Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Brudvik, Christina"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Child injuries in Bergen, Norway : identifying high-risk groups and activity specific injuries
Brudvik, Christina (Doctoral thesis, 2006-11-24)Sammendrag (Norwegian summary) Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke forekomsten av barneulykker i Bergen sammenliknet med forekomsten andre steder innenlands og utenlands. Vi ønsket å undersøke hvilke barn, karakterisert ... -
Costs analysis and comparison of usefulness of acute MRI and 2 weeks of cast immobilization for clinically suspected scaphoid fractures
Bergh, Torbjørn Hiis; Steen, Knut; Lindau, Tommy; Soldal, Lars Atle; BERNARDSHAW, SOOSAIPILLAI; Lunde, Lene; Lie, Stein Atle; Brudvik, Christina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-11-18)Background and purpose — Fractures of the scaphoid are often not detected on initial plain radiographs. Conventional management of clinically suspected scaphoid fractures is cast immobilization for 2 weeks and then ... -
Fractures diagnosed in primary care – a five-year retrospective observational study from a Norwegian rural municipality with a ski resort
Vabo, Stein; Steen, Knut; Brudvik, Christina; Hunskaar, Steinar; Morken, Tone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-13)Objective: The aim of this study was to characterize fractures recorded at a Norwegian primary care centre near a ski resort. Design: A retrospective five-year observational study in the period 2010–2014. Setting: A primary ... -
Osteoporosis as a Risk Factor for Distal Radial Fractures. A Case-Control Study
Øyen, Jannike; Brudvik, Christina; Gjesdal, Clara Gram; Tell, Grethe Seppola; Lie, Stein Atle; Hove, Leiv M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)Background: Distal radial fractures occur earlier in life than hip and spinal fractures and may be the first sign of osteoporosis. The aims of this case-control study were to compare the prevalence of osteopenia and ... -
Physicians’ use of pain scale and treatment procedures among children and youth in emergency primary care - a cross sectional study
Moutte, Svein-Denis; Brudvik, Christina; Morken, Tone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-11-06)Background: Pain is a common symptom in children and youth attending casualty centres and emergency departments. The aim of this study was to acquire more knowledge about how pain in children is measured and handled by ... -
Postoperative treatment after partial nail ablation of ingrown toenails — does it matter what we recommend? A blinded randomised study
Bernardshaw, Soosaipillai; Sagedal, Liv Helene Dolva; Michelet, Kristin Møystad; Brudvik, Christina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-03)Trial design: In this blinded randomized study we analyzed patient reported outcome of three different treatments after nail surgery. We compared daily footbath with either alkaline or acidic soap or just a simple bandage ...