Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Carlsen, Benedicte"
The changing role of gatekeepers: Rationing and shared decision-making in primary care
Carlsen, Benedicte; Carlsen, Benedicte (Doctoral thesis, 2006-06-21)The Norwegian health care system is increasingly dependent on the general practitioner’s(GP’s) gatekeeper function for cost containment and for fair and effective resource allocation.GPs enjoy extensive professional freedom ... -
General practitioners' experiences with sickness certification: A comparison of survey data from Sweden and Norway
Winde, Lee; Alexanderson, Kristina; Carlsen, Benedicte; Kjeldgård, Linnea; Wilteus, Anna Löfgren; Gjesdal, Sturla (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-03-01)Background: In most countries with sickness insurance systems, general practitioners (GPs) play a key role in the sickness-absence process. Previous studies have indicated that GPs experience several tasks and situations ... -
Healthcare workers’ perceptions and experiences of communicating with people over 50 about vaccination: a qualitative evidence synthesis (Protocol)
Glenton, Claire; Winje, Brita Askeland; Carlsen, Benedicte; Eilers, Renske; Wennekes, Manuela; Lewin, Simon Arnold (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (qualitative). The objectives are as follows: To explore healthcare workers' perceptions and experiences of communication between themselves and older adults about vaccination. -
Healthcare workers’ perceptions and experiences of communicating with people over 50 years of age about vaccination: a qualitative evidence synthesis
Glenton, Claire; Carlsen, Benedicte; Lewin, Simon Arnold; Wennekes, Manuela Dominique; Askeland Winje, Brita; Eilers, Renske (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background: Infectious diseases are a major cause of illness and death among older adults. Vaccines can prevent infectious diseases, including against seasonal influenza, pneumococcal diseases, herpes zoster and COVID‐19. ... -
Nordmenn stolte på myndighetenes informasjon og tiltak i starten av koronapandemien
Sætrevik, Bjørn; Bærøe, Kristine; Carlsen, Benedicte; Bjørkheim, Sebastian Brun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Effektiv håndtering av en pandemi avhenger av at befolkningen har tillit til myndighetene, og at den stoler på og er villig til å følge smitteverntiltakene. I mars, juni og august 2020 undersøkte vi disse faktorene i tre ... -
Pasientvelferd eller kostnadshensyn: fastlegenes dilemma
Carlsen, Benedicte; Riise, Julie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-09)Det er en jevnt økende etterspørsel etter helsetjenester i Norge; folk blir eldre, nye livsstilsrelaterte plager utvikles og stadig nye lidelser kan behandles. Det økte trykket gjør rasjonering og prioritering i helsevesenet ... -
Psychiatry out-of-hours: a focus group study of GPs’ experiences in Norwegian casualty clinics
Johansen, Ingrid Hjulstad; Carlsen, Benedicte; Hunskår, Steinar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-05-27)Background: For Norwegian general practitioners (GPs), acute treatment of mental illness and substance abuse are among the most commonly experienced emergency situations in out-of-hours primary healthcare. The largest share ... -
Recommended content of referral letters from general practitioners to specialised mental health care: a qualitative multi-perspective study
Hartveit, Miriam; Thorsen, Olav; Biringer, Eva; Vanhaecht, Kris; Carlsen, Benedicte; Aslaksen, Aslak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-08-19)Background: In most Western countries, the referral letter forms the basis for establishing the priority of patients for specialised health care and for the coordination of care between the services. To be able to define ... -
"Saying no is no easy matter" A qualitative study of competing concerns in rationing decisions in general practice
Carlsen, Benedicte; Norheim, Ole Frithjof (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2005-11-09)Background: The general practitioner in Norway is expected to ensure equity and effectiveness through fair rationing. At the same time, due to recent reforms of the Norwegian health care sector, both the role of economic ... -
Using qualitative research to develop an elaboration of the TIDieR checklist for interventions to enhance vaccination communication: short report
Glenton, Claire; Carlsen, Benedicte; Winje, Brita Askeland; Eilers, Renske; Wennekes, Manuela Dominique; Hoffmann, Tammy C; Lewin, Simon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased interest in communication with the public regarding vaccination. Our recent Cochrane qualitative evidence synthesis points to several factors that could influence ... -
"What lies beneath it all?" - an interview study of GPs' attitudes to the use of guidelines
Carlsen, Benedicte; Norheim, Ole Frithjof (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008-10-22)Background: General practitioners (GPs) adopt clinical practice guidelines to varying degrees. Several factors have been found to influence application of guidelines in practice and the GP is apparently the key actor. ... -
When “Normal” Becomes Normative: A Case Study of Researchers’ Quotation Errors When Referring to a Focus Group Sample Size Study
Glenton, Claire; Carlsen, Benedicte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-23)In 2011, we published a review exploring how researchers report and justify their focus group sample sizes. We concluded that sample sizes vary widely and that most researchers give no explanation for their sample size. ... -
Why physicians are lousy gatekeepers: Sicklisting decisions when patients have private information on symptoms
Carlsen, Benedicte; Lind, Jo Thori; Nyborg, Karine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In social insurance systems that grant workers paid sick leave, physicians act as gatekeepers, supposedly granting sickness certificates to the sick and not to shirkers. Previous research has emphasized the physician's ...