Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Almås, Aslaug Grov"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Becoming a professional digital competent teacher
Helleve, Ingrid; Almås, Aslaug Grov; Bjørkelo, Brita (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The aim of this Norwegian study is to focus on challenges and possibilities concerning professional digital competence (PDC) for teacher education encountering students in transition between the position as private and ... -
Digitale læremiddel i lærarutdanninga
Almås, Aslaug Grov; Nilsen, Anders Grov; Helleve, Ingrid Maria; Leer-Salvesen, Hilde Gry; Gram, Helene (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Bakgrunnen for artikkelen er eit utviklingsprosjekt i lærarutdanninga med utprøving av digitale læremiddel. Fokus vert retta mot lærarutdannarar og korleis dei vel å kopla saman sin pedagogiske praksis med den aukande ... -
Perceived adequate education in ethics: A way to tap into ethical Social Networking Sites awareness?
Bjørkelo, Brita; Almås, Aslaug Grov; Helleve, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Teachers are role models when it comes to ethics both on- and offline. Teacher education on- and offline situations and issues that may be of ethical concernThis study first investigates perceived adequacy of ethics ... -
Teachers Experiences with Networked Classrooms in Norway
Helleve, Ingrid; Almås, Aslaug Grov (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-07-04)The aim of this study, based on response on a questionnaire from 65 teachers in upper secondary schools, is to gain insight into how teachers experience and practice their role as leaders in the digital classroom. Research ...