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Faculty of Humanities [3915]
Faculty of Law [2711]
Faculty of Medicine [9080]
Faculty of Psychology [3485]
Faculty of Social Sciences [4487]
Publication series [608]
University of Bergen Library [10439]
Nye registreringer
Møtet mellom mennesker og maskiner: En komparativ casestudie av blå– og hvitsnipparbeideres samspill med kunstig intelligens i olje- og energisektoren i Stavanger
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Kunstig intelligens og dens ekspansjon har tatt hele verdens oppmerksomhet med sitt potensiale. Feltet påvirker majoriteten av yrker, og det er derfor viktig for sosiologer å undersøke kunstig intelligens i alle dimensjoner ... -
An experimental study of foams stabilized by anionic and non-ionic surfactants for geological carbon storage in saline aquifers.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-17)CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) is regarded as an important contributor in mitigating CO2 emissions and combating climate change. With increased focus on CCS as an option to reduce CO2 emissions, new CCS projects include ... -
Investigating voltage ripple effects in PEM electrolysis: test protocol development and experimental characterisation
(Master thesis, 2024-08-01)PEM water electrolysis is a key technology for producing high-purity hydrogen with a compact design. However, the widespread adoption of PEM electrolysers faces challenges such as the high cost associated with the power ... -
Erstatningsansvar for brukere av kunstig intelligens
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Kunstig intelligens omfatter mange typer algoritmer og et stort mangfold av bruksområder. Teknologien har likevel enkelte fellestrekk, som antas å gi en utfordrende bevissituasjon for skadelidte, særlig i tilfeller der ... -
Diversity, habitat endemicity and trophic ecology of the fauna of Loki’s Castle vent field on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Loki’s Castle Vent Field (LCVF, 2300 m) was discovered in 2008 and represents the first black-smoker vent field discovered on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR). However, a comprehensive faunal inventory of the LCVF has not ...