• Bifurcation Points for Tropical Cyclone Genesis and Intensification in Sheared and Dry Environments 

      Nam, Chaehyeon; Bell, Michael; Tao, Dandan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The combination of moderate vertical wind shear (VWS) and dry environments can produce the most uncertain scenarios for tropical cyclone (TC) genesis and intensification. We investigated the sources of increased uncertainty ...
    • The BLLAST field experiment: Boundary-Layer late afternoon and sunset turbulence 

      Lothon, Marie; Louhou, Fabienne; Pino, David; Couvreux, Fleur; Pardyjak, Erik; Reuder, Joachim; Vilà-Guerau De Arellano, Jordi; Durand, Pierre; Hartogensis, Oscar K.; Legain, Dominique; Augustin, Patrick V.; Gioli, Beniamino; Lenschow, Donald H.; Faloona, Ian C.; Yagüe, Carlos; Alexander, Daniel C.; Angevine, Wayne M.; Bargain, Erwan; Barrié, Joël; Bazile, Eric; Bezombes, Yannick; Blay-Carreras, Estel; Van De Boer, Anneke; Boichard, Jean Luc; Bourdon, Anne; Butet, Alain; Campistron, Bernard A.; De Coster, Olivier; Cuxart, Joan; Dabas, Alain M.; Darbieu, Clara; Deboudt, Karine; Delbarre, Hervé; Derrien, Solène; Flament, Pascal; Fourmentin, Marc; Garai, Anirban; Gibert, Fabien; Graf, Alexander T.; Gröbner, Julian; Guichard, Françoise; Jiménez, Mantonia Antonia; Jonassen, Marius Opsanger; Van Den Kroonenberg, Aline C.; Magliulo, Vincenzo; Martin, Sabrina; Martinez, Daniel; Mastrorillo, Laurence; Moene, Arnold F.; Molinos, Francisco Lendinez; Moulin, Emilie; Pietersen, Henk P.; Piguet, Bruno; Pique, Eric; Román-Cascón, Carlos; Rufin-Soler, Caroline; Saïd, Frédérique; Sastre-Marugán, Mariano; Seity, Yann; Steeneveld, Gert Jan; Toscano, Piero; Traullé, Olivier; Tzanos, Diane; Wacker, Stefan; Wildmann, Norman; Zaldei, Alessandro (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-10-16)
      Due to the major role of the sun in heating the earth's surface, the atmospheric planetary boundary layer over land is inherently marked by a diurnal cycle. The afternoon transition, the period of the day that connects the ...
    • Bottom melting of Arctic Sea Ice in the Nansen Basin due to Atlantic Water influence 

      Muilwijk, Morven Korneel (Master thesis, 2016-05-24)
      The hydrographic situation for a region north of Svalbard is investigated using observations from the Norwegian Young Sea Ice Cruise (N-ICE2015). Observations from January to June 2015 are compared to historical observations ...
    • A brief history of climate – the northern seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to global warming 

      Eldevik, Tor; Risebrobakken, Bjørg; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth; Andersson, Carin; Birks, Harry John Betteley; Dokken, Trond Martin; Drange, Helge; Glessmer, Mirjam Sophia; Li, Camille; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie; Otterå, Odd Helge; Richter, Kristin; Skagseth, Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-12)
      The understanding of climate and climate change is fundamentally concerned with two things: a well-defined and sufficiently complete climate record to be explained, for example of observed temperature, and a relevant ...
    • Bruk og misbruk av klimaframskrivninger 

      Sorteberg, Asgeir (Journal article, 2009)
      Forskere er avhengig av pålitelige klimaframskrivninger for å kunne si hvilke konsekvenser klimaforandringer får for mennesker og samfunn i framtiden. Men hva kan klimaframskrivninger brukes til og hvordan bør de brukes?
    • Calibration and assessment of electrochemical low-cost sensors in remote alpine harsh environments 

      Dallo, Frederico; Zannoni, Daniele; Gabrieli, Jacopo; Cristofanelli, Paolo; Calzolari, Francescopiero; de Blasi, Fabrizio; Spolaor, Andrea; Battistel, Dario; Lodi, Rachele; Cairns, Warren R. L.; Fjæraa, Ann Mari; Bonasoni, Paolo; Barbante, Carlo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      This work presents results from an original open-source low-cost sensor (LCS) system developed to measure tropospheric O3 in a remote high altitude alpine site. Our study was conducted at the Col Margherita Observatory ...
    • Calving rates at tidewater glaciers vary strongly with ocean temperature 

      Luckman, Adrian; Benn, Doug; Cottier, Finlo; Bevan, Suzanne; Nilsen, Frank; Inall, Mark (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-10-09)
      Rates of ice mass loss at the calving margins of tidewater glaciers (frontal ablation rates) are a key uncertainty in sea level rise projections. Measurements are difficult because mass lost is replaced by ice flow at ...
    • Can Areawide Building Retrofitting Affect the Urban Microclimate? An LES Study for Berlin, Germany 

      Maronga, Bjørn; Winkler, Matthias; Li, Dan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In this work, we investigate the effect of areawide building retrofitting on summertime, street-level outdoor temperatures in an urban district in Berlin, Germany. We perform two building-resolving, weeklong large-eddy ...
    • Cancellation of the precessional cycle in δ18O records during the Early Pleistocene 

      Morée, Anne; Sun, Tianyi; Bretones, Anaïs; Straume, Eivind Olavson; Nisancioglu, Kerim Hestnes; Gebbie, Geoffrey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The dominant pacing of glacial‐interglacial cycles in deep‐ocean δ18O records changed substantially during the Mid‐Pleistocene Transition. The precessional cycle (∼23 ky) is absent during the Early Pleistocene, which we ...
    • Carbon and oxygen fluxes in the Barents and Norwegian Seas : production, air-sea exchange and budget calculations 

      Kivimäe, Caroline (Doctoral thesis, 2007-08-17)
      This thesis focus on the carbon and oxygen fluxes in the Barents and Norwegian Seas and presents four studies where the main topics are variability of biological production, air-sea exchange and budget calculations. The ...
    • Carbon to nutrient ratios in marine systems: understanding natural variability Studies of seasonal, inter-annual and regional variability 

      Frigstad, Helene (Doctoral thesis, 2012-06-29)
      Ecological stoichiometry deals with the coupling of the carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycles at the base of the aquatic food webs. Variation in C:N:P stoichiometry is driven by a multitude of factors, and the ...
    • Causes of the large warm bias in the Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone in the Norwegian Earth System Model 

      Koseki, Shunya; Keenlyside, Noel; Demissie, Teferi Dejene; Toniazzo, Thomas; Counillon, Francois; Bethke, Ingo; Ilicak, Mehmet; Shen, Mao-Lin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We have investigated the causes of the sea surface temperature (SST) bias in the Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone (ABFZ) of the southeastern Atlantic Ocean simulated by the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). Similar to ...
    • Certain aspects of high latitude climate variability 

      Sorokina, Svetlana (Doctoral thesis, 2014-06-13)
    • Challenges in seismic hazard assessment: Analyses of ground motion modelling and seismotectonic sources 

      Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger (Doctoral thesis, 2006-06-21)
      Seismic hazard assessment has an important societal impact in describing levels of ground motions to be expected in a given region in the future. Challenges in seismic hazard assessment are closely associated with the fact ...
    • Changes in atmospheric variability in a glacial climate and the impacts on proxy data: a model intercomparison 

      Pausata, Francesco S. R.; Li, Camille; Wettstein, Justin; Nisancioglu, Kerim Hestnes; Battisti, David Stephen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-09-11)
      Using four different climate models, we investigate sea level pressure variability in the extratropical North Atlantic in the preindustrial climate (1750 AD) and at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21 kyrs before present) ...
    • Changes in the properties and distribution of the intermediate and deep waters in the Fram Strait 

      Langehaug, Helene Reinertsen; Falck, Eva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-04)
      The Fram Strait is the only deep connection between the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic Seas (Greenland, Iceland, and Norwegian Seas), with a sill depth of approximately 2600 m. Consequently, observations from this area reflect ...
    • Characterisation of Single Wind Turbine Wakes with Static and Scanning WINTWEX-W LiDAR Data 

      Kumer, Valerie-Marie; Reuder, Joachim; Svardal, Benny; Sætre, Camilla; Eecen, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      With further development of LiDAR technology wake measurements by use of LiDAR became of common interest in the wind energy community. To study new measurement strategies of scanning and nacelle LiDARs, in combination with ...
    • Characterising the local and intense water cycle during a cold air outbreak in the Nordic Seas 

      Papritz, Lukas; Sodemann, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Air masses in marine cold air outbreaks (CAOs) at high latitudes undergo a remarkable diabatic transformation because of the uptake of heat and moisture from the ocean surface, and the formation of precipitation. In this ...
    • Characteristics and Transformation of Pacific Winter Water on the Chukchi Sea Shelf in Late Spring 

      Pacini, Astrid; Moore, George William Kent; Pickart, Robert S.; Nobre, Carolina; Bahr, Frank; Våge, Kjetil; Arrigo, Kevin R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Data from a late spring survey of the northeast Chukchi Sea are used to investigate various aspects of newly ventilated winter water (NVWW). More than 96% of the water sampled on the shelf was NVWW, the saltiest (densest) ...
    • Characteristics of Cold-Air Outbreak Events and Associated Polar Mesoscale Cyclogenesis over the North Atlantic Region 

      Terpstra, Annick; Renfrew, Ian A.; Sergeev, Denis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Equatorward excursions of cold polar air masses into ice-free regions, so-called Cold Air Outbreaks (CAO), are frequently accompanied by the development of severe mesoscale weather features. Focusing on two key regions, ...