Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Andreassen, Lillan Mo"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Diabetes in care homes : Special emphasis on medicines and blood glucose measurements
Andreassen, Lillan Mo (Doctoral thesis, 2019-09-20)Diabetes mellitus (DM) is prevalent among older adults and leads to disability, frailty, and dependency. In care homes, multimorbidity and polypharmacy may further complicate the management of DM and increase the risk of ... -
Helsepersonells erfaringar, tankar og haldningar til behovsmedisinering i sjukeheimar
Andreassen, Lillan Mo (Master thesis, 2009-05-20)Behovslegemiddel er meint å bli gitt som respons på eit symptom eller medisinsk behov som oppstår hjå pasienten. Behovslegemiddel blir anten ført opp på den enkelte pasient sitt legemiddelkort, eller så kan ein nytte seg ... -
‘I try not to bother the residents too much’ – the use of capillary blood glucose measurements in nursing homes
Andreassen, Lillan Mo; Granas, Anne G; Sølvik, Una Ørvik; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-02-04)Background Capillary blood glucose measurements are regularly used for nursing home residents with diabetes. The usefulness of these measurements relies on clear indications for use, correct measurement techniques, proper ... -
Nurses as adverse drug reaction reporting advocates
Schjøtt, Jan Didrik; Pettersen, Trond Røed; Andreassen, Lillan Mo; Bjånes, Tormod Karlsen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is a challenge in modern healthcare, particularly given the increasing complexity of drug therapy, an ageing population, rising multimorbidity, and a high patient turnover. The core activity ... -
Nursing home patients with diabetes: Prevalence, drug treatment and glycemic control
Andreassen, Lillan Mo; Sandberg, Sverre; Kristensen, Gunn Berit Berge; Sølvik, Una Ørvim; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-04-28)Aims: Determine prevalence of diabetes, and describe use of blood glucose lowering (BGL) drugs and glycemic control in Norwegian nursing homes. Methods: In this cross-sectional study we collected details of BGL drugs, ... -
The potential for deprescribing in care home residents with Type 2 diabetes
Andreassen, Lillan Mo; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide; Sølvik, Una Ørvim; Houghton, Julie; Desborough, James Antony (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-08)Background Type 2 diabetes is a common diagnosis in care home residents that is associated with potentially inappropriate prescribing and thus risk of additional suffering. Previous studies found that diabetes medicines ... -
Review of Clinical Questions Submitted to Norwegian Drug Information Centres Concerning Administration and Dosage to Older Patients of Relevance to Patient-Centric Care
Schjøtt, Jan; Andreassen, Lillan Mo; Dale, Gro Helen; Stokes, Charlotte L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Patient-centric care entails optimising healthcare provision to patients based on their perspective and opinion. It involves appropriate treatment at a reasonable cost and a focus on patient characteristics in the ...