• Educational gradient in hip fracture incidence in Norway. The Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS) 

      Holvik, Kristin; Dahl, Cecilie; Samuelsen, Sven Ove; Søgaard, Anne-Johanne; Solbakken, Siri Marie; Tell, Grethe Seppola; Hoff, Mari; Schei, Berit; Kjeldgaard, Helena Kames; Apalset, Ellen Margrete; Morseth, Bente; Grimnes, Guri; Meyer, Haakon Eduard; Omsland, Tone Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Summary Examining fracture dynamics by socioeconomic status may inform healthcare and prevention. We found a higher risk of hip fracture in men and women with lower educational level in Norway. However, by age 90 + years, ...
    • Epidemiology of forearm fractures in women and men in Norway 2008–2019 

      Andreasen, Camilla; Dahl, Cecilie; Solberg, Lene Bergendal; Borgen, Tove Tveitan; Wisløff, Torbjørn; Gjertsen, Jan-Erik; Figved, Wender; Stutzer, Jens-Meinhard; Nissen, Frida Igland; Nordsletten, Lars; Frihagen, Frede; Bjørnerem, Åshild Marit; Omsland, Tone Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Summary The purpose of this paper is to describe rates of forearm fractures in adults in Norway 2008–2019. Incidence rate of distal forearm fractures declined over time in both sexes. Forearm fracture constitute a ...
    • High prevalence of vertebral fractures and low trabecular bone score in patients with fragility fractures: A cross-sectional sub-study of NoFRACT 

      Borgen, Tove Tveitan; Bjørnerem, Åshild; Solberg, Lene Bergendal; Andreasen, Camilla; Brunborg, Cathrine; Stenbro, May-Britt; Hübschle, Lars Michael; Froholdt, Anne; Figved, Wender; Apalset, Ellen M; Gjertsen, Jan-Erik; Basso, Trude; Lund, Ida; Hansen, Ann Kristin; Stutzer, Jens-Meinhard; Dahl, Cecilie; Omsland, Tone Kristin; Nordsletten, Lars; Frihagen, Frede Jon; Eriksen, Erik Fink (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Purpose: Norway has among the highest incidence rates of fractures in the world. Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) and trabecular bone score (TBS) provide information about fracture risk, but their importance have not ...
    • Impact of Total Hip Replacements on the Incidence of Hip Fractures in Norway During 1999–2019. A Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS) Study 

      Kjeldgaard, Helena Kames; Meyer, Haakon Eduard; O’Flaherty, Martin; Apalset, Ellen Margrete; Dahl, Cecilie; Emaus, Nina; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Furnes, Ove Nord; Gjertsen, Jan-Erik; Hoff, Mari; Schei, Berit; Søgaard, Anne-Johanne; Tell, Grethe Seppola; Holvik, Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The knowledge about why hip fracture rates in Norway have declined is sparse. Concurrent with decreasing hip fracture rates, the rates of total hip replacements (THRs) have increased. We wanted to investigate if hip fracture ...
    • The Norwegian Capture the Fracture Initiative a stepped wedge cluster randomized 1 controlled trial of a Fracture Liaison Service model of care: The NoFRACT Trial Protocol 

      Andreasen, Camilla; Solberg, Lene Bergendal; Basso, Trude; Borgen, Tove Tveitan; Dahl, Cecilie; Wisløff, Torbjørn; Hagen, Gunhild; Apalset, Ellen M; Gjertsen, Jan-Erik; Figved, Wender; Hübschle, Lars Michael; Stutzer, Jens-Meinhard; Elvenes, Jan; Joakimsen, Ragnar Martin; Syversen, Unni; Eriksen, Erik Fink; Nordsletten, Lars; Frihagen, Frede Jon; Omsland, Tone Kristin; Bjørnerem, Åshild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-12-07)
      Importance: Fragility fracture is a major health issue because of the accompanying morbidity, mortality, and financial cost. Despite the high cost to society and personal cost to affected individuals, secondary fracture ...
    • Quality of municipal drinking water and the risk of osteoporotic fractures in Norway 

      Dahl, Cecilie (Doctoral thesis, 2014-06-02)
      Background: For mainly unknown reasons, the Norwegian population has among the highest incidence rates of osteoporotic fractures in the world. The risk of fracture has been shown to vary within Norway, with higher risks ...
    • Subsequent fracture risk in Norwegians and immigrants with an index forearm fracture: a cohort study 

      Semsarian, Sepideh; Omsland, Tone Kristin; Heen, Espen Kolstad; Madar, Ahmed Ali; Frihagen, Frede; Gjertsen, Jan-Erik; Solberg, Lene Bergendal; Figved, Wender; Stutzer, Jens-Meinhard; Borgen, Tove Tveitan; Andreasen, Camilla; Hansen, Ann Kristin; Bjørnerem, Åshild Marit; Dahl, Cecilie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Summary: The current study investigated subsequent fracture risk following a forearm fracture in three country of birth categories: Norway, Europe and North America, and other countries. Subsequent fracture risk was modestly ...
    • Urban–Rural Differences in Hip Fracture Mortality: A Nationwide NOREPOS Study 

      Solbakken, Siri Marie; Magnus, Jeanette H.; Meyer, Haakon E; Dahl, Cecilie; Stigum, Hein; Søgaard, Anne-Johanne; Holvik, Kristin; Tell, Grethe S.; Emaus, Nina; Forsmo, Siri; Gjesdal, Clara Gram; Schei, Berit; Vestergaard, Peter; Omsland, Tone Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09-09)
      Higher hip fracture incidence in urban than in rural areas has been demonstrated, but urban–rural differences in posthip fracture mortality have been less investigated, and the results are disparate. Hence, the aims of the ...
    • Use of non-governmental maternity services and pregnancy outcomes among undocumented women: a cohort study from Norway 

      Eick, Frode; Vallersnes, Odd Martin; Fjeld, Heidi; Sørbye, Ingvil; Storkås, Guro; Ekrem, Marthe; Børmer, Marie; Løberg, Sara Andrea; Ebbing, Cathrine; Voldner, Nanna; Dahl, Cecilie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background In 2011 Norway granted undocumented women the right to antenatal care and to give birth at a hospital but did not include them in the general practitioner and reimbursement schemes. As a response to limited ...
    • Validation of forearm fracture diagnoses in administrative patient registers 

      Omsland, Tone Kristin; Solberg, Lene Bergendal; Bjørnerem, Åshild Marit; Borgen, Tove Tveitan; Andreasen, Camilla; Wisløff, Torbjørn; Hagen, Gunhild; Basso, Trude; Gjertsen, Jan-Erik; Apalset, Ellen Margrete; Figved, Wender; Stutzer, Jens-Meinhard; Nissen, Frida Igland; Hansen, Ann Kristin; Joakimsen, Ragnar Martin; Figari, Elisa; Peel, Geoffrey; Rashid, Ali A.; Khoshkhabari, Jashar; Eriksen, Erik Fink; Nordsletten, Lars; Frihagen, Frede; Dahl, Cecilie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Summary: The validity of forearm fracture diagnoses recorded in five Norwegian hospitals was investigated using image reports and medical records as gold standard. A relatively high completeness and correctness of the ...