Now showing items 189-208 of 1228

    • Coupled Al-Si geochemistry in an ocean general circulation model: A tool for the validation of oceanic dust deposition fields? 

      Gehlen, M.; Heinze, Christoph; Maier-Reimer, E.; Measures, C. I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-03-19)
      We introduced the marine cycle of Al into a geochemical ocean general circulation model in order to assess the potential of modeled surface ocean dissolved Al as a tracer for dust input to the world ocean. The geochemical ...
    • Coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean dynamics in Dansgaard-Oeschger events 

      Li, Camille; Born, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-11-10)
      The Dansgaard-Oeschger events of the last ice age are among the best studied abrupt climate changes, yet a comprehensive explanation is still lacking. They are most pronounced in the North Atlantic, where they manifest as ...
    • Coupled atmosphere–ocean observations of a cold-air outbreak and its impact on the Iceland Sea 

      Renfrew, Ian A.; Huang, Jie; Semper, Stefanie; Barrell, Christopher; Terpstra, Annick; Pickart, Robert S.; Våge, Kjetil; Elvidge, Andrew D.; Spengler, Thomas; Strehl, Anna-Marie; Weiss, Alexandra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Marine cold-air outbreaks (CAOs) are vigorous equatorward excursions of cold air over the ocean, responsible for the majority of wintertime oceanic heat loss from the subpolar seas of the North Atlantic. However, the impact ...
    • Coupled stratosphere-troposphere-Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and its importance for near-future climate projection 

      Omrani, Nour-Eddine; Keenlyside, Noel Sebastian; Matthes, Katja; Boljka, Lina; Zanchettin, Davide; Jungclaus, Johann H.; Lubis, Sandro W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Northern Hemisphere (NH) climate has experienced various coherent wintertime multidecadal climate trends in stratosphere, troposphere, ocean, and cryosphere. However, the overall mechanistic framework linking these trends ...
    • Critical vulnerabilities of marine and sea ice–based ecosystems in the high Arctic 

      Johannessen, Ola M.; Miles, Martin W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-12-01)
      The objectives of this paper are to summarise: (1) observed 20th-century and projected 21st-century changes in key components of the Arctic climate system and (2) probable impacts on the Arctic marine environment, with ...
    • Current shear and turbulence during a near-inertial wave 

      Röhrs, Johannes; Halsne, Trygve; Sutherland, Graig; Dagestad, Knut-Frode; Hole, Lars Robert; Brostrøm, Gøran; Christensen, Kai Håkon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-11)
      Surface currents and turbulent mixing were observed during a near-inertial wave (NIW) using an accousting doppler current profiler (ADCP) and satellite-tracked drifters. Drifter trajectories sampled at three depth levels ...
    • Current systematic carbon-cycle observations and the need for implementing a policy-relevant carbon observing system 

      Ciais, Philippe; Dolman, AJ; Bombelli, A; Duren, R; Peregon, A; Rayner, PJ; Miller, C; Gobron, N; Kinderman, G; Marland, G; Gruber, N; Chevallier, F; Andres, RJ; Balsamo, G; Bopp, L; Breon, F-M; Broquet, G; Dargaville, R; Battin, TJ; Borges, A; Bovensmann, H; Buchwitz, M; Butler, J; Canadell, JG; Cook, RB; Defries, R; Engelen, R; Gurney, KR; Heinze, Christoph; Heimann, M; Held, A; Henry, M; Law, B; Luyssaert, S; Miller, J; Moriyama, T; Moulin, C; Myneni, RB; Nussli, C; Obersteiner, M; Ojima, D; Pan, Y; Paris, J-D; Piao, SL; Poulter, B; Plummer, S; Quegan, S; Raymond, P; Reichstein, M; Rivier, L; Sabine, C; Schimel, D; Tarasova, O; Valentini, R; Wang, R; Van, Der,Werf,G; Wickland, D; Williams, M; Zehner, C (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-07-03)
      A globally integrated carbon observation and analysis system is needed to improve the fundamental understanding of the global carbon cycle, to improve our ability to project future changes, and to verify the effectiveness ...
    • Currents on the northern shelf of the Yellow Sea 

      Lin, Fan; Asplin, Lars; Budgell, William Paul; Wei, Hao; Fang, Jianguang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The currents of the northern shelf of the Yellow Sea are investigated using observations of current and hydrography and numerical current model results. The Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) with a horizontal resolution ...
    • Cyclone Intensification in the Kuroshio Region and its relation to the Sea Surface Temperature Front and Upper‐Level Forcing 

      Tsopouridis, Leonidas; Spensberger, Clemens; Spengler, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The Northwest Pacific features strong sea surface temperature (SST) gradients providing favourable conditions for wintertime cyclone intensification in the midlatitudes. To estimate the relative contribution of the SST ...
    • Data assimilation as a learning tool to infer ordinary differential equation representations of dynamical models 

      Bocquet, Marc; Brajard, Julien; Carrassi, Alberto; Bertino, Laurent (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Recent progress in machine learning has shown how to forecast and, to some extent, learn the dynamics of a model from its output, resorting in particular to neural networks and deep learning techniques. We will show how ...
    • Data assimilation using adaptive, non-conservative, moving mesh models 

      Aydogdu, Ali; Carrassi, Alberto; Guider, Colin T.; Jones, Chris K.R.T.; Rampal, Pierre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Numerical models solved on adaptive moving meshes have become increasingly prevalent in recent years. Motivating problems include the study of fluids in a Lagrangian frame and the presence of highly localized structures ...
    • Data availability principles and practice 

      Smith, J. A.; Cessi, P.; Fer, Ilker; Foltz, G.; Fox-Kemper, Baylor; Heywood, Karen; Jones, N.; Klymak, Jody; Lacasce, Joseph Henry (Journal article, 2020)
    • A dataset of direct observations of sea ice drift and waves in ice 

      Rabault, Jean; Müller, Malte; Voermans, Joey; Brazhnikov, Dmitry; Turnbull, Ian; Marchenko, Aleksey; Biuw, Martin; Nose, Takehiko; Waseda, Takuji; Johansson, Malin; Breivik, Øyvind; Sutherland, Graig; Hole, Lars Robert; Johnson, Mark; Jensen, Atle; Gundersen, Olav; Kristoffersen, Yngve; Babanin, Alexander; Tedesco, Paulina Souza; Christensen, Kai Håkon; Kristiansen, Martin; Hope, Gaute; Kodaira, Tsubasa; Martins de Aguiar, Victor Cesar; Taelman, Catherine Cecilia A; Quigley, Cornelius Patrick; Filchuk, Kirill; Mahoney, Andrew R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Variability in sea ice conditions, combined with strong couplings to the atmosphere and the ocean, lead to a broad range of complex sea ice dynamics. More in-situ measurements are needed to better identify the phenomena ...
    • Dealing with uncertainty in ecosystem models along three axes; resolution, forcing and projections 

      Nilsen, Ina (Doctoral thesis, 2023-05-24)
      With the imminent threat of climate change, there is an urgent need to understand how warmer temperatures will affect marine ecosystems. Models provide the best tools to study the future, but although great efforts have ...
    • Decadal Changes in Ventilation and Anthropogenic Carbon in the Nordic Seas 

      Jeansson, Emil; Tanhua, Toste; Olsen, Are; Smethie Jr., William M.; Rajasakaren, Balamuralli; Olafsdóttir, Solveig R.; Ólafsson, Jón (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We evaluate the decadal evolution of ventilation and anthropogenic carbon (Cant) in the Nordic Seas between 1982 and the 2010s. Ventilation changes on decadal timescale are identified by evaluating decadal changes in mean ...
    • Decadal Predictability of the North Atlantic Eddy-Driven Jet in Winter 

      Marcheggiani, Andrea; Robson, Jon; Monerie, Paul-Arthur; Bracegirdle, Thomas J.; Smith, Doug (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This paper expands on work showing that the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is predictable on decadal timescales to quantify the skill in capturing the North Atlantic eddy-driven jet's location and speed. By focusing ...
    • Decadal prediction of Sahel rainfall: where does the skill (or lack thereof) come from? 

      Mohino, Elsa; Keenlyside, Noel; Pohlmann, Holger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-12)
      Previous works suggest decadal predictions of Sahel rainfall could be skillful. However, the sources of such skill are still under debate. In addition, previous results are based on short validation periods (i.e. less than ...
    • Decadal solar irradiance variability in northern Europe 

      Parding, Kajsa (Doctoral thesis, 2014-11-28)
      Shortwave (SW) radiation from the Sun is the external energy source on Earth and the fundamental input of energy into the climate system. Variations of the SW radiation and its transfer through the atmosphere can have ...
    • Decadal trends in ocean acidification from the Ocean Weather Station M in the Norwegian Sea 

      Skjelvan, Ingunn; Lauvset, Siv Kari; Johannessen, Truls; Gundersen, Kjell; Skagseth, Øystein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The Ocean Weather Station M (OWSM) is situated at a fixed position in the Norwegian Sea, one of the major basins of the Nordic Seas, which represents an important area for uptake of atmospheric CO2 as well as deep water ...
    • Decadal Trends in the Oceanic Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon From 1994 to 2014 

      Müller, Jens Daniel; Gruber, N.; Carter, B.; Feely, R.; Ishii, M.; Lange, N.; Lauvset, Siv Kari; Murata, A.; Olsen, Are; Pérez, F.F.; Sabine, C.; Tanhua, T.; Wanninkhof, R.; Zhu, D. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The oceanic uptake and resulting storage of the anthropogenic CO2 (Cant) that humans have emitted into the atmosphere moderates climate change. Yet our knowledge about how this uptake and storage has progressed in time ...