• Climate variability in the subarctic area for the last 2 millennia 

      Nicolle, Marie; Debret, Maxime; Massei, Nicolas; Colin, Christophe; de Vernal, Anne; Divine, Dmitry V; Werner, Johannes; Hormes, Anne; Korhola, Atte; Linderholm, Hans W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-01-25)
      To put recent climate change in perspective, it is necessary to extend the instrumental climate records with proxy data from paleoclimate archives. Arctic climate variability for the last 2 millennia has been investigated ...
    • Holocene glacier variability and Neoglacial hydroclimate at Ålfotbreen, western Norway 

      Gjerde, Marthe; Bakke, Jostein; Vasskog, Kristian; Nesje, Atle; Hormes, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-02)
      Glaciers and small ice caps respond rapidly to climate perturbations (mainly winter precipitation, and summer temperature), and the mass-balance of glaciers located in western Norway is governed mainly by winter precipitation ...
    • Holocene multi-proxy environmental reconstruction from lake Hakluytvatnet, Amsterdamøya Island, Svalbard (79.5°N) 

      Gjerde, Marthe; Bakke, Jostein; D'Andrea, William J.; Balascio, Nicholas L.; Bradley, Raymond S.; Vasskog, Kristian; Ólafsdóttir, Sædis; Torgeir Opeland, Røthe; Perren, Bianka B.; Hormes, Anne (Journal article, 2018-03)
      High resolution proxy records of past climate are sparse in the Arctic due to low organic production that restricts the use of radiocarbon dating and challenging logistics that make data collection difficult. Here, we ...