• CFD Analysis of Explosions with Hydrogen-Methane-Air Mixtures in Congested Geometries 

      Lucas, Melodia Perez; Hisken, Helene; Skjold, Trygve; Arntzen, Bjørn Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Hydrogen is an enabler for de-carbonising the energy system in Europe by 2050. In the UK, several projects are investigating the feasibility of gradually blending hydrogen into the natural gas pipelines with the aim to ...
    • CFD estimation of a resistance coefficient for an egg-shaped geometric dome 

      Domagala, Mariusz; Aga, Halvor Larsson; Bikass, Saeed; Momeni, Hassan; Stenfelt, Gloria Maria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In aquaculture, new production technologies are under development and testing. One promising type of technology is the closed floating cage. Egget® is one of these newly developed technologies, which is egg-shaped and ...
    • CFD modelling of hydrogen and hydrogen-methane explosions – Analysis of varying concentration and reduced oxygen atmospheres 

      Lucas, Melodia Perez; Hisken, Helene; Skjold, Trygve; Arntzen, Bjørn Johan; van Wingerden, Kees (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This paper evaluates the predictive capabilities of the advanced consequence model FLACS-CFD for deflagrations involving hydrogen. Two modelling approaches are presented: the extensively validated model system originally ...
    • CFD-Model for the Photothermal Conversion Process in Ionic Nanofluids 

      Lucas, Melodia Perez (Master thesis, 2018-06-20)
      Harnessing energy from a sustainable source like the Sun may be one of the key solutions for the increasing demand of energy. However, conventional solar harvesters are relatively low efficient so that use of solar energy ...
    • Challenges and Strategic Research Plans for Earth and Heliosphere: Research Infrastructures, Projects and Initiatives 

      Mann, Ingrid; Kauristie, Kirsti; Bamford, Ruth; McCrea, Ian; Moen, Jøran Idar; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Yamauchi, Masanori; Johnsen, Magnar Gullikstad; Turunen, Esa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-07-24)
      We describe existing research infrastructures relevant for space weather and open issues of space weather research including the need for sustainable observation networks and for high-quality data products as basis for ...
    • Challenges related to storage and transfer of solar energy with a case study on long distance power transfer 

      Kvernevik, Eirik Bøhn (Master thesis, 2010-06-21)
      The challenges that will be discussed in this thesis are two-fold; the problems related to trans- mission of power over long distances, and the need for energy storage, especially at night. Both of the issues are accentuated ...
    • Challenges, limitations, and measurement strategies to ensure data quality in deep-sea sensors 

      Skålvik, Astrid Marie; Sætre, Camilla; Frøysa, Kjell Eivind; Bjørk, Ranveig Nygaard; Tengberg, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-06)
      In this paper we give an overview of factors and limitations impairing deep-sea sensor data, and we show how automatic tests can give sensors self-validation and self-diagnostic capabilities. This work is intended to lay ...
    • Challenging aspects of critical thinking : A mixed-methods study of students’ test results, students’ reasoning, and teaching strategies 

      Paulsen, Vegard Havre (Doctoral thesis, 2022-04-21)
      There is a growing focus on critical thinking throughout the education system. Overall, the efforts that have been made to improve students’ critical thinking have not yielded the desired results. This could indicate a ...
    • Characterising Mesoscale Fast Flow Channels in the Polar Cap Ionosphere 

      Herlingshaw, Katie (Doctoral thesis, 2021-01-22)
      The large-scale ionospheric convection that circulates in the high-latitude polar caps was initially assumed to be a smooth, laminar flow. However, it has now come to light that this is an oversimplified understanding of ...
    • Characteristics and Meteorological Environment of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes 

      Maiorana, Carolina (Doctoral thesis, 2021-05-28)
      This thesis investigates the geographic and meteorological conditions in which Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) are produced. TGFs are submillisecond bursts of gamma radiation produced inside thunderclouds in association ...
    • Characteristics of fragmented aurora-like emissions (FAEs) observed on Svalbard 

      Dreyer, Joshua; Partamies, Noora; Whiter, Daniel; Ellingsen, Pål Gunnar; Baddeley, Lisa; Buchert, Stephan C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      This study analyses the observations of a new type of small-scale aurora-like feature, which is further referred to as fragmented aurora-like emission(s) (FAEs). An all-sky camera captured these FAEs on three separate ...
    • Characteristics of the flank magnetopause: Cluster observations 

      Haaland, Stein; Reistad, Jone Peter; Tenfjord, Paul; Gjerloev, Jesper W.; Maes, Lukas; deKeyser, Johan; Maggiolo, Romain; Anekallu, Chrandrasehkar; Dorville, Nicolas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-11)
      The magnetopause is a current sheet forming the boundary between the geomagnetic field on one side and the shocked solar wind on the other side. This paper discusses properties of the low-latitude dawn and dusk flanks of ...
    • Characteristics of the Flank Magnetopause: MMS Results 

      Haaland, Stein; Paschmann, Götz; Oieroset, M; Phan, Tai D.; Hasegawa, Hiroshi; Fuselier, Stephen; COnstantinescu, Vlad; Eriksson, Stefan; Trattner, Karlheinz J.; Fadanelli, Sid; Tenfjord, Paul; Lavraud, Benoit; Norgren, Astrid Elisabet Cecilia; Eastwood, Jonathan P.; Hietala, Heli; Burch, J (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      We have used a large number of magnetopause crossings by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission to investigate macroscopic properties of this current sheet, with emphasis on the flanks of the magnetopause. Macroscopic ...
    • Characteristics of the Flank Magnetopause: THEMIS Observations 

      Haaland, Stein; Runov, Andrei; Artemyev, Anton; Angelopoulos, Vassillis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-30)
      The terrestrial magnetopause is the boundary that shields the Earth's magnetosphere on one side from the shocked solar wind and its embedded interplanetary magnetic field on the other side. In this paper, we show observations ...
    • Characterization and application of 3D silicon microdosimeters 

      Samnøy, Andreas Tefre (Doctoral thesis, 2020-12-11)
      The effect of ionizing radiation on biological matter differs significantly between the various types of radiation. For the same amount of absorbed energy, some forms of radiation are much more effective in inducing ...
    • Characterization and correction of errors in measured inherent optical properties: Multiple scattering errors in LISST-VSF measurements 

      Ugulen, Håvard Stavn (Doctoral thesis, 2023-11-28)
      Viktigheten av nøyaktige målinger av interaksjoner mellom lys og partikler i marine miljøer har økt de siste årene grunnet den økende interessen for miljøovervåkning, satellittmålinger, og trådløs optisk undervannskommunikasjon. ...
    • Characterization of a neutral helium beam for helium microscopy 

      Andersen, Truls (Master thesis, 2015-06-29)
      Neutral helium beam microscopy is a new development in scientific instrumentation where neutral helium atoms are utilized to image a sample. The main advantage of using neutral helium is the significantly smaller energy ...
    • Characterization of Associating Polymer (AP) Solutions. Influences on flow behavior by the degree of hydrophobicity and salinity 

      Perttamo, Elise Kvåle (Master thesis, 2013-06-02)
      The most applied polymer today for chemical improved oil recovery (IOR) processes, such as polymer flood and/or polymer well treatments, is the synthetic partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) and its derivatives. ...
    • Characterization of boron-coated silicon sensors for thermal neutron detection 

      Mehendale, Shruti Vineet; Kanaki, Kalliopi; Povoli, Marco; Samnøy, Andreas Tefre; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Kok, Angela; Höglund, Carina; Schmidt, Susann; Kazi, Saima Sultana; Llamas-Jansa, Isabel; Kittelmann, Thomas; Lai, Chung-Chuan; Hansen, Thor-Erik; Pospisil, S.; Slavíček, Tomáš; Røhrich, Dieter; Hall-Wilton, Richard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Silicon neutron detectors can operate at low voltage and come with ease of fabrication and the possibility of integration of readout electronics and thus are attractive from an application point of view. In this paper, we ...
    • Characterization of Hyper Spectral Irradiance and Radiance Sensors 

      Tveiterås, Jørund Haldorson (Master thesis, 2013-09-11)
      It is surprisingly problematic to to accurately measure light in the laboratory. Even more so when measuring in the field. There are lots of areas where measuring light spectrum and irradiance outside a laboratory is of ...