• Assessing sampling coverage of species distribution in biodiversity databases 

      Sporbert, Maria; Bruelheide, Helge; Seidler, Gunnar; Keil, Petr; Jandt, Ute; Austrheim, Gunnar; Biurrun, Idoia; Campos, Juan Antonio; Čarni, Andraž; Chytrý, Milan; Csiky, János; De Bie, Els; Dengler, Jürgen; Golub, Valentin; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Indreica, Adrian; Jansen, Florian; Jiroušek, Martin; Lenoir, Jonathan; Luoto, Miska; Marcenó, Corrado; Moeslund, Jesper Erenskjold; Pérez-Haase, Aaron; Rūsiņa, Solvita; Vandvik, Vigdis; Vassilev, Kiril; Welk, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Aim: Biodiversity databases are valuable resources for understanding plant species distributions and dynamics, but they may insufficiently represent the actual geographic distribution and climatic niches of species. Here ...
    • Changing contributions of stochastic and deterministic processes in community assembly over a successional gradient 

      Måren, Inger Elisabeth; Kapfer, Jutta; Aarrestad, Per Arild; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Vandvik, Vigdis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      Successional dynamics in plant community assembly may result from both deterministic and stochastic ecological processes. The relative importance of different ecological processes is expected to vary over the successional ...
    • Do composition and richness of woody plants vary between gaps and closed canopy patches in subtropical forests? 

      Sharma, Lila Nath; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Måren, Inger Elisabeth; Vetaas, Ole Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Questions: Do composition and richness of woody plants differ between gaps and closed canopy in subtropical forests, and does this difference vary across life stages of tree species? Is tree species richness in gaps a ...
    • Does pollen-assemblage richness reflect floristic richness? A review of recent developments and future challenges 

      Birks, Harry John Betteley; Felde, Vivian Astrup; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Seppä, Heikki; Giesecke, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-05)
      Current interest and debate on pollen-assemblage richness as a proxy for past plant richness have prompted us to review recent developments in assessing whether modern pollen-assemblage richness reflects contemporary ...
    • Downhill shift of alpine plant assemblages under contemporary climate and land-use changes 

      Bhatta, Kuber Prasad; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Vetaas, Ole Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-01-10)
      Compositional changes in Himalayan vegetation in response to the major drivers of biodiver- sity loss, climate change and land-use change, are barely documented. We quantify temporal changes in the alpine vegetation of ...
    • The effects of a goal-framing and need-supportive app on undergraduates´ intentions, effort, and achievement in mobile science learning 

      Jeno, Lucas Matias; Dettweiler, Ulrich; Grytnes, John-Arvid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      In this study we investigate the effect of manipulating intrinsic goals, relative to extrinsic goals, in a mobile learning tool and traditional textbook for biology students. Using Self- Determination Theory, we hypothesized ...
    • Global endemics-area relationships of vascular plants 

      Hobohm, Carsten; Janišová, Monika; Steinbauer, Manuel; Landi, Sara; Field, Richard; Vanderplank, Sula; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Vetaas, Ole Reidar; Fidelis, Alessandra; de Nascimento, Lea; Clark, Vincent Ralph; Fernández-Palacios, José María; Franklin, Scott; Guarino, Riccardo; Huang, Jihong; Krestov, Pavel V.; Ma, Keping; Onipchenko, Vladimir G.; Palmer, Michael W.; Fragomeni Simon, Marcelo; Stolz, Christian; Chiarucci, Alessandro (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Endemics–Area Relationships (EARs) are fundamental in theoretical and applied biogeography for understanding distribution patterns and promoting biodiversity conservation. However, calculating EARs for vascular plant species ...
    • Identifying the driving factors behind observed elevational range shifts on European mountains 

      Grytnes, John-Arvid; Kapfer, Jutta; Jurasinski, Gerald; Birks, Hilary H.; Henriksen, Hanne; Klanderud, Kari; Odland, Arvid; Ohlson, Mikael; Wipf, Sonja; Birks, Harry John Betteley (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-04-13)
      Aim In recent decades species ranges have shifted upwards in elevation and northwards in latitude. These shifts are commonly interpreted as a response to recent climate warming. However, several alternative hypotheses have ...
    • The influence of spatial scales on Red List composition: Forest species in Fennoscandia 

      Tingstad, Lise; Gjerde, Ivar; Dahlberg, Anders; Grytnes, John-Arvid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      National Red Lists are widely used prioritizing tools for nature conservation. However, status and trends of species vary with scale, and accounting for a larger spatial scale may provide complementary perspectives for ...
    • Open-source data reveal how collections-based fungal diversity is sensitive to global change 

      Andrew, Carrie Joy; Büntgen, Ulf; Egli, Simon; Senn-Irlet, Beatrice; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Boddy, Lynne; Bässler, Claus; Gange, Alan C.; Heegaard, Einar; Høiland, Klaus; Kirk, Paul M.; Krisai-Greilhüber, Irmgard; Kuyper, Thomas W.; Kauserud, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Premise of the Study Fungal diversity (richness) trends at large scales are in urgent need of investigation, especially through novel situations that combine long‐term observational with environmental and remotely sensed ...
    • The potential to use documentation in national Red Lists to characterize red-listed forest species in Fennoscandia and to guide conservation 

      Tingstad, Lise; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Felde, Vivian Astrup; Juslén, Aino; Hyvärinen, Esko; Dahlberg, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-07)
      Loss of biodiversity is a pressing global issue, hence it is vital to facilitate informed and effective conservation. As conservation mainly operates at the level of habitats, aiming for species of conservation interest, ...
    • Red List updates and the robustness of sites selected for conservation of red-listed species 

      Gjerde, Ivar; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Heegaard, Einar; Sætersdal, Magne; Tingstad, Lise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-10-11)
      The long-term success of sites selected for species conservation depends on the persistence of target species. Red List species or threatened species lists are frequently defined as target species, but when Red Lists are ...
    • Species trait selection along a prescribed fire chronosequence 

      Bargmann, Tessa; Heegaard, Einar; Hatteland, Bjørn Arild; Chipperfield, Joseph; Grytnes, John-Arvid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-09)
      1. Fire is a widespread management practice used in the maintenance of European heathland. Frequent prescribed burns in small patches have been shown to benefit carabid communities; however, how fire favours specific ...
    • Species–area relationships in continuous vegetation: Evidence from Palaearctic grasslands 

      Dengler, Jürgen; Matthews, Thomas J.; Steinbauer, Manuel J.; Wolfrum, Sebastian; Boch, Steffen; Chiarucci, Alessandro; Conradi, Timo; Dembicz, Iwona; Marcenó, Corrado; García-Mijangos, Itziar; Nowak, Arkadiusz; Storch, David; Ulrich, Werner; Campos, Juan Antonio; Cancellieri, Laura; Carboni, Marta; Ciaschetti, Giampiero; De Frenne, Pieter; Doležal, Jiří; Dolnik, Christian; Essl, Franz; Fantinato, Edy; Filibeck, Goffredo; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Guarino, Riccardo; Güler, Behlül; Janišová, Monika; Klichowska, Ewelina; Kozub, Łukasz; Kuzemko, Anna; Manthey, Michael; Mimet, Anne; Naqinezhad, Alireza; Pedersen, Christian; Peet, Robert K.; Pellissier, Vincent; Pielech, Remigiusz; Potenza, Giovanna; Rosati, Leonardo; Terzi, Massimo; Valkó, Orsolya; Vynokurov, Denys; White, Hannah; Winkler, Manuela; Biurrun, Idoia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09-19)
      Aim: Species–area relationships (SARs) are fundamental scaling laws in ecology although their shape is still disputed. At larger areas, power laws best represent SARs. Yet, it remains unclear whether SARs follow other ...
    • Testing the METUX Model in Higher Education: Interface and Task Need–Satisfaction Predict Engagement, Learning, and Well-Being 

      Jeno, Lucas Matias; Diseth, Åge Røssing; Grytnes, John-Arvid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-24)
      The main aim of this study is to test the validity of the Motivation, Engagement, and Thriving in User Experience (METUX) model (Peters et al., 2018) in higher education. We propose a process model in which we investigate ...
    • Trophic interactions and abiotic factors drive functional and phylogenetic structure of vertebrate herbivore communities across the Arctic tundra biome 

      Speed, James David Mervyn; Skjelbred, Ina Åsnes; Barrio, Isabel C.; Martin, Michael David; Berteaux, Dominique; Bueno, Guillermo; Christie, Katie; Forbes, Bruce C.; Forbey, Jennifer; Fortin, Daniel; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Hoset, Katrine Skamfer; Lecomte, Nicolas; Marteinsdottir, Bryndis; Mosbacher, Jesper Bruun; Pedersen, Åshild Ø.; Ravolainen, Virve; Rees, Eileen C.; Skarin, Anna; Sokolova, Natalya; Thornhill, Andrew H; Tombre, Ingunn; Soininen, Eeva M (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Communities are assembled from species that evolve or colonise a given geographic region, and persist in the face of abiotic conditions and interactions with other species. The evolutionary and colonisation histories of ...
    • Unfenced Borders Cause Differences in Vegetation and Fauna Between Protected and Unprotected Areas in a Tropical Savanna 

      Nyamukuru, Antonia; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Tabuti, John Robert Stephen; Totland, Ørjan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09-04)
      Protected areas generally occur within a matrix of intensively human-modified landscapes. As a way to maintain the biodiversity in these areas, enclosure by fencing is often preferred. This strategy, however, is costly and ...
    • Upward shift in elevational plant species ranges in Sikkilsdalen, Central Norway 

      Felde, Vivian A.; Kapfer, Jutta; Grytnes, John-Arvid (Journal article, 2012)
      Phytosociological studies are an important tool to detect temporal vegetation changes in response to global climate change. In this study, we present the results of a resurvey of a plot-based phytosociological study from ...
    • Using Red List species in designating protection status to forest areas: a case study on the problem of spatio-temporal dynamics 

      Tingstad, Lise; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Sætersdal, Magne; Gjerde, Ivar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Red-listed species are often used as target species in selection of sites for conservation. However, limitations to their use have been pointed out, and here we address the problem of expected high spatio-temporal dynamics ...
    • Weighted average regression and environmental calibration as a tool for quantifying climate-driven changes in vegetation 

      Bhatta, Kuber Prasad; Birks, Harry John Betteley; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Vetaas, Ole Reidar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Aims: Studies of the climatic responses of plant assemblages via vegetation-based environmental reconstructions by weighted averaging (WA) regression and calibration are a recent development in modern vegetation ecology. ...