Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Hetland, Jørn"
Now showing items 21-34 of 34
Person-Organization Fit in a military selection context
Sørlie, Henrik; Hetland, Jørn; Dysvik, Anders; Fosse, Thomas Hol; Martinsen, Øyvind L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The goal of personnel selection is to find predictors that, together, maximize the explained variance in important job outcomes such as Task Performance or Work Engagement. Common predictors include Intelligence and Big ... -
The prevalence of workaholism: A survey study in a nationally representative sample of norwegian employees
Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Griffiths, Mark D.; Hetland, Jørn; Kravina, Luca; Jensen, Fredrik Johan Broch; Pallesen, Ståle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-08-13)Workaholism has become an increasingly popular area for empirical study. However, most studies examining the prevalence of workaholism have used non-representative samples and measures with poorly defined cut-off scores. ... -
Prisoners’ academic motivation, viewed from the perspective of self‑determination theory: Evidence from a population of Norwegian prisoners
Manger, Terje; Hetland, Jørn; Jones, Lise Øen; Eikeland, Ole Johan; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The study presented in this article explores prisoners’ academic motivation structure from the theoretical perspective of self-determination theory, using the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). Analysing survey responses ... -
Prospective associations between childhood externalising and internalising problems and adolescent alcohol and drug use: The Bergen Child Study
Heradstveit, Ove; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Bøe, Tormod; Hetland, Jørn; Pedersen, Mads Uffe; Hysing, Mari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Aims: The literature on associations between internalising problems and subsequent alcohol/drug use and problems shows mixed results, and it is important to consider different aspects of internalising problems along with ... -
Psychiatric Diagnoses Differ Considerably in Their Associations With Alcohol/Drug-Related Problems Among Adolescents. A Norwegian Population-Based Survey Linked With National Patient Registry Data
Heradstveit, Ove; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Hetland, Jørn; Stewart, Robert; Hysing, Mari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-08)The aim of this study was to examine alcohol/drug use and problems across psychiatric diagnoses and to what extent associations between each psychiatric diagnosis and alcohol/drug use and problems were independent from the ... -
Psychometric properties of the Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture in Norwegian nursing homes
Cappelen, Kathrine; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne; Hetland, Jørn; Harris, Anette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-08-27)Background: Developing a culture where staff are actively aware of how to prevent adverse events is a challenge. The use of survey tools to assess the status of patient safety culture seems to be acceptable as an early ... -
The relationships between workaholism and symptoms of psychiatric disorders: A large-scale cross-sectional study
Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Griffiths, Mark D.; Rajita, Sinha; Hetland, Jørn; Pallesen, Ståle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-05-18)Despite the many number of studies examining workaholism, large-scale studies have been lacking. The present study utilized an open web-based cross-sectional survey assessing symptoms of psychiatric disorders and workaholism ... -
Subjective health complaints and self-rated health: are expectancies more important than socioeconomic status and workload?
Ree, Eline; Odeen, Magnus; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Indahl, Aage; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Hetland, Jørn; Harris, Anette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-06)Background The associations between socioeconomic status (SES), physical and psychosocial workload and health are well documented. According to The Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress (CATS), learned response outcome ... -
Virtual team-cooperation from home-office: a quantitative diary study of the impact of daily transformational- and passive-avoidant leadership – and the moderating role of task interdependence
Olsen, Olav Kjellevold; Ågotnes, Kari Wik; Hetland, Jørn; Espevik, Roar; Ravnagner, Conrad Alexander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)During the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the workforce moved from office setting to home-office and virtual teamwork. Whereas the relationship between leadership and team cooperation in physical settings is well documented – ... -
When the going gets tough and the environment is rough: The role of departmental level hostile work climate in the relationships between job stressors and workplace bullying
Zahlquist, Lena; Hetland, Jørn; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice; Rosander, Michael; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In line with the work environment hypothesis, the present study investigates whether department-level perceptions of hostile work climate moderate the relationship between psychosocial predictors of workplace bullying ... -
Working conditions and individual differences are weakly associated with workaholism: A 2-3-year prospective study of shift-working nurses
Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Bakker, Arnold B.; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Moen, Bente Elisabeth; Magerøy, Nils; Shimazu, Akihito; Hetland, Jørn; Pallesen, Ståle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-11-21)This study focuses on individual differences and the demand-support-control model in relation to workaholism. We hypothesized that unfavorable working conditions (high job demands, low job control/decision latitude, and ... -
Workplace bullying and mental health problems in balanced and gender-dominated workplaces
Rosander, Michael; Hetland, Jørn; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We investigate risks of exposure to workplace bullying and related mental health outcomes for men and women when being in a gender minority as opposed to working in a gender-balanced working environment or when belonging ... -
Workplace bullying as an antecedent to job insecurity and intention to leave: a 6-month prospective study
Glambek, Mats; Matthiesen, Stig Berge; Hetland, Jørn; Einarsen, Ståle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-07)Workplace bullying is a severe problem in contemporary working life, affecting up to 15 per cent of employees. Among the detrimental outcomes of bullying, it is even postulated as a major risk factor for exclusion from ... -
Young adults at risk of early work disability: who are they?
Sveinsdottir, Vigdis; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Baste, Valborg; Hetland, Jørn; Reme, Silje Endresen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-10-16)Background: Young adults that are not in education, training or employment represent a problem across European countries. While some are cases of temporary transitions or short-term inactivity, others represent a more ...