• Annelid functional genomics reveal the origins of bilaterian life cycles 

      Martín-Zamora, Francisco M.; Liang, Yan; Guynes, Kero; Carrillo-Baltodano, Allan M.; Davies, Billie E.; Donnellan, Rory D.; Tan, Yongkai; Moggioli, Giacomo; Seudre, Océane; Tran, Martin; Mortimer, Kate; Luscombe, Nicholas M.; Hejnol, Andreas Helmut; Marlétaz, Ferdinand; Martin-Duran, José M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Indirect development with an intermediate larva exists in all major animal lineages1, which makes larvae central to most scenarios of animal evolution2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. Yet how larvae evolved remains disputed. Here we ...
    • RADICL-seq identifies general and cell type–specific principles of genome-wide RNA-chromatin interactions 

      Bonetti, Alessandro; Agostini, Federico; Suzuki, Ana Maria; Hashimoto, Kosuke; Pascarella, Giovanni; Gimenez, Juliette; Roos, Leonie; Nash, Alex J.; Ghilotti, Marco; Cameron, Christopher J.  F.; Valentine, Matthew; Medvedeva, Yulia A.; Noguchi, Shuhei; Agirre, Eneritz; Kashi, Kaori; Samudyata, Samudyata; Luginbühl, Joachim; Cazzoli, Riccardo; Agrawal, Saumya; Luscombe, Nicholas M.; Blanchette, Mathieu; Kasukawa, Takeya; de Hoon, Michiel; Arner, Erik; Lenhard, Boris; Plessy, Charles; Castelo-Branco, Gonçalo; Orlando, Valerio; Carninci, Piero (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Mammalian genomes encode tens of thousands of noncoding RNAs. Most noncoding transcripts exhibit nuclear localization and several have been shown to play a role in the regulation of gene expression and chromatin remodeling. ...