• Germline pathogenic variants in patients with high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms 

      Venizelos, Andreas; Sorbye, Halfdan; Elvebakken, Hege; Perren, Aurel; Lothe, Inger Marie Bowitz; Couvelard, Anne; Hjortland, Geir Olav; Sundlöv, Anna; Svensson, Johanna; Garresori, Herish; Kersten, Christian; Hofsli, Eva; Detlefsen, Sönke; Vestermark, Lene W.; Ladekarl, Morten; Tabaksblat, Elizaveta Mitkina; Knappskog, Stian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      High-grade gastroenteropancreatic (HG-GEP) neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are highly aggressive cancers. The molecular etiology of these tumors remains unclear, and the prevalence of pathogenic germline variants in patients ...
    • The molecular characteristics of high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms 

      Venizelos, Andreas; Elvebakken, Hege; Perren, Aurel; Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Deng, Wei; Lothe, Inger Marie Bowitz; Couvelard, Anne; Hjortland, Geir Olav; Sundlöv, Anna; Svensson, Johanna; Garresori, Herish; Kersten, Christian; Hofsli, Eva; Detlefsen, Sönke; Krogh, Merete; Sørbye, Halfdan; Knappskog, Stian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      High-grade (HG) gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN) are rare but have a very poor prognosis and represent a severely understudied class of tumours. Molecular data for HG GEP-NEN are limited, and ...
    • Mutation Spectrum in Liquid Versus Solid Biopsies From Patients With Advanced astroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma 

      Knappskog, Stian; Grob, Tobias; Venizelos, Andreas; Amstutz, Ursula; Hjortland, Geir Olav; Lothe, Inger Marie Bowitz; Kersten, Christian; Hofsli, Eva; Sundlöv, Anna; Elvebakken, Hege; Garresori, Herish; Couvelard, Anne; Svensson, Johanna; Sorbye, Halfdan; Perren, Aurel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Purpose Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas (GEP-NEC) are rare and have a poor prognosis. Most GEP-NEC are diagnosed with metastatic disease, with only minor biopsies available for molecular diagnostics. We ...
    • Novel hybridization- and tag-based error-corrected method for sensitive ctDNA mutation detection using ion semiconductor sequencing 

      Tjensvoll, Kjersti; Lapin, Morten; Gilje, Bjørnar; Garresori, Herish; Oltedal, Satu; Forthun, Rakel Brendsdal; Molven, Anders; Rozenholc, Yves; Nordgård, Oddmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis has emerged as a clinically useful tool for cancer diagnostics and treatment monitoring. However, ctDNA detection is complicated by low DNA concentrations and technical challenges. ...
    • The overriding role of surgery and tumor grade for long-term survival in patients with gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms: A population-based cohort study 

      Søreide, Jon Arne; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Lea, Dordi; Sandvik, Oddvar M.; Al-Saiddi, Mohammed; Haslerud, Torjan M.; Garresori, Herish; Karlsen, Lars Normann; Gudlaugsson, Einar; Søreide, Kjetil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (GEP-NENs) comprise a heterogeneous disease group. Factors that affect long-term survival remain uncertain. Complete population-representative cohorts with long-term ...