Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Title
Now showing items 17324-17343 of 35872
"It's all in my head now" Readiness for return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-12-16)Bakgrunn: Det er utfordrende for klinikere å avgjøre om pasienter er klare for å returnere til idrett etter en korsbåndsoperasjon. Grunnen til dette er uklarhet knyttet til hvilke tester og kriterier som bør utgjøre ... -
"It's like you have to fit in either way in both cultures. You have to find a way in between": An exploration of young immigrant women's experiences negotiating cultures in Norway
(Master thesis, 2019-06-07)Unge flyktning kvinner fra Afrika og Asia er en viktig målgruppe for integrering og inkludering i det Norske samfunnet. Det er behov for mer kvalitativ forskning på prosessen å veksle mellom flere kulturer, og ressursene ... -
It's May Pole time'. Public spectacles and Creole people at the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua.
(Master thesis, 2012-06-21)AbstractThis thesis concerns the importance of festivals in nation-building. Through a six-month period of fieldwork in the city of Bluefields at the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, I explore how the Creole festival May Pole ... -
"It's not about winning, it's about participating". Uncovering the determinants of regional participation in the policy-making structures of the European Union
(Master thesis, 2011-05-28)This thesis seeks to uncover which factors determine regional participation in European Union policy-making structures. It does so by conducting a multiple regression analysis of 233 regions from all the 27 member-states ... -
"It's not like a fat camp" - A focus group study of adolescents' experiences on group-based obesity treatment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Background: The health burden related to obesity is rising among children and adolescents along with the general population worldwide. For the individual as well as the society this trend is alarming. Several factors are ... -
It's not real, I invented it. En analyse av Werner Herzogs iscenesetting av virkeligheten i dokumentarfilm
(Master thesis, 2012-09-03)En analyse av Werner Herzogs iscenesetting av virkeligheten i dokumentarfilm. Sentrale dokumentarfilmteoretiske begreper anvendt på fiksjonselementer fra Bells From The Deep (1993) og The White Diamond (2004). -
Item-specific overlap between hallucinatory experiences and cognition in the general population: A three-step multivariate analysis of international multi-site data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Hallucinatory experiences (HEs) can be pronounced in psychosis, but similar experiences also occur in nonclinical populations. Cognitive mechanisms hypothesized to underpin HEs include dysfunctional source monitoring, ... -
Iterative Coupling for Fully Dynamic Poroelasticity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We present an iterative coupling scheme for the numerical approximation of the mixed hyperbolic-parabolic system of fully dynamic poroelasticity. We prove its convergence in the Banach space setting for an abstract ... -
Iterative Linearisation Schemes for Doubly Degenerate Parabolic Equations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Mathematical models for flow and reactive transport in porous media often involve non-linear, degenerate parabolic equations. Their solutions have low regularity, and therefore lower order schemes are used for the numerical ... -
Iterative methods for solving the Multiple Network Poroelastic Theory (MPET) model
(Master thesis, 2022-01-17) -
Iterative schemes for solving coupled, non-linear flow and transport in porous media
(Master thesis, 2016-12-24)In this thesis we compare different iterative approaches for solving the non-linear, coupled multiphase flow and reactive transport in porous media. Especially, we consider two-phase flow and one a-half phase flow (modeled ... -
Iterative schemes for surfactant transport in porous media
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this work, we consider the transport of a surfactant in variably saturated porous media. The water flow is modelled by the Richards equations and it is fully coupled with the transport equation for the surfactant. Three ... -
Iterative solvers for Biot model under small and large deformation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We consider L-scheme and Newton-based solvers for Biot model under large deformation. The mechanical deformation follows the Saint Venant-Kirchoff constitutive law. Furthermore, the fluid compressibility is assumed to be ... -
Iterative solvers for poromechanics : Iterative solvers for poromechanics
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-11-22)This thesis concerns iterative solvers for poromechanics problems. The problems in the studies have involved linear poromechanics, non-linear poromechanics, and poromechanics under large deformation. We included high order ... -
Iterative splitting schemes for a soft material poromechanics model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We address numerical solvers for a poromechanics model particularly adapted for soft materials, as it generally respects thermodynamics principles and energy balance. Considering the multi-physics nature of the problem, ... -
An iterative staggered scheme for phase field brittle fracture propagation with stabilizing parameters
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This paper concerns the analysis and implementation of a novel iterative staggered scheme for quasi-static brittle fracture propagation models, where the fracture evolution is tracked by a phase field variable. The model ... -
Itererte modular og linne n-kategoriar
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)Me ser på iterasjon av operasjonen "(dei endeleg-genererte frie) modulane til" med utgangspunkt i ein kommutativ rig, altså ein kommutativ ring som ikkje nødvendigvis har additive inversar. I første omgang dannar desse ... -
"It’s a question of TRUST" Evaluering av bruk av dataprogram i undervisningen på 100-nivå
(UPED-skrift nr. 1/2005, Working paper, 2005) -
“It’s about lots of small things that you experience all the time”: Perceived discrimination among young Norwegians with Minoritized backgrounds
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19)This study explores how young Norwegians with minoritized backgrounds perceive discrimination, and how intersecting dimensions of identity shape these experiences. This study reveals that these young Norwegians perceive ... -
It’s About Time! Temporal Dynamics and Longitudinal Research Designs in Public Administration
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Many of the fundamental research questions in public administration relate to individual- or organization-level temporal dynamics, including the impact of public sector reforms, (in)stability of public policies and ...