Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Aunai, N"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Cluster and MMS simultaneous observations of magnetosheath high speed jets and their impact on the magnetopause
Escoubet, C. P.; Hwang, KJ; Toledo-Redondo, Sergio; Turc, Lucile; Haaland, Stein; Aunai, N; Dargent, Jeremy; Eastwood, Jonathan P.; Fear, Robert C.; Fu, H.; Genestreti, Kevin; Graham, Daniel B.; Khotyaintsev, Yuri V.; Lapenta, G.; Lavraud, Benoit; Norgren, Cecilia; Sibeck, David G.; Varsani, Ali; Berchem, J.; Dimmock, A (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-31)When the supersonic solar wind encounters the Earth's magnetosphere a shock, called bow shock, is formed and the plasma is decelerated and thermalized in the magnetosheath downstream from the shock. Sometimes, however, due ... -
High‐density O+ in Earth's outer magnetosphere and its effect on dayside magnetopause magnetic reconnection
Fuselier, SA; Mukherjee, J; Denton, MH; Petrinec, SM; Trattner, K.J.; Toledo-Redondo, S; Andre, M; Aunai, N; Chappell, Charles Richard; Glocer, Alex; Haaland, S.; Hesse, Michael; Kistler, LM; Lavraud, B; Li, WY; Moore, T. E.; Graham, D; Tenfjord, Paul; Dargent, J.; Vines, Sarah K.; Strangeway, Robert J.; Burch, J. L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The warm plasma cloak is a source of magnetospheric plasma that contain significant O+. When the O+ density in the magnetosphere near the magnetopause is >0.2 cm‐3 and the H+ density is <1.5 cm‐3, then O+ dominates the ... -
Impacts of Ionospheric Ions on Magnetic Reconnection and Earth's Magnetosphere Dynamics
Toledo-Redondo, S; Andre, M; Aunai, N; Chappell, Charles Richard; Dargent, Jeremy; Fuselier, S.; Glocer, Alex; Graham, D. B.; Håland, Stein Egil; Hesse, M.; Kistler, L. M.; Lavraud, B.; Li, W.; Moore, T. E.; Tenfjord, Paul Arne Riksheim; Vines, S. K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Ionospheric ions (mainly H+, He+, and O+) escape from the ionosphere and populate the Earth's magnetosphere. Their thermal energies are usually low when they first escape the ionosphere, typically a few electron volt to ... -
Mass‐loading the Earth's dayside magnetopause boundary layer and its effect on magnetic reconnection
Fuselier, Stephen; Trattner, K.J.; Petrinec, Steve M.; Denton, Mike; Toledo, Sergio P.A.; Andrè, M.; Aunai, N; Chappell, Charles Richard; Glocer, Alex; Haaland, Stein; Hesse, Michael; Kistler, Lynn M.; Li, Wenya; Moore, T. E.; Graham, Daniel B.; Alm, Love; Tenfjord, Paul; Dargen, Jeremy; Vines, Sarah; Nykyri, K.; Burch, James L; Strangeway, Robert J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)When the interplanetary magnetic field is northward for a period of time, O+ from the high‐latitude ionosphere escapes along reconnected magnetic field lines into the dayside magnetopause boundary layer. Dual‐lobe reconnection ...