Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Engan, Britt"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Cardiac Function and Early Risk Markers for Cardiovascular Disease in Children and Young Adults Surviving Severe Childhood Disease
Engan, Britt (Doctoral thesis, 2023-11-03)Sammendrag på norsk Bakgrunn Prosessene som ligger bak utvikling av hjerte-kar sykdom starter tidlig i livet og er avhengig av antall risikofaktorer og debuttidspunkt av disse. Noen grupper er mer utsatt for hjerte-kar ... -
Effectiveness, safety, and patient reported outcomes of a planned investment procedure in higher-risk chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention: Rationale and design of the invest-CTO study
Øksnes, Anja; Skaar, Elisabeth; Engan, Britt; Bleie, Øyvind; Løland, Kjetil Halvorsen; Taoussi, Nadia; Maehara, Akiko; Norekvål, Tone Merete; Rotevatn, Svein; McEntegart, Margaret B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: The anatomical complexity of a chronic total occlusion (CTO) correlates with procedural failure and complication rates. CTO modification after unsuccessful crossing has been associated with subsequent higher ... -
Myocardial function including estimates of myocardial work in young adults born very preterm or with extremely low birthweight - a cohort study
Engan, Britt; Omdal, Tom Roar; Greve, Gottfried; Vollsæter, Maria; Leirgul, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background Preterm birth and low birthweight have been associated with increased risk of heart failure and cardiovascular disease in young adulthood. However, results from clinical studies of myocardial function are not ... -
Systolic myocardial function measured by echocardiographic speckle-tracking and peak oxygen consumption in pediatric childhood cancer survivors—a PACCS study
Engan, Britt; Diab, Simone; Brun, Henrik; Raastad, Truls; Torsvik, Ingrid Kristin; Omdal, Tom Roar; Zamanzad Ghavidel, Fatemeh; Greve, Gottfried; Ruud, Ellen; Edvardsen, Elisabeth; Leirgul, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: Cancer therapy-related cardiotoxicity is a major cause of cardiovascular morbidity in childhood cancer survivors. The aims of this study were to investigate systolic myocardial function and its association to ... -
Vascular endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated vasodilatation in young adults born very preterm or with extremely low birthweight: A regional cohort study
Engan, Britt; Engan, Mette; Greve, Gottfried; Vollsæter, Maria; Hufthammer, Karl Ove; Leirgul, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background: Preterm birth and low birthweight have been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease in young adults. Endothelial dysfunction is established as an early marker for development of atherosclerotic ...