• Agreement Between Mothers and Fieldworkers While Assessing Child Development Using Ages and Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition in Nepal 

      Shrestha, Merina; Schwinger, Catherine; Hysing, Mari; Chandyo, Ram K; Ulak, Manjeswori; Ranjitkar, Suman; Kvestad, Ingrid; Sharma, Shakun; Shrestha, Laxman; Strand, Tor A (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background: The Ages and Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3) is becoming a widely used developmental assessment tool. The ASQ-3 can be completed by the caregivers (referred to as “mail out”), or by trained personnel ...
    • The assessment of developmental status using the Ages and Stages questionnaire-3 in nutritional research in north Indian young children 

      Kvestad, Ingrid; Taneja, Sunita; Kumar, Tivendra; Bhandari, Nita; Strand, Tor A.; Hysing, Mari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-04-23)
      Objective and background: For large epidemiological studies in low and middle-income countries, inexpensive and easily administered developmental assessment tools are called for. This report evaluates the feasibility of ...
    • The association between biomass fuel use for cooking and linear growth in young children in Bhaktapur, Nepal 

      Schwinger, Catherine; Kvestad, Ingrid; Chandyo, Ram Krishna; Chandyo, Manjeswori Ulak; Shrestha, Merina; Ranjitkar, Suman; Strand, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background There are still many people in the world who prepare their meals on open fires or stoves using solid fuels from biomass, especially in low-and middle-income countries. Although biomass cooking fuels have been ...
    • The Association Between Heart Rate Variability and Neurocognitive and Socio-Emotional Development in Nepalese Infants 

      Ask, Torvald F.; Ranjitkar, Suman; Manjeswori, Ulak; Chandyo, Ram Krishna; Hysing, Mari; Strand, Tor A; Kvestad, Ingrid; Shrestha, Laxman; Andreassen, Marita; Lugo, Ricardo Gregorio; Shilpakar, LB; Shrestha, Marina; Sütterlin, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-26)
      Background: Many young children in developing countries do not reach their developmental potential. Traditional methods for assessing developmental outcome are time consuming, thus, physiological measures that can contribute ...
    • The association between household biomass fuel use and leukocyte telomere length among toddlers in Bhaktapur, Nepal 

      Chandyo, Ram Krishna; Schwinger, Catherine Monika; Kvestad, Ingrid; Chandyo, Manjeswori Ulak; Ranjitkar, Suman; Shrestha, Merina; Nguyen, Linda Vy; Corona-Perez, Diana; DeVivo, Immaculata; Shrestha, Laxman; Strand, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background Biomass fuels are still in use for cooking by many households in resource poor countries such as Nepal and is a major source of household air pollution (HAP). Chronic exposure to HAP has been shown to be associated ...
    • Biological Risks and Neurodevelopment in Young North Indian Children 

      Kvestad, Ingrid (Doctoral thesis, 2016-01-26)
      Background. Children growing up in poverty face multiple biological and psychosocial risks, some of which are primarily found in low to middle income countries. Unfavourable biological circumstances, such as inadequate ...
    • Biomarkers and Fatty Fish Intake: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Norwegian Preschool Children 

      Solvik, Beate Stokke; Øyen, Jannike; Kvestad, Ingrid; Markhus, Maria Wik; Ueland, Per Magne; McCann, Adrian; Strand, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background Biomarkers such as omega-3 (n–3) PUFAs, urinary iodine concentration (UIC), 1-methylhistidine (1-MH), and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) have been associated with fish intake in observational studies, but data ...
    • Biomass fuel use for cooking in Nepalese families and child cognitive abilities, results from a community-based study 

      Kvestad, Ingrid; Chandyo, Ram Krishna; Schwinger, Catherine; Ranjitkar, Suman; Hysing, Mari; Chandyo, Manjeswori Ulak; Shrestha, Merina; Shrestha, Laxman P.; Strand, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background Biomass fuel use for cooking is widespread in low to middle income countries. Studies on the association between biomass fuel use and cognitive abilities in children are limited. Objective To examine the association ...
    • Cobalamin and folate status in women during early pregnancy in Bhaktapur, Nepal 

      Schwinger, Catherine; Sharma, Shakun; Chandyo, Ram K; Hysing, Mari; Kvestad, Ingrid; Ulak, Manjeswori; Ranjitkar, Suman; Shrestha, Merina; Shrestha, Laxman; McCann, Adrian; Ueland, Per Magne; Strand, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The demand for cobalamin (vitamin B12) and folate is increased during pregnancy, and deficiency during pregnancy may lead to complications and adverse outcomes. Yet, the status of these micronutrients is unknown in many ...
    • Daily Folic Acid and/or Vitamin B12 Supplementation Between 6 and 30 Months of Age and Cardiometabolic Risk Markers After 6–7 Years: A Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial 

      Manapurath, Rukman; Strand, Tor Arne; Chowdhury, Ranadip; Kvestad, Ingrid; Yajnik, Chittaranjan S.; Bhandari, Nita; Taneja, Sunita (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background Deficiencies of vitamin B12 and folate are associated with elevated concentrations of metabolic markers related to CVDs. Objectives We investigated the effect of supplementation of vitamin B12 with or ...
    • «Det var godt å si det jeg hadde på hjertet» 

      Sayyad, Nawar; Randal, Sølve Bjørn; Bøe, Tormod; Kvestad, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Til tross for at barn og unges rett til å medvirke har fått økt oppmerksomhet på stort sett alle samfunnsområder, er det fortsatt vanskelig å implementere rettigheten. Denne artikkelen omhandler hvordan samarbeidet mellom ...
    • Determinants of Cognitive Development in the Early Life of Children in Bhaktapur, Nepal 

      Ranjitkar, Suman; Hysing, Mari; Kvestad, Ingrid; Shrestha, Merina; Ulak, Manjeswori; Shilpakar, Jaya Shree; Sintakala, Roshan; Chandyo, Ram Krishna; Shrestha, Laxman; Strand, Tor A (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12-06)
      Background: Children in low and middle income countries may have many risk factors for poor cognitive development, and are accordingly at a high risk of not reaching their developmental potential. Determinants for cognitive ...
    • Diarrhea, Stimulation and Growth Predict Neurodevelopment in Young North Indian Children 

      Kvestad, Ingrid; Taneja, Sunita; Hysing, Mari; Kumar, Tivendra; Bhandari, Nita; Strand, Tor A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-03-31)
      Background and Objective. Infants and young children in low to middle-income countries are at risk for adverse neurodevelopment due to multiple risk factors. In this study, we sought to identify stimulation and learning ...
    • Dietary diversity and child development in the far west of Nepal: A cohort study 

      Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L.; Shrestha, Merina; Fawzi, Wafaie W.; Pasqualino, Monica; Strand, Tor A; Kvestad, Ingrid; Hysing, Mari; Joshi, Neena; Lohani, Mahendra; Miller, Laurie C (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-03)
      Poverty adversely affects child development through multiple pathways in low- and middle-income countries. Relationships between diet and child development are poorly understood. In this study, we aimed to explore these ...
    • Dietary Intake and Biomarkers of Folate and Cobalamin Status in Norwegian Preschool Children: The FINS-KIDS Study 

      Solvik, Beate Stokke; Strand, Tor A; Kvestad, Ingrid; Markhus, Maria Wik; Ueland, Per Magne; McCann, Adrian; Øyen, Jannike (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background: Folate and cobalamin (vitamin B-12) are essential for growth and development. However, few populationbased studies have investigated B-vitamin status in children. Objectives: This study aimed to assess biomarkers ...
    • Earthquake exposure and post-traumatic stress among nepalese mothers after the 2015 earthquakes 

      Kvestad, Ingrid; Ranjitkar, Suman; Ulak, Manjeswori; Chandyo, Ram K.; Shrestha, Merina; Shrestha, Laxman P.; Strand, Tor A; Hysing, Mari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-02)
      Introduction: Nepal suffered from major earthquakes in April 2015 resulting in great damage to the society. The objective of the current study is to describe the earthquake exposure, the impact on family’s daily life and ...
    • Effect of antenatal and infant micronutrient supplementation on middle childhood and early adolescent development outcomes in Tanzania 

      Sudfeld, Christopher R.; Manji, Karim P.; Darling, Anne Marie; Kisenge, Rodrick; Kvestad, Ingrid; Hysing, Mari; Belinger, David C.; Strand, Tor A; Duggan, Christopher P.; Fawzi, Wafaie W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background: There is growing evidence that nutritional interventions in the first 1000 days of life may influence long-term health and development outcomes. Few studies have examined the effect of maternal and infant ...
    • The effect of infant vitamin B12 supplementation on neurodevelopment: A follow-up of a randomized placebo-controlled trial in Nepal 

      Chandyo, Manjeswori Ulak; Kvestad, Ingrid; Chandyo, Ram Krishna; Ranjitkar, Suman; Hysing, Mari; Schwinger, Catherine; Shrestha, Merina; Basnet, Sudha; Shrestha, Laxman; Strand, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The most critical period for brain development is before a child’s second birthday. Standardised tests measuring neurodevelopment are more reliable when administered after this period. Severe vitamin B12 deficiency affects ...
    • Effect of Music Therapy on Parent-Infant Bonding Among Infants Born Preterm: A Randomized Clinical Trial 

      Ghetti, Claire; Gaden, Tora Söderström; Bieleninik, Lucja; Kvestad, Ingrid; Assmus, Jörg; Stordal, Andreas Størksen; Aristizabal Sanchez, Luisa Fernanda; Arnon, Shmuel; Dulsrud, Jeanette; Elefant, Cochavit; Epstein, Shulamit; Ettenberger, Mark; Glosli, Heidi; Konieczna-Nowak, Ludwika; Lichtensztejn, Marcela; Lindvall, Merethe Wolf; Mangersnes, Julie; Murcia Fernández, Luz Dary; Røed, Catharina Janner; Saá, Gladys; Van Roy, Betty; Vederhus, Bente Johanne; Gold, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Importance Parent-infant bonding contributes to long-term infant health but may be disrupted by preterm birth. Objective To determine if parent-led, infant-directed singing, supported by a music therapist and initiated in ...
    • The effect of vitamin B12 supplementation during pregnancy on infant growth and development in Nepal: a community-based, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial 

      Chandyo, Ram K.; Kvestad, Ingrid; Ulak Chandyo, Manjeswori; Ranjitkar, Suman; Hysing, Mari; Shrestha, Merina; Schwinger, Catherine; McCann, Adrian; Ueland, Per Magne; Basnet, Sudha; Shrestha, Laxman; Strand, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background: Vitamin B12 is required for healthy infant growth and development, but low and marginal vitamin B12 status is endemic in low-income and middle-income countries. We aimed to measure the effect of vitamin B12 ...