Now showing items 21-22 of 22

    • Waves generated by moving loads on ice plates: Viscoelastic approximations 

      Dinvay, Evgueni; Kalisch, Henrik; Părău, Emilian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The paper investigates waves generated by the moving loads on ice plates floating on an incompressible fluid. Two different viscoelastic approximations are considered for the ice cover: A model depending on the strain-relaxation ...
    • The Whitham Equation as a model for surface water waves 

      Moldabayev, Daulet; Kalisch, Henrik; Dutykh, Denys (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-08)
      The Whitham equation was proposed as an alternate model equation for the simplified description of uni-directional wave motion at the surface of an inviscid fluid. As the Whitham equation incorporates the full linear ...