Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Bryne, Jan Christian"
BioXSD: the common data-exchange format for everyday bioinformatics web services
Kalaš, Matúš; Puntervoll, Pål; Joseph, Alexandre; Bartaševičiūtė, Edita; Töpfer, Armin; Venkataraman, Prabakar; Pettifer, Steve; Bryne, Jan Christian; Ison, Jon; Blanchet, Christophe; Rapacki, Kristoffer; Jonassen, Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010)Motivation: The world-wide community of life scientists has access to a large number of public bioinformatics databases and tools, which are developed and deployed using diverse technologies and designs. More and more of ... -
ELM: the status of the 2010 eukaryotic linear motif resource
Gould, Cathryn M.; Diella, Francesca; Via, Allegra; Puntervoll, Pål; Gemünd, Christine; Chabanis-Davidson, Sophie; Michael, Sushama; Sayadi, Ahmed; Bryne, Jan Christian; Chica, Claudia; Seiler, Markus; Davey, Norman E.; Haslam, Neill; Weatheritt, Robert J.; Budd, Aidan; Hughes, Timothy; Pas, Jakub; Rychlewski, Leszek; Trave, Gilles Michel; Aasland, Rein; Helmer-Citterich, Manuela; Linding, Rune; Gibson, Toby J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-11-17)Linear motifs are short segments of multidomain proteins that provide regulatory functions independently of protein tertiary structure. Much of intracellular signalling passes through protein modifications at linear motifs. ... -
The genome-wide dynamics of the binding of Ldb1 complexes during erythroid differentiation
Soler, Eric; Andrieu-Soler, Charlotte; Boer, Ernie de; Bryne, Jan Christian; Thongjuea, Supat; Stadhouders, Ralph; Palstra, Robert-Jan; Stevens, Mary; Kockx, Christel; IJcken, Wilfred van; Hou, Jun; Steinhoff, Christine; Rijkers, Erikjan; Lenhard, Boris; Grosveld, Frank (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010)One of the complexes formed by the hematopoietic transcription factor Gata1 is a complex with the Ldb1 (LIM domain-binding protein 1) and Tal1 proteins. It is known to be important for the development and differentiation ... -
JASPAR, the open access database of transcription factor-binding profiles: new content and tools in the 2008 update
Bryne, Jan Christian; Valen, Eivind; Tang, Man-Hung Eric; Marstrand, Troels; Winther, Ole; da Piedade, Isabelle; Krogh, Anders; Lenhard, Boris; Sandelin, Albin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007-11-15)JASPAR is a popular open-access database for matrix models describing DNA-binding preferences for transcription factors and other DNA patterns. With its third major release, JASPAR has been expanded and equipped with ... -
The male germ cell gene regulator CTCFL is functionally different from CTCF and binds CTCF-like consensus sites in a nucleosome composition-dependent manner
Sleutels, Frank; Soochit, Widia; Bartkuhn, Marek; Heath, Helen; Dienstbach, Sven; Bergmaier, Philipp; Franke, Vedran; Rosa-Garrido, Manuel; van de Nobelen, Suzanne; Caesar, Lisa; van der Reijden, Michael I.J.A.; Bryne, Jan Christian; van Ijcken, Wilfred F.J.; Grootegoed, J. Anton; Delgado, M. Dolores; Lenhard, Boris; Renkawitz, Rainer; Grosveld, Frank; Galjart, Niels (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-06-18)Background: CTCF is a highly conserved and essential zinc finger protein expressed in virtually all cell types. In conjunction with cohesin, it organizes chromatin into loops, thereby regulating gene expression and epigenetic ...