Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
1q21.1 distal copy number variants are associated with cerebral and cognitive alterations in humans
Sønderby, Ida Elken; van der Meer, Dennis; Moreau, Clara; Kaufmann, Tobias; Walters, G. Bragi; Ellegaard, Maria; Abdellaoui, Abdel; Ames, David; Amunts, Katrin; Andersson, Micael; Armstrong, Nicola J.; Bernard, Manon; Blackburn, Nicholas B.; Blangero, John; Boomsma, Dorret I.; Brodaty, Henry; Brouwer, Rachel M.; Bülow, Robin; Bøen, Rune; Cahn, Wiepke; Calhoun, Vince D.; Caspers, Svenja; Ching, Christopher R. K.; Cichon, Sven; Ciufolini, Simone; Crespo-Facorro, Benedicto; Curran, Joanne E.; Dale, Anders M.; Dalvie, Shareefa; Dazzan, Paola; de Geus, Eco J. C.; Zubicaray, Greig I. de; Zwarte, Sonja M. C. de; Desrivieres, Sylvane; Doherty, Joanne L.; Donohoe, Gary; Draganski, Bogdan; Ehrlich, Stefan; Eising, Else; Espeseth, Thomas; Fejgin, Kim; Fisher, Simon E.; Fladby, Tormod; Frei, Oleksandr; Frouin, Vincent; Fukunaga, Masaki; Gareau, Thomas; Ge, Tian; Glahn, David C.; Grabe, Hans J.; Groenewold, Nynke A.; Gustafsson, Omar; Haavik, Jan; Haberg, Asta Kristine; Hall, Jeremy; Hashimoto, Ryota; Hehir-Kwa, Jayne Y.; Hibar, Derrek P.; Hillegers, Manon H. J.; Hoffmann, Per; Holleran, Laurena; Holmes, Avram J.; Johansson, Stefan; Jönsson, Erik Gunnar; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le; Lundervold, Arvid; Lundervold, Astri J.; Moberget, Torgeir; Nordvik, Jan Egil; Sando, Sigrid Botne; Steen, Vidar Martin; Tamnes, Christian Krog; Agartz, Ingrid; Djurovic, Srdjan; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Andreassen, Ole; Homuth, Georg; Hottenga, Jouke-Jan; Hulshoff Pol, Hilleke E.; Ikeda, Masashi; Jahanshad, Neda; Jockwitz, Christiane; Jørgensen, Niklas R.; Kikuchi, Masataka; Knowles, Emma E. M.; Kumar, Kuldeep; Leu, Costin; Linden, David E. J.; Liu, Jingyu; Maillard, Anne M.; Martin, Nicholas G.; Martin-Brevet, Sandra; Mather, Karen A.; Mathias, Samuel R.; McMahon, Katie L.; McRae, Allan F.; Medland, Sarah E.; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Modenato, Claudia; Monereo Sánchez, Jennifer; Morris, Derek W.; Mühleisen, Thomas W.; Murray, Robin M.; Nielsen, Jacob; Nyberg, Lars; Olde Loohuis, Loes M.; Ophoff, Roel A.; Owen, Michael J.; Paus, Tomas; Pausova, Zdenka; Peralta, Juan M.; Pike, G. Bruce; Prieto, Carlos; Quinlan, Erin B.; Reinbold, Céline S.; Reis Marques, Tiago; Rucker, James J. H.; Sachdev, Perminder S.; Schofield, Peter R.; Schork, Andrew J.; Schumann, Gunter; Shin, Jean; Shumskaya, Elena; Silva, Ana I.; Sisodiya, Sanjay M.; Stein, Dan J.; Strike, Lachlan T.; Suzuki, Ikuo K.; Teumer, Alexander; Thalamuthu, Anbupalam; Tordesillas-Gutiérrez, Diana; Uhlmann, Anne; Ulfarsson, Magnus O.; van ‘t Ent, Dennis; van den Bree, Marianne B. M.; Vanderhaeghen, Pierre; Vassos, Evangelos; Wen, Wei; Wittfeld, Katharina; Wright, Margaret J.; Stefansson, Hreinn; Stefansson, Kari; Jacquemont, Sébastien; Thompson, Paul M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Low-frequency 1q21.1 distal deletion and duplication copy number variant (CNV) carriers are predisposed to multiple neurodevelopmental disorders, including schizophrenia, autism and intellectual disability. Human carriers ... -
Changes in contamination-related obsessions and compulsions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Norwegian longitudinal study
Grøtte, Torun; Hagen, Kristen; Eid, Jarle; Kvale, Gerd; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le; Solem, Stian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: Early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic have been associated with increasing obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS), but less is known regarding these symptoms’ long-term trajectories. The aim of this study was to ... -
Changes in mental health symptoms from April (COVID-19 outbreak) to December 2020 in Norway: A two-wave study
Hagen, Kristen; Solem, Stian; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin Støbakk; Eid, Jarle; Kvale, Gerd; Samdal, Oddrun; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The main objective of the study was to investigate changes in mental health symptoms from the start of the pandemic in Norway (April) to December 2020. A total of 6017 participants completed an assessment of the survey at ... -
Cohort Profile: COVIDMENT: COVID-19 cohorts on mental health across six nations
Unnarsdóttir, Anna Bára; Lovik, Anikó; Fawns-Ritchie, Chloe; Ask, Helga; Kõiv, Kadri; Hagen, Kristen; Didriksen, Maria; Christoffersen, Lea Arregui Nordahl; Garðarsson, Alexander Berg; McIntosh, Andrew; Kähler, Anna K.; Campbell, Archie; Hauksdóttir, Arna; Erikstrup, Christian; Mikkelsen, Dorte Helenius; Altschul, Drew; Thordardottir, Edda Bjork; Frans, Emma Maria; Kvale, Gerd; Tómasson, Gunnar; Kariis, Hanna Maria; Jónsdóttir, Harpa Lind; Rúnarsdóttir, Harpa; Magnúsdóttir, Ingibjörg; Eid, Jarle; Jakobsdóttir, Jóhanna; Nielsen, Kaspar René; Kaspersen, Kathrine Agergård; Milani, Lili; Trogstad, Lill-Iren Schou; Yi, Lu; Bruun, Mie Topholm; Sullivan, Patrick F.; Magnus, Per Minor; Shen, Qing; Nesvåg, Ragnar; Brandlistuen, Ragnhild Eek; Mägi, Reedik; Ostrowski, Sisse Rye; Løkhammer, Solveig; Solem, Stian; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted; Hansen, Thomas Folkmann; Werge, Thomas; Aspelund, Thor; Porteous, David J.; Fang, Fang; Lehto, Kelli; Andreassen, Ole; Pedersen, Ole Birger Vesterager; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur Anna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Differences in white blood cell proportions between schizophrenia cases and controls are influenced by medication and variations in time of day
Villar, Jonelle Marie Dickow; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin Støbakk; Nery Spindola, Leticia Maria; Torsvik, Anja; Bjella, Thomas; Steen, Nils Eiel; Djurovic, Srdjan; Andreassen, Ole; Steen, Vidar Martin; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Cases with schizophrenia (SCZ) and healthy controls show differences in white blood cell (WBC) counts and blood inflammation markers. Here, we investigate whether time of blood draw and treatment with psychiatric medications ... -
Divergent epigenetic responses to perinatal asphyxia in severe mental disorders
Bakke, Laura Anne Wortinger; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin Støbakk; Shadrin, Alexey; Szabo, Attila; Rukke, Sondre Høeg; Nerland, Stener; Smelror, Runar Elle; Jørgensen, Kjetil Nordbø; Barth, Claudia; Andreou, Dimitrios; Weibell, Melissa Anne Elin Authen; Djurovic, Srdjan; Andreassen, Ole A.; Thoresen, Marianne; Ursini, Gianluca; Agartz, Ingrid; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Epigenetic modifications influenced by environmental exposures are molecular sources of phenotypic heterogeneity found in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and may contribute to shared etiopathogenetic mechanisms of these ... -
An epigenetic association analysis of childhood trauma in psychosis reveals possible overlap with methylation changes associated with PTSD
Løkhammer, Solveig; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin Støbakk; Polushina, Tatiana; Aas, Monica; Ottesen, Akiah; Andreassen, Ole; Melle, Ingrid; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Patients with a severe mental disorder report significantly higher levels of childhood trauma (CT) than healthy individuals. Studies have suggested that CT may affect brain plasticity through epigenetic mechanisms and ... -
Identifying nootropic drug targets via large-scale cognitive GWAS and transcriptomics
Lam, Max; Chen, Chia-Yen; Ge, Tian; Xia, Yan; Hill, David W.; Trampush, Joey W.; Yu, Jin; Knowles, Emma; Davies, Gail; Stahl, Eli A.; Huckins, Laura; Liewald, David C.; Djurovic, Srdjan; Melle, Ingrid; Christoforou, Andrea; Reinvang, Ivar; DeRosse, Pamela; Lundervold, Astri J.; Steen, Vidar Martin; Espeseth, Thomas; Räikkönen, Katri; Widen, Elisabeth; Palotie, Aarno; Eriksson, Johan G.; Giegling, Ina; Konte, Bettina; Hartmann, Annette M.; Roussos, Panos; Giakoumaki, Stella; Burdick, Katherine E.; Payton, Antony; Ollier, William; Chiba-Falek, Ornit; Koltai, Deborah; Need, AC; Cirulli, Elizabeth T.; Voineskos, Aristotle N.; Stefanis, Nikos C.; Avramopoulos, Dimitrios; Hatzimanolis, Alex; Smyrnis, Nikolaos; Bilder, Robert M.; Freimer, Nelson B.; Cannon, Tyrone D.; London, Edythe; Poldrack, Russell A.; Sabb, Fred W.; Congdon, Eliza; Conley, Emily Drabant; Scult, Matthew A.; Dickinson, Dwight; Straub, Richard E.; Donohoe, Gary; Morris, Derek; Corvin, Aiden; Gill, Michael; Hariri, Ahmad; Weinberger, Daniel R.; Pendleton, Neil; Bitsios, Panos; Rujescu, Dan; Lahti, Jari; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le; Keller, Matthew C.; Andreassen, Ole; Deary, Ian J.; Glahn, David C.; Huang, Hailiang; Liu, Chunyu; Malhotra, Anil K.; Lencz, Todd (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Broad-based cognitive deficits are an enduring and disabling symptom for many patients with severe mental illness, and these impairments are inadequately addressed by current medications. While novel drug targets for ... -
Neurobiological mechanisms of ECT and TMS treatment in depression: study protocol of a multimodal magnetic resonance investigation
Frid, Leila Marie; Kessler, Ute; Ousdal, Olga Therese; Hammar, Åsa Karin; Haavik, Jan; Riemer, Frank; Hirnstein, Marco; Ersland, Lars; Erchinger, Vera Jane; Ronold, Eivind Haga; Nygaard, Gyrid; Jakobsen, Petter; Craven, Alexander R.; Osnes, Berge; Alisauskiene, Renata; Bartsch, Hauke; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin Støbakk; Oedegaard, Ketil J.; Oltedal, Leif (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: Noninvasive neurostimulation treatments are increasingly being used to treat major depression, which is a common cause of disability worldwide. While electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and transcranial magnetic ... -
Sex effects on DNA methylation affect discovery in epigenome-wide association study of schizophrenia
Tesfaye, Markos; Spindola, Leticia Maria Nery; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin Støbakk; Shadrin, Alexey; Melle, Ingrid; Andreassen, Ole A.; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Sex differences in the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of schizophrenia are well-known; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying these differences remain unclear. Further, the potential advantages of ...