• Ecosystem Resilience and Threshold Response in the Gala´pagos Coastal Zone 

      Seddon, Alistair; Froyd, Cynthia A.; Leng, Melanie J.; Milne, Glenn A.; Willis, Katherine Jane (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-07-21)
      Background: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides a conservative estimate on rates of sea-level rise of 3.8 mm yr21 at the end of the 21st century, which may have a detrimental effect on ecologically ...
    • Long-term trajectories of non-native vegetation on islands globally 

      Walentowitz, Anna; Lenzner, Bernd; Essl, Franz; Strandberg, Nichola; Castilla-Beltrán, Alvaro; Fernández-Palacios, José María; Björck, Svante; Connor, Simon; Haberle, Simon G.; Ljung, Karl; Prebble, Matiu; Wilmshurst, Janet M.; Froyd, Cynthia A.; de Boer, Erik J.; de Nascimento, Lea; Edwards, Mary E.; Stevenson, Janelle; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Steinbauer, Manuel; Nogué, Sandra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Human-mediated changes in island vegetation are, among others, largely caused by the introduction and establishment of non-native species. However, data on past changes in non-native plant species abundance that predate ...
    • Looking forward through the past: identification of 50 priority research questions in palaeoecology 

      Seddon, Alistair; Mackay, Anson W.; Baker, Ambroise G.; Birks, Harry John Betteley; Breman, Elinor; Buck, C. E.; Ellis, Erle C.; Froyd, Cynthia A.; Gill, Jacquelyn L.; Gillson, Lindsey; Johnson, Edward A.; Jones, Vivienne J.; Juggins, Stephen; Macias-Fauria, Marc; Mills, Keely; Morris, Jesse L.; Nogués-Bravo, David; Punyasena, Surangi W.; Roland, Thomas P.; Tanentzap, Andrew; Willis, Katherine Jane; Aberhan, Martin; van Asperen, Eline N.; Austin, William E. N.; Battarbee, Richard W.; Bhagwat, Shonil; Belanger, Christina L.; Bennett, Keith D.; Birks, Hilary H.; Ramsey, Christopher Bronk; Brooks, Stephen J.; de Bruyn, Mark; Butler, Paul G.; Chambers, F. M.; Clarke, Stewart J.; Davies, Althea L.; Dearing, John A.; Ezard, Thomas H. G.; Feurdean, Angelica; Flower, Roger J.; Gell, Peter; Hausmann, Sonja; Hogan, Erika J.; Hopkins, Melanie J.; Jeffers, Elizabeth S.; Korhola, Atte; Marchant, Robert; Kiefer, Thorsten; Lamentowicz, Mariusz; Larocque-Tobler, Isabelle; López-Merino, Lourdes; Liow, Lee Hsiang; McGowan, Suzanne; Miller, Joshua H.; Montoya, Encarni; Morton, Oliver; Nogué, Sandra; Onoufriou, Chloe; Boush, Lisa P.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, F; Rose, Neil L.; Sayer, Carl D.; Shaw, Helen E.; Payne, Richard; Simpson, Gavin; Sohar, Kadri; Whitehouse, Nicki J.; Williams, John W.; Witkowski, Andrzej (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)