Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Dybdahl, Ragnhild"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Mental Health in Refugee Children
Dangmann, Cecilie Ruud; Dybdahl, Ragnhild; Solberg, Øivind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Almost half of the world's forcibly displaced population are children, most commonly originating from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Health disparities are well documented, especially for mental health, but not consistent ... -
Post‑traumatic Stress and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents After the 2015 Earthquake in Nepal: A Longitudinal Study
Silwal, Sanju; Chudal, Roshan; Dybdahl, Ragnhild; Sillanmaki, Lauri; Lien, Lars; Sourander, A (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Few longitudinal studies have focused on mental health problems among adolescents after earthquakes. We investigated changes in post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and depressive symptoms from 18 to 31 months after the ... -
Psychosocial Support and Emergency Education: An Explorative Study of Perceptions among Adult Stakeholders in Sudan and South Sudan
Heltne, Unni Marie; Dybdahl, Ragnhild; Elkhalifa, Suleima; Breidlid, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The link between education and psychosocial wellbeing is important, but complex. This study seeks to explore stakeholder’s views on the role of school education in the psychosocial support and wellbeing of children in the ... -
Same but different: meaning-making among refugee and non-refugee youths
Dybdahl, Ragnhild; Sørensen, Torgeir; Hauge, Hans A.; Røsvik, Kjersti; Lien, Lars; Eide, Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Purpose: There is substantial research on the experiences, needs and well-being of unaccompanied refugee adolescents, but less is known about existential aspects of their lives. The purpose of the current study is to explore ... -
Training non-specialists in teaching recovery techniques (TRT) to help traumatised children in humanitarian settings: a qualitative analysis of experiences gained from 20 years of practice
Heltne, Unni Marie; Sarkadi, Anna; Lien, Lars; Dybdahl, Ragnhild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-11)Background: Although several manuals and guidelines have been developed to enhance the quality of task-sharing interventions, it remains challenging to train non-professional personnel in mental health and psychosocial ...