Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Berg, Kaja Christine Graue"
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Gene expression profiles of CMS2-epithelial/canonical colorectal cancers are largely driven by DNA copy number gains
Berg, Kaja Christine Graue; Sveen, Anita; Høland, Maren; Alagaratnam, Sharmini; Rasmussen, Marianne Berg; Danielsen, Stine Aske; Nesbakken, Arild; Søreide, Kjetil; Lothe, Ragnhild A (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-07-15)About 80% of colorectal cancers (CRCs) have chromosomal instability, which is an integral part of aggressive malignancy development, but the importance of specific copy number aberrations (CNAs) in modulating gene expression, ... -
A New Method for Isolation of Interstitial Fluid from Human Solid Tumors Applied to Proteomic Analysis of Ovarian Carcinoma Tissue
Haslene-Hox, Hanne; Oveland, Eystein; Berg, Kaja Christine Graue; Kolmannskog, Odd; Woie, Kathrine; Salvesen, Helga Birgitte; Tenstad, Olav; Wiig, Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-04-26)Major efforts have been invested in the identification of cancer biomarkers in plasma, but the extraordinary dynamic range in protein composition, and the dilution of disease specific proteins make discovery in plasma ... -
Quantification of the concentration gradient of biomarkers between ovarian carcinoma interstitial fluid and blood
Haslene-Hox, Hanne; Madani, Amina; Berg, Kaja Christine Graue; Woie, Kathrine; Salvesen, Helga Birgitte; Wiig, Helge; Tenstad, Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-12)Background: Tumor interstitial fluid (TIF) rather than plasma should be used in cancer biomarker discovery because of the anticipated higher concentration of locally produced proteins in the tumor microenvironment. ...