessig rammet. Ved livstruende infeksjoner som blodbaneinfeksjoner kan rask behandling med adekvate legemidler redde ...
    • BLR1 and FCGR1A transcripts in peripheral blood associate with the extent of intrathoracic tuberculosis in children and predict treatment outcome 

      Jenum, Synne; Bakken, Rasmus; Sivakumaran, Dhanasekaran; Mukherjee, Aparna; Lodha, Rakesh; Singh, Sarman; Singh, Varinder; Haks, Marielle C.; Ottenhoff, Tom H.M.; Kabra, Sushil K.; Doherty, Timothy Mark; Ritz, Christian; Grewal, Harleen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-12-12)
      Biomarkers reflecting the extent of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-induced pathology and normalization during anti-tuberculosis treatment (ATT) would considerably facilitate trials of new treatment regimens and the identification ...
    • BMI and BMI SDS in childhood: annual increments and conditional change 

      Brannsether-Ellingsen, Bente; Eide, Geir Egil; Roelants, Mathieu; Bjerknes, Robert; Juliusson, Petur Benedikt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Background: Early detection of abnormal weight gain in childhood may be important for preventive purposes. It is still debated which annual changes in BMI should warrant attention. Aim: To analyse 1-year increments of Body ...
    • Body mass index and childhood symptoms of depression, anxiety, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A within-family Mendelian randomization study 

      Hughes, Amanda M.; Sanderson, Eleanor; Morris, Tim; Ayorech, Ziada; Tesli, Martin Steen; Ask, Helga; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted; Andreassen, Ole; Magnus, Per Minor; Helgeland, Øyvind; Johansson, Stefan; Njølstad, Pål Rasmus; Davey Smith, George; Havdahl, Alexandra Karoline Saasen; Howe, Laura D.; Davies, Neil Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background: Higher BMI in childhood is associated with emotional and behavioural problems, but these associations may not be causal. Results of previous genetic studies imply causal effects but may reflect influence of ...
    • Bone mineral density and vitamin D in paediatric intestinal failure patients receiving home parenteral nutrition 

      Kvammen, Janne Anita; Thomassen, Rut Anne; Kjeserud, Christina; Sæland, Camilla; Godang, Kristin; Bollerslev, Jens; Thorsby, Per Medbøe; Juliusson, Petur Benedikt; Bentsen, Beint Sigmund; Henriksen, Christine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background & aims Patients with intestinal failure (IF) are dependent on long-term home parenteral nutrition (HPN) to ensure growth and development. The primary aim of the present study was to assess bone mineral density ...
    • Bones, blood and steel: How bioelectrical impedance analysis is affected by hip fracture and surgical implants 

      Steihaug, Ole Martin; Bogen, Bård Erik; Kristoffersen, Målfrid Holen; Ranhoff, Anette Hylen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      Introduction: Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is in widespread use, but there is uncertainty about its validity in patients with metal implants or after acute hip fracture and surgery. We aimed to investigate the ...