Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Adakudlu, Muralidhar"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Climate in Svalbard 2100
Adakudlu, Muralidhar; Andresen, J; Bakke, Jostein; Beldring, S.; Benestad, Rasmus; Bilt, Willem van der; Bogen, J.; Borstad, Christopher Paul; Breili, Kristian; Breivik, Øyvind; Børsheim, Knut Yngve; Christiansen, Hanne H; Dobler, Andreas; Engeset, Rune; Frauenfelder, Regula; Gerland, Sebastian; Gjelten, Herdis Motrøen; Gundersen, Jeanette; Isaksen, Ketil; Jaedicke, Christian; Kierulf, Halfdan; Kohler, Jack; Li, H.; Lutz, J.; Melvold, Kjetil; Mezghani, Abdelkader; Nilsen, F.; Nilsen, Irene Brox; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie; Pavlova, O.; Ravndal, Ole; Risebrobakken, Bjørg; Saloranta, Tuomo; Sandven, Stein; Schuler, Thomas; Simpson, Matthew James Ross; Skogen, Morten D.; Smedsrud, Lars H.; Sund, Monica; Vikhamar-Schuler, D.; Westermann, Sebastian; Wong, Wai Kwok (Research report, 2019-01)This report was commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency in order to provide basic information for use in climate change adaptation in Svalbard. It includes descriptions of historical, as well as projections for ... -
Modelling the effect of ocean waves on the atmospheric and ocean boundary layers
Jenkins, Alastair D.; Paskyabi, Mostafa Bakhoday; Fer, Ilker; Gupta, Alok; Adakudlu, Muralidhar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Ocean waves, in addition to generating direct forces on fixed and floating offshore wind generator structures, also have significant indirect effects via their influence on the atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers above ... -
Severe mesoscale weather events over the Nordic Seas: Numerical modelling and sensitivity experiments
Adakudlu, Muralidhar (Doctoral thesis, 2011-06-22)The Nordic seas region, due to its unique geographical and climatological conditions, experiences a number of adverse mesoscale weather events that have proven fatal for human activities in the area. Most of these weather ...