Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Girard, Lisa-Christine"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Developmental trajectories of aggression, hyperactivity/inattention, and anxious depressed mood: co-occurring problems within a chilean context
Morales, María Francisca; MacBeth, Angus; Nagin, Daniel; Girard, Lisa-Christine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The current study examined multi-trajectories of aggression, hyperactivity/inattention and anxious/depressed problems, along with associated risk factors for trajectory group membership, using a person-centred approach. ... -
Developmental trajectories of conduct problems and time-varying peer problems: the Bergen child study
Girard, Lisa-Christine; Bøe, Tormod; Nilsen, Sondre Aasen; Askeland, Kristin Gärtner; Hysing, Mari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: While it is increasingly acknowledged that conduct problems and peer problems often co-occur in development, less is known about the ways in which peer problems may alter the developmental course of conduct ... -
An empirical study on attitudes toward gambling when sportswashing is involved
Syvertsen, Andre; Erevik, Eilin K.; Grude Fodstad, Elise Constance; Girard, Lisa-Christine; Kaur, Puneet; Kristensen, Joakim Hellumbråten; Kolberg, Eirin; Mentzoni, Rune Aune; Morken, Arne Magnus; Sagoe, Dominic; Pallesen, Ståle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Sportswashing is defined as individuals, groups, companies, or countries/regimes’ involvement in sports to improve their own reputation and/or to distract from or normalize wrongdoing. This cross-sectional survey is the ... -
An examination of behavioural and emotional problems in children exposed prenatally to the 27F Chilean earthquake: findings from the ELPI cohort
Morales, María Francisca; Girard, Lisa-Christine; Sawrikar, Vilas; MacBeth, Angus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Purpose Associations between prenatal earthquake exposure and children’s mental health remain unclear. Moreover, there is a paucity of research using quasi-experimental statistical techniques to diminish potential ... -
Income and gambling disorder: A longitudinal matched case-control study with registry data from Norway
Girard, Lisa-Christine; Leino, Tony Mathias; Griffiths, Mark D.; Pallesen, Ståle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background Untangling the association between gambling disorder (GD) and income is complex. Financial strain is often a consequence of GD. At the same time GD is more prevalent in the context of poverty, suggesting income ... -
Temporal order of diagnosis between gambling disorder and substance use disorders: Longitudinal results from the Norwegian Patient Registry
Girard, Lisa-Christine; Griffiths, Mark D.; Rossow, Ingeborg Margrete; Leino, Tony Mathias; Goudriaan, Anna E.; Smith, Otto Robert Frans; Pallesen, Ståle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction Previous research has established co-occurrence between substance use disorders (SUDs) and gambling disorder (GD). Less well understood is the temporal sequencing of onset between these disorders, and in ... -
Trajectories of Mental Health Problems in Childhood and Adult Voting Behaviour: Evidence from the 1970s British Cohort Study
Girard, Lisa-Christine; Okolikj, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The link between childhood mental health difficulties such as conduct problems and adult political abstention has been overlooked despite early mental health difficulties potentially resulting in political self-marginalisation. ...