• Discovery of active off-axis hydrothermal vents at 9° 54′N East Pacific Rise 

      McDermott, Jill M.; Parnell-Turner, Ross; Barreyre, Thibaut; Herrera, Santiago; Downing, Connor C.; Pittoors, Nicole C.; Pehr, Kelden; Vohsen, Samuel A.; Dowd, William S.; Wu, Jyun-Nai; Marjanović, Milena; Fornari, Daniel J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Comprehensive knowledge of the distribution of active hydrothermal vent fields along midocean ridges is essential to understanding global chemical and heat fluxes and endemic faunal distributions. However, current knowledge ...
    • Significance of Short-Wavelength Magnetic Anomaly Low Along the East Pacific Rise Axis, 9°50′N 

      Berrios-Rivera, Natalia; Gee, Jeffrey S.; Parnell-Turner, Ross; Maher, Sarah; Wu, Jyun-Nai; Fornari, Daniel; Tivey, Maurice; Marjanović, Milena; Barreyre, Thibaut; McDermott, Jill (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Magnetic anomaly variations near mid-ocean ridge spreading centers are sensitive to a variety of crustal accretionary processes as well as geomagnetic field variations when the crust forms. We collected near-bottom vector ...