• Covering Vectors by Spaces in Perturbed Graphic Matroids and Their Duals 

      Fomin, Fedor; Golovach, Petr; Lokshtanov, Daniel; Saurabh, Saket; Zehavi, Meirav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Perturbed graphic matroids are binary matroids that can be obtained from a graphic matroid by adding a noise of small rank. More precisely, an r-rank perturbed graphic matroid M is a binary matroid that can be represented ...
    • Creating a Virtual Reality Orchestral Concert Experience With 3D Audio 

      Røsvik, Per Magne (Master thesis, 2020-06-16)
      With the emergence of Virtual Reality (VR) and recent advancements on both the hardware and software side, VR is now available to the masses and a plethora of new experiences can be made and explored by people and researchers. ...
    • Creating Capture-the-Flag Challenges Inspired by Common Crypto Mistakes 

      Lone, Simen Karlsen (Master thesis, 2020-06-25)
    • CRISPR Genome Editing Made Easy Through the CHOPCHOP Website 

      Labun, Kornel; Krause, Maximilian; Torres Cleuren, Yamila Nicole; Valen, Eivind Dale (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The design of optimal guide RNA (gRNA) sequences for CRISPR systems is challenged by the need to achieve highly efficient editing at the desired location (on-target editing) with minimal editing at unintended locations ...
    • A critical view on Public Key Infrastructures 

      Tjøstheim, Thomas (Master thesis, 2004)
    • Cross-Site Scripting Protection in Firefox. Creating a filter for Firefox protecting against Reflected cross-site scripting attacks 

      Vikne, Andreas Svardal (Master thesis, 2018-08-21)
      One of the most dominant threats against web applications is the class of script injection attacks, also called cross-site scripting. This class of attacks affects the client-side of a web application, and is a critical ...
    • Cryptanalysis of AES 

      Rye, Kristoffer Zakariassen (Master thesis, 2020-07-04)
      This thesis consists of an introductory part of how the symmetric cipher AES works in detail and how truncated differential cryptanalysis can be used to break some round reduced versions of AES. All the main attacks in ...
    • Cryptanalysis of Cryptographic Primitives and Related Topics 

      Hassanzadeh, Seyed Mehdi Mohammad (Doctoral thesis, 2011-09-09)
      This thesis has focused on the cryptanalysis of cryptographic primitives especially stream ciphers which is an important topic in cryptography. Additionally, the security of network coding is discussed and improved with a ...
    • Cryptographically strong permutations from the butterfly structure 

      Li, Kangquan; Li, Chunlei; Helleseth, Tor; Qu, Longjiang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Boomerang connectivity table is a new tool to characterize the vulnerability of cryptographic functions against boomerang attacks. Consequently, a cryptographic function is desired to have boomerang uniformity as low as ...
    • Cryptology in the Crowd 

      Heum, Hans Waardal (Doctoral thesis, 2023-12-08)
      Uhell skjer: Kanskje mistet du nøkkelen til huset, eller hadde PIN-koden til innbruddsalarmen skrevet på en dårlig plassert post-it lapp. Og kanskje endte de slik opp i hendene på feil person, som nå kan påføre livet ditt ...
    • Current Trends for 4D Space-Time Topology for Semantic Flow Segmentation 

      Matković, Krešimir; Lež, Alan; Hauser, Helwig; Pobitzer, Armin; Theisel, Holger; Kuhn, Alexander; Otto, Mathias; Peikert, Ronald; Schindler, Benjamin; Fuchs, Raphael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)
    • Curve Density Estimates 

      Lampe, Ove Daae; Hauser, Helwig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-06-28)
      In this work, we present a technique based on kernel density estimation for rendering smooth curves. With this approach, we produce uncluttered and expressive pictures, revealing frequency information about one, or, multiple ...
    • Curve-Centric Volume Reformation for Comparative Visualization 

      Lampe, Ove Daae; Correa, Carlos; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Hauser, Helwig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-10-11)
      We present two visualization techniques for curve-centric volume reformation with the aim to create compelling comparative visualizations. A curve-centric volume reformation deforms a volume, with regards to a curve in ...
    • Cyclability in Graph Classes 

      Crespelle, Christophe Dominique; Feghali, Carl; Golovach, Petr (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      A subset T subseteq V(G) of vertices of a graph G is said to be cyclable if G has a cycle C containing every vertex of T, and for a positive integer k, a graph G is k-cyclable if every subset of vertices of G of size at ...
    • Cyclability in graph classes 

      Crespelle, Christophe Dominique; Golovach, Petr (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      A subset T ⊆ V(G) of vertices of a graph G is said to be cyclable if G has a cycle C containing every vertex of T, and for a positive integer k, a graph G is k-cyclable if every set of vertices of size at most k is cyclable. ...
    • Cystatin C is glucocorticoid responsive, directs recruitment of Trem2+ macrophages, and predicts failure of cancer immunotherapy 

      Kleeman, Sam O.; Thakir, Tuba Mansoor; Demestichas, Breanna; Mourikis, Nicholas; Loiero, Dominik; Ferrer, Miriam; Bankier, Sean; Riazat-Kesh, Yosef J.R.A.; Lee, Hassal; Chantzichristos, Dimitrios; Regan, Claire; Preall, Jonathan; Sinha, Sarthak; Rosin, Nicole; Yipp, Bryan; de Almeida, Luiz G.N.; Biernaskie, Jeff; Dufour, Antoine; Tober-Lau, Pinkus; Ruusalepp, Arno; Bjorkegren, Johan L.M.; Ralser, Markus; Kurth, Florian; Demichev, Vadim; Heywood, Todd; Gao, Qing; Johannsson, Gudmundur; Koelzer, Viktor H.; Walker, Brian R.; Meyer, Hannah V.; Janowitz, Tobias (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Cystatin C (CyC), a secreted cysteine protease inhibitor, has unclear biological functions. Many patients exhibit elevated plasma CyC levels, particularly during glucocorticoid (GC) treatment. This study links GCs with ...
    • Data Acquisition and Testing Software for a Proton Computed Tomography System 

      Underdal, Håkon Andreas (Master thesis, 2019-06-29)
    • Data clustering optimization with visualization 

      Guillaume, Fabien (Master thesis, 2014-03-20)
      This thesis study the possible applications of Particle Swarm Optimization in Kernel Clustering, Dynamic modeling and Artificial Neural Network.
    • Data partitioning enables the use of standard SOAP Web Services in genome-scale workflows 

      Sztromwasser, Paweł; Puntervoll, Pål; Petersen, Kjell (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)
      Biological databases and computational biology tools are provided by research groups around the world, and made accessible on the Web. Combining these resources is a com- mon practice in bioinformatics, but integration of ...