• Configuration of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in southwestern Norway during the Younger Dryas 

      Briner, Jason P.; Svendsen, John Inge; Mangerud, Jan; Linge, Henriette; Gyllencreutz, Richard; Dahl, Svein Olaf; Fabel, Derek (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The extent of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in southwestern Norway is precisely located during the well-characterized Younger Dryas re-advance. However, the thickness of the ice sheet is less well constrained inland from the ...
    • Ice-dammed lakes and deglaciation history of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in central Jämtland, Sweden 

      Regnéll, Carl; Peterson Becher, Gustaf; Öhrling, Christian; Greenwood, Sarah L.; Gyllencreutz, Richard; Blomdin, Robin; Brendryen, Jo; Goodfellow, Bradley W.; Mikko, Henrik; Ransed, Gunnel; Smith, Colby (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Extensive glacial lakes dammed in the Scandinavian Mountains during the retreat of the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet were first hypothesised over a century ago. Here, using high-resolution LiDAR, we report >4500 relict ...
    • The last Eurasian Ice Sheets - a chronological database and time-slice reconstruction 

      Hughes, Anna L.C.; Gyllencreutz, Richard; Lohne, Øystein Strand; Mangerud, Jan; Svendsen, John-Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-10-09)
      We present a new time-slice reconstruction of the Eurasian ice sheets (British–Irish, Svalbard–Barents–Kara Seas and Scandinavian) documenting the spatial evolution of these interconnected ice sheets every 1000 years from ...
    • A new global ice sheet reconstruction for the past 80 000 years 

      Gowan, Evan J.; Zhang, Xu; Khosravi, Sara; Rovere, Alessio; Stocchi, Paolo; Hughes, Anna L.C.; Gyllencreutz, Richard; Mangerud, Jan; Svendsen, John Inge; Lohmann, Gerrit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The evolution of past global ice sheets is highly uncertain. One example is the missing ice problem during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 26 000-19 000 years before present) – an apparent 8-28 m discrepancy between far-field ...
    • Rapid retreat of a Scandinavian marine outlet glacier in response to warming at the last glacial termination 

      Åkesson, Henning; Gyllencreutz, Richard; Mangerud, Jan; Svendsen, John-Inge; Nick, Faezeh M.; Nisancioglu, Kerim Hestnes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Marine outlet glaciers on Greenland are retreating, yet it is unclear if the recent fast retreat will persist, and how atmosphere and ocean warming will impact future retreat. We show how a marine outlet glacier in ...