Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Anker, Stefan D."
Additional burden of iron deficiency in heart failure patients beyond the cardio-renal anaemia syndrome: findings from the BIOSTAT-CHF study
Alnuwaysir, Ridha I.S.; Grote Beverborg, Niels; Hoes, Martijn F.; Markousis-Mavrogenis, George; Gomez, Karla A.; van der Wal, Haye H.; Cleland, John G.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Lang, Chim C.; Ng, Leong L.; Ponikowski, Piotr; Anker, Stefan D.; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Voors, Adriaan A.; van der Meer, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aims Whereas the combination of anaemia and chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been extensively studied in patients with heart failure (HF), the contribution of iron deficiency (ID) to this dysfunctional interplay is unknown. ... -
Biomarker changes as surrogate endpoints in early-phase trials in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
Savarese, Gianluigi; Uijl, Alicia; Ouwerkerk, Wouter; Tromp, Jasper; Anker, Stefan D.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Hage, Camilla; Lam, Carolyn S.P.; Lang, Chim C.; Metra, Marco; Ng, Leong L.; Orsini, Nicola; Samani, Nilesh J.; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Cleland, John G.F.; Voors, Adriaan A.; Lund, Lars H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aims No biomarker has achieved widespread acceptance as a surrogate endpoint for early-phase heart failure (HF) trials. We assessed whether changes over time in a panel of plasma biomarkers were associated with subsequent ... -
Biomarker signature and pathophysiological pathways in patients with chronic heart failure and metabolic syndrome
van der Hoef, Camilla C.S.; Boorsma, Eva M.; Emmens, Johanna E.; van Essen, Bart J.; Metra, Marco; Ng, Leong L.; Anker, Stefan D.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Mordi, Ify R.; Dihoum, Adel; Lang, Chim C.; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Lam, Carolyn S.P.; Voors, Adriaan A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Aim The comorbidities that collectively define metabolic syndrome are common in patients with heart failure. However, the role of metabolic syndrome in the pathophysiology of heart failure is not well understood. We ... -
Clinical and prognostic associations of autoantibodies recognizing adrenergic/muscarinic receptors in patients with heart failure
Markousis-Mavrogenis, George; Minich, Waldemar B.; Al-Mubarak, Ali A.; Anker, Stefan D.; Cleland, John G. F.; dickstein, kenneth; Lang, Chim C.; Ng, Leong L.; Samani, Nilesh J.; Zannad, Faiez; Metra, Marco; Seemann, Petra; Hoeg, Antonia; Lopez, Patricio; Van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; De Boer, Rudolf A.; Voors, Adriaan A.; Van Der Meer, Peter; Schomburg, Lutz; Bomer, Nils (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Aims The importance of autoantibodies (AABs) against adrenergic/muscarinic receptors in heart failure (HF) is not well-understood. We investigated the prevalence and clinical/prognostic associations of four AABs recognizing ... -
Clinical characteristics and prognosis of patients with heart failure and high concentrations of interleukin-17D
Baumhove, Lukas; Bomer, Nils; Tromp, Jasper; van Essen, Bart J.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Cleland, John G.; Lang, Chim C.; Ng, Leong L.; Samani, Nilesh J.; Anker, Stefan D.; Metra, Marco; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; van der Meer, Peter; Voors, Adriaan A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Aims Heart failure (HF) is associated with cytokine activation and inflammation. Experimental evidence suggests that plasma interleukin-17 (IL-17) is associated with myocardial fibrosis and cardiac dysfunction in HF. ... -
Clinical impact of changes in mitral regurgitation severity after medical therapy optimization in heart failure
Pagnesi, Matteo; Adamo, Marianna; Sama, Iziah E.; Anker, Stefan D.; Cleland, John G.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Filippatos, Gerasimos S.; Inciardi, Riccardo M.; Lang, Chim C.; Lombardi, Carlo; Ng, Leong L.; Ponikowski, Piotr; Samani, Nilesh J.; Zannad, Faiez; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Voors, Adriaan A.; Metra, Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: Few data are available regarding changes in mitral regurgitation (MR) severity with guideline-recommended medical therapy (GRMT) in heart failure (HF). Our aim was to evaluate the evolution and impact of MR ... -
Clinical implications of left atrial changes after optimization of medical therapy in patients with heart failure
Inciardi, Riccardo M.; Pagnesi, Matteo; Lombardi, Carlo M.; Anker, Stefan D.; Cleland, John G.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Filippatos, Gerasimos S.; Lang, Chim C.; Ng, Leong L.; Pellicori, Pierpaolo; Ponikowski, Piotr; Samani, Nilesh J.; Zannad, Faiez; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Solomon, Scott D.; Voors, Adriaan A.; Metra, Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aims Limited data exist regarding the prognostic relevance of changes in left atrial (LA) dimensions in patients with heart failure (HF). We assessed changes in LA dimension and their relation with outcomes after optimization ... -
Clinical implications of low estimated protein intake in patients with heart failure
Streng, Koen W.; Hillege, Hans L.; ter Maaten, Jozine M.; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Ng, Leong L.; Samani, Nilesh J.; Metra, Marco; Ponikowski, Piotr; Cleland, John G.; Anker, Stefan D.; Romaine, Simon P.R.; Damman, Kevin; van der Meer, Peter; Lang, Chim C.; Voors, Adriaan A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: A higher protein intake has been associated with a higher muscle mass and lower mortality rates in the general population, but data about protein intake and survival in patients with heart failure (HF) are ... -
Dipeptidyl peptidase 3, a marker of the antagonist pathway of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system in patients with heart failure
Boorsma, Eva M.; ter Maaten, Jozine M.; Damman, Kevin; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Anker, Stefan D.; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Lang, Chim C.; Metra, Marco; Santos, Karine; Voors, Adriaan A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Aims Recently, dipeptidyl peptidase 3 (DPP3) has been discovered as the peptidase responsible for cleavage of angiotensin (1–7) [Ang (1–7)]. Ang (1–7) is part of the angiotensin-converting enzyme–Ang (1–7)–Mas pathway ... -
Distinct pathophysiological pathways in women and men with heart failure
Ravera, Alice; Santema, Bernadet T.; de Boer, Rudolf A.; Anker, Stefan D.; Samani, Nilesh J.; Lang, Chim C.; Ng, Leong; Cleland, John G.F.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Lam, Carolyn S.P.; Van Spall, Harriette G. C.; Filippatos, Gerasimos; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Metra, Marco; Voors, Adriaan A.; Sama, Iziah E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aims: Clinical differences between women and men have been described in heart failure (HF). However, less is known about the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. In this study, we compared multiple circulating biomarkers ... -
The impact of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose on renal function: An analysis of the FAIR-HF study
Ponikowski, Piotr; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Colet, Josep Comin; Willenheimer, Ronnie; Dickstein, Kenneth; Luscher, Thomas; Gaudesius, Giedrius; Von Eisenhart Rothe, Barbara; Mori, Claudio; Greenlaw, Nicola; Ford, Ian; Macdougall, Iain; Anker, Stefan D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-02-11)Aims Anaemia and iron deficiency are constituents of the cardio-renal syndrome in chronic heart failure (CHF). We investigated the effects of i.v. iron in iron-deficient CHF patients on renal function, and the efficacy and ... -
Impact of mitral regurgitation in patients with worsening heart failure: insights from BIOSTAT-CHF
Pagnesi, Matteo; Adamo, Marianna; Sama, Iziah E.; Anker, Stefan D.; Cleland, John G.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Filippatos, Gerasimos S.; Lang, Chim C.; Ng, Leong L.; Ponikowski, Piotr; Ravera, Alice; Samani, Nilesh J.; Zannad, Faiez; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Voors, Adriaan A.; Metra, Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Aims Few data regarding the prevalence and prognostic impact of mitral regurgitation (MR) in patients with worsening chronic or new-onset acute heart failure (HF) are available. We investigated the role of MR in the BIOlogy ... -
Impaired high-density lipoprotein function in patients with heart failure
Emmens, Johanna E.; Jia, Congzhuo; Ng, Leong L.; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Anker, Stefan D.; Lang, Chim C.; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Cleland, John G.; Metra, Marco; Voors, Adriaan A.; de Boer, Rudolf A.; Tietge, Uwe J. F. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background We recently showed that, in patients with heart failure, lower high‐density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentration was a strong predictor of death or hospitalization for heart failure. In a follow‐up study, ... -
Machine learning based on biomarker profiles identifies distinct subgroups of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Woolley, Rebecca J.; Ceelen, Daan; Ouwerkerk, Wouter; Tromp, Jasper; Figarska, Sylwia M.; Anker, Stefan D.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Zannad, Faiez; Marco, Metra; Ng, Leong L.; Samani, Nilesh J.; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Lang, Chim C.; Lam, Carolyn S.P.; Voors, Adriaan A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Aims The lack of effective therapies for patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is often ascribed to the heterogeneity of patients with HFpEF. We aimed to identify distinct pathophysiologic ... -
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and outcomes in patients with new-onset or worsening heart failure with reduced and preserved ejection fraction
Curran, Fraser M.; Bhalraam, U.; Mohan, Mohapradeep; Singh, Jagdeep S.; Anker, Stefan D.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Doney, Alexander S.; Filippatos, Gerasimos; George, Jacob; Metra, Marco; Ng, Leong L.; Palmer, Colin N.; Samani, Nilesh J.; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Voors, Adriaan A.; Lang, Chim C.; Mordi, Ify R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Aims Inflammation is thought to play a role in heart failure (HF) pathophysiology. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is a simple, routinely available measure of inflammation. Its relationship with other inflammatory ... -
Pathophysiological pathways in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation
Santema, Bernadet T.; Arita, Vicente Artola; Sama, Iziah E.; Kloosterman, Mariëlle; van den Berg, Maarten P.; Nienhuis, Hans L.A.; Van Gelder, Isabelle C.; van der Meer, Peter; Zannad, Faiez; Metra, Marco; Ter Maaten, Jozine M.; Cleland, John G.; Ng, Leong L.; Anker, Stefan D.; Lang, Chim C.; Samani, Nilesh J.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Filippatos, Gerasimos; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Lam, Carolyn S.P.; Rienstra, Michiel; Voors, Adriaan A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aims Atrial fibrillation (AF) and heart failure (HF) are two growing epidemics that frequently co-exist. We aimed to gain insights into the underlying pathophysiological pathways in HF patients with AF by comparing ... -
Pathophysiological pathways related to high plasma growth differentiation factor 15 concentrations in patients with heart failure
Ceelen, Daan; Voors, Adriaan A.; Tromp, Jasper; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Dickstein, Kenneth; de Boer, Rudolf A.; Lang, Chim C.; Anker, Stefan D.; Ng, Leong L.; Metra, Marco; Ponikowski, Piotr; Figarska, Sylwia M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aims Elevated concentrations of growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) in patients with heart failure (HF) have been consistently associated with worse clinical outcomes, but what disease mechanisms high GDF-15 ... -
Quality of life in men and women with heart failure: association with outcome, and comparison between the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire and the EuroQol 5 dimensions questionnaire
Ravera, Alice; Santema, Bernadet T.; Sama, Iziah E.; Meyer, Sven; Lombardi, Carlo; Carubelli, Valentina; Ferreira, João Pedro; Lang, Chim C.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Anker, Stefan D.; Samani, Nilesh J.; Zannad, Faiez; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Teerlink, John R.; Metra, Marco; Voors, Adriaan A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Aims We sought to analyse quality of life (QoL) measures derived from two questionnaires widely used in clinical trials, the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) and the EuroQoL 5 dimensions (EQ-5D), and to ... -
Systemic oxidative stress associates with disease severity and outcome in patients with new-onset or worsening heart failure
de Koning, Marie-Sophie L. Y.; Emmens, Johanna E.; Romero-Hernández, Esteban; Bourgonje, Arno R.; Assa, Solmaz; Figarska, Sylwia M.; Cleland, John G. F.; Samani, Nilesh J.; Ng, Leong L.; Lang, Chim C.; Metra, Marco; Filippatos, Gerasimos S.; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Anker, Stefan D.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Voors, Adriaan A.; Lipsic, Erik; van Goor, Harry; van der Harst, Pim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: Oxidative stress may be a key pathophysiological mediator in the development and progression of heart failure (HF). The role of serum-free thiol concentrations, as a marker of systemic oxidative stress, in HF ... -
Urinary Marker Profiles in Heart Failure with Reduced Versus Preserved Ejection Fraction
Streng, Koen W.; Hillege, Hans L.; ter Maaten, Jozine M.; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.; Dickstein, Kenneth; Samani, Nilesh J.; Ng, Leong L.; Metra, Marco; Filippatos, Gerasimos S.; Ponikowski, Piotr; Zannad, Faiez; Anker, Stefan D.; van der Meer, Peter; Lang, Chim C.; Voors, Adriaan A.; Damman, Kevin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background Recent data suggest different causes of renal dysfunction between heart failure with reduced (HFrEF) versus preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). We therefore studied a wide range of urinary markers reflecting ...