Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Grønstad, Line Førre"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
«Arv og kjærlighet». Om å bytte og å halde på etternamnet for norske menn i heterofile forhold
Grønstad, Line Førre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In many Western cultures, a shared surname symbolises unity within the nuclear family. In heterosexual couples, choices of surname often confirm a gendered hierarchy, as men usually keep their name and give it to their ... -
Fellesskap og individualitet. Kjønna etternamnsval blant norske menn i heterofile parforhold
Grønstad, Line Førre (Doctoral thesis, 2020-12-11)Few Norwegian men change their surnames as part of a heterosexual couple. My aim was to understand the meanings men attach to surnames in heterosexual relationships by studying four central topics in men’s surname stories ... -
Kva skal kvinna, barnet og mannen heite? Kjønna namnelover i Noreg frå 1923 til 2003
Grønstad, Line Førre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Fram til tidleg på 1900-talet rådde eit stort mangfald i namnepraksisar i Noreg. I artikkelen undersøker eg korleis forståingar av kjønn har vore med på å forme namnelovene våre, frå den fyrste i 1923 til den gjeldande ... -
One battle and two museums. A study of cultural discourses and categorizations at the Bloedrivier and the Ncome Heritage Sites in South Africa.
Grønstad, Line Førre (Master thesis, 2009-05-15)Two museums have been put up on a site where there was a battle in 1838. One museum celebrates the white Afrikaners who won, one the Zulus, who lost. Today this battle plays part in various discourses on identity and nation ...