Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Gershman, D.J."
Bifurcated Current Sheet Observed on the Boundary of Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices
Hwang, K.-J.; Dokgo, K.; Choi, E.; Burch, J.L.; Sibeck, D.G.; Giles, B.L.; Norgren, Astrid Elisabet Cecilia; Nakamura, T.K.M.; Graham, D.B.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Shi, Q.Q.; Gershman, D.J.; Pollock, C.J.; Ergun, R.E.; Torbert, R.B.; Russell, C.T.; Strangeway, R.J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)On May 5, 2017 MMS observed a bifurcated current sheet at the boundary of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices (KHVs) developed on the dawnside tailward magnetopause. We use the event to enhance our understanding of the formation and ... -
Direct observations of anomalous resistivity and diffusion in collisionless plasma
Graham, D.B.; Khotyaintsev, Yu. V.; André, M.; Vaivads, A.; Divin, A.; Drake, J.F.; Norgren, Astrid Elisabet Cecilia; Le Contel, Contel; Lindqvist, P.-A.; Rager, A.C.; Gershman, D.J.; Russell, C.T.; Burch, J.L.; Hwang, K.-J.; Dokgo, K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Coulomb collisions provide plasma resistivity and diffusion but in many low-density astrophysical plasmas such collisions between particles are extremely rare. Scattering of particles by electromagnetic waves can lower the ... -
Electron Bernstein waves driven by electron crescents near the electron diffusion region
Li, Wenya; Graham, D. B.; Khotyaintsev, Yuri V.; Vaivads, Andris; André, Mats; Min, K.; Liu, K.; Tang, B.B.; Wang, C.; Fujimoto, K.; Norgren, Astrid Elisabet Cecilia; Toledo-Redondo, Sergio; Lindqvist, Per-Arne; Ergun, R.E.; Torbert, Roy B.; Rager, A.C.; Dorelli, J.C.; Gershman, D.J.; Giles, B. L.; Lavraud, B.; Plaschke, F.; Magnes, W.; Le Contel, Olivier; Russell, Christopher T.; Burch, J. L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft encounter an electron diffusion region (EDR) of asymmetric magnetic reconnection at Earth’s magnetopause. The EDR is characterized by agyrotropic electron velocity distributions ... -
Spatial evolution of magnetic reconnection diffusion region structures with distance from the X-line
Oieroset, M; Phan, Tai D.; Ergun, R.E.; Ahmadi, N.; Genestreti, K.; Drake, J. F.; Liu, Y.; Haggerty, CM; Eastwood, JP; Shay, M.A.; Pyakural, P.; Haaland, Stein Egil; Oka, M; Goodbred, M; Eriksson, S; Burch, J. L.; Torbert, R; Khotyaintsev, Y; Russell, C. T.; Strangeway, R; Gershman, D.J.; Giles, B. L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We report Magnetospheric Multiscale four-spacecraft observations of a thin reconnecting current sheet with weakly asymmetric inflow conditions and a guide field of approximately twice the reconnecting magnetic field. The ...