• The connection between lightning currents, TGF intensities and Elves 

      Bjørge-Engeland, Ingrid (Doctoral thesis, 2024-10-30)
      Tordenstormer genererer en rekke fascinerende fenomener i tillegg til de observerte lynglimtene. Blant disse er jordiske gamma-glimt (TGFer) og alver, som begge er assosiert med lynutladningsprosesser. TGFer er korte, ...
    • Evidence of a New Population of Weak Terrestrial Gamma‐Ray Flashes Observed From Aircraft Altitude 

      Bjørge-Engeland, Ingrid; Østgaard, Nikolai; Sarria, David Alexandre Stephan; Marisaldi, Martino; Mezentsev, Andrey; Fuglestad, Anders Nødland; Lehtinen, Nikolai Grigorievich; Grove, J. Eric; shy, daniel; Lang, Timothy J.; Quick, Mason; Christian, Hugh; Schultz, C; blakesley, richard; Adams, Ian; Kroodsma, Rachael; Heymsfield, Gerald M.; Ullaland, Kjetil; Yang, Shiming; Qureshi, Bilal Hasan; Søndergaard, Jens; Husa, Bendik; Walker, Daniel; Bateman, Monte; Mach, Douglas; Bitzer, Philip; Füllekrug, Martin; Cohen, Morris B.; Stanley, Mark; Cummer, Steven A.; Montanyà, Joan; Pazos, Marni; Velosa, Camilo Younes; van der Velde, Oscar; Pu, Yunjiao; Krehbiel, Paul; Roncancio, Jose Andres; López, Jesús A.; Urbani, Michele; Santos, A.; Neubert, Torsten; Gordillo-Vazquez, Francisco J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) are ten-to-hundreds of microsecond bursts of gamma-rays produced when electrons in strong electric fields in thunderclouds are accelerated to relativistic energies. Space instruments ...
    • High Peak Current Lightning and the Production of Elves 

      Bjørge-Engeland, Ingrid; Østgaard, Nikolai; Marisaldi, Martino; Luque, Alejandro; Mezentsev, Andrey; Lehtinen, Nikolai Grigorievich; Chanrion, Olivier; Fuglestad, Anders Nødland; Neubert, Torsten; Gordillo-Vazquez, Francisco J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Elves are observed as expanding rings of light in the UV and visible optical bands. They are produced when electromagnetic pulses from lightning discharges interact with the lower parts of the ionosphere. Elves are well ...
    • Production of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes During the Early Stages of Lightning Flashes 

      Lindanger, Anders; Skeie, Chris Alexander Kallevik; Marisaldi, Martino; Bjørge-Engeland, Ingrid; Østgaard, Nikolai; Mezentsev, Andrey; Sarria, David Alexandre Stephan; Lehtinen, Nikolai Grigorievich; Reglero, Victor; Chanrion, Olivier; Neubert, Torsten (Journal article, 2022)
      Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) are short emissions of high energy photons associated with thunderstorms. It has been known since the discovery of TGFs that they are associated with lightning, and several case studies ...
    • The Temporal Relationship Between Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Associated Optical Pulses From Lightning 

      Skeie, Chris Alexander Kallevik; Østgaard, Nikolai; Mezentsev, Andrey; Bjørge-Engeland, Ingrid; Marisaldi, Martino; Lehtinen, Nikolai Grigorievich; Reglero, V.; Neubert, T. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We present 221 Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) and associated optical pulses observed by the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) on board the International Space Station. The events were detected between the ...
    • Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes With Accompanying Elves Detected by ASIM 

      Bjørge-Engeland, Ingrid; Østgaard, Nikolai; Mezentsev, Andrey; Skeie, Chris Alexander Kallevik; Sarria, David Alexandre Stephan; Lapierre, Jeff; Lindanger, Anders; Neubert, Torsten; Marisaldi, Martino; Lehtinen, Nikolai Grigorievich; Chanrion, Olivier; Ullaland, Kjetil; Yang, Shiming; Genov, Georgi; Christiansen, Freddy; Reglero, Victor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor was designed to monitor Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) and Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) from space, enabling the study of how these phenomena are related. In this paper, ...
    • Time sequence of TGFs and optical pulses detected by ASIM and a comparison of TGFs observed by different spacecrafts 

      Bjørge-Engeland, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2020-06-30)
      Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are short energetic bursts of photons associated with lightning activity. TGFs are believed to be produced in relation to positive intracloud (IC+) lightning, during the upward propagation ...