• 3-D induction log modelling with integral equation method and domain decomposition pre-conditioning 

      Saputera, Durra Handri; Jakobsen, Morten; van Dongen, Koen W. A.; Jahani, Nazanin; Eikrem, Kjersti Solberg; Alyaev, Sergey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      The deployment of electromagnetic (EM) induction tools while drilling is one of the standard routines for assisting the geosteering decision-making process. The conductivity distribution obtained through the inversion of ...
    • Hydrostatiske og hydrodynamiske egenskaper til et semilukket oppdrettsanlegg 

      Sagstad, Bendik Riis (Master thesis, 2021-06-01)
      Målet med masteroppgaven er å kartlegge førsteordens hydrodynamiske responser en nedskalert forenklet modell av OceanTECH-anlegget har, under tre ekstreme sjøtilstander. I den forbindelse er det gjort både eksperimentelle ...
    • Numerical Study of a Microturbine Combustor 

      Møller-Pedersen, Lars (Master thesis, 2018-06-21)
      Microturbines are small-scale gas turbine engines with a power range of 20 to 500 kW, typically used for off-grid power generation or mechanical drive scenarios. The technology also shows potential in combination with ...
    • A numerical study of ammonia dispersion in an industrial area with the CFD tool FLACS 

      Kjørsvik-Abbedissen, Rebecca (Master thesis, 2018-06-20)
      As the use of ammonia increases, knowledge about dispersion patterns and dispersion tendencies is of enhanced importance. Due to its toxic nature, very few realistic experiments of ammonia dispersion in complex situations ...