Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Bjorland, Peder Aleksander"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Changes in heart rate from 5 s to 5 min after birth in vaginally delivered term newborns with delayed cord clamping
Bjorland, Peder Aleksander; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Eilevstjønn, Joar; Øymar, Knut; Davis, Peter G.; Rettedal, Siren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Objective: To determine heart rate centiles during the first 5 min after birth in healthy term newborns delivered vaginally with delayed cord clamping. Design: Single-centre prospective observational study. Setting: ... -
Compliance with Guidelines and Efficacy of Heart Rate Monitoring during Newborn Resuscitation: A Prospective Video Study
Bjorland, Peder Aleksander; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Øymar, Knut; Rettedal, Siren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Objective: Newborn resuscitation guidelines recommend initial assessment of heart rate (HR) and initiation of positive pressure ventilation (PPV) within 60 s after birth in non-breathing newborns. Pulse oximeter (PO) and ... -
Incidence of newborn resuscitative interventions at birth and short-term outcomes: A regional population-based study
Bjorland, Peder Aleksander; Øymar, Knut; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Rettedal, Siren (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Objectives: To determine the incidence and characteristics of resuscitative interventions at different gestational ages and short-term outcomes after resuscitation. Design, setting and patients: A prospective observational ... -
Novel neonatal simulator provides high-fidelity ventilation training comparable to real-life newborn ventilation
Haynes, Joanna; Bjorland, Peder Aleksander; Gomo, Øystein; Ushakova, Anastasia; Rettedal, Siren; Perlman, Jeffrey M.; Ersdal, Hege Langli (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Face mask ventilation of apnoeic neonates is an essential skill. However, many non-paediatric healthcare personnel (HCP) in high-resource childbirth facilities receive little hands-on real-life practice. Simulation training ... -
A prospective observational study on newborn resuscitation in a high-resource setting
Bjorland, Peder Aleksander (Doctoral thesis, 2022-10-28)Bakgrunn: Omkring åtte prosent av verdens nyfødte har behov for pustehjelp for å klare overgangen fra intra- til ekstrauterint liv. Nøyaktig forekomst er usikker og varierer antagelig mellom ulike settinger, men resuscitering ... -
Tidal volumes and pressures delivered by the NeoPuff T-piece resuscitator during resuscitation of term newborns
Bjorland, Peder Aleksander; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Haynes, Joanna Clare; Ushakova, Anastasia; Øymar, Knut Asbjørn Alexander; Rettedal, Siren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aim: T-piece resuscitators are commonly used for respiratory support during newborn resuscitation. This study aimed to describe delivered pressures and tidal volumes when resuscitating term newborns immediately after birth, ... -
Tidal volumes and pressures delivered by the NeoPuff T-piece resuscitator during resuscitation of term newborns
Bjorland, Peder Aleksander; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Haynes, Joanna Clare; Ushakova, Anastasia; Øymar, Knut Asbjørn Alexander; Rettedal, Siren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aim: T-piece resuscitators are commonly used for respiratory support during newborn resuscitation. This study aimed to describe delivered pressures and tidal volumes when resuscitating term newborns immediately after birth, ...