Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "van den Bergh, Gerrit D."
    • An integrative geochronological framework for the Pleistocene So'a basin (Flores, Indonesia), and its implications for faunal turnover and hominin arrival 

      van den Bergh, Gerrit D.; Alloway, Brent V.; Storey, Michael; Setiawan, Ruly; Yurnaldi, Dida; Kurniawan, Iwan; Moore, Mark W.; Jatmiko, NN; Brumm, Adam; Flude, Stephanie; Sutikna, Thomas; Setiyabudi, Erick; Prasetyo, Unggul W.; Puspaningrum, Mika R.; Yoga, Ifan; Insani, Halmi; Meijer, Hanneke Johanna Maria Farstad; Kohn, Barry; Pillans, Brad; Sutisna, Indra; Dosseto, Anthony; Hayes, Susan; Westgate, John A.; Pearce, Nick J.G.; Aziz, Fachroel; Due, Rokus Awe; Morwood, Michael J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Flores represents a unique insular environment with an extensive record of Pleistocene fossil remains and stone artefacts. In the So'a Basin of central Flores these include endemic Stegodon, Komodo dragons, giant tortoises, ...