Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Hjelle, Kari Loe"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Agrare kulturminner i utmark. Pollenanalyse i tilknytning til rydningsrøysfelt
Overland, Anette; Hjelle, Kari Loe (UBAS nordisk, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2007) -
Between winter storm surges - Human occupation on a growing Mid-Holocene transgression maximum (Tapes) beach ridge at Longva, Western Norway
Bondevik, Stein; Lødøen, Trond; Tøssebro, Christine; Årskog, Hanne Bente; Hjelle, Kari Loe; Mehl, Ingvild Kristine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-23)Substantial amounts of archaeological material have been found intermixed with beach pebbles and cobbles on the Tapes beach ridge at Longva on the island Flemsøya/Skuløya in Western Norway. The artefacts show that the beach ... -
Demographic developments in Stone Age coastal western Norway by proxy of radiocarbon dates, stray finds and palynological data
Bergsvik, Knut Andreas; Darmark, Kim; Hjelle, Kari Loe; Aksdal, Jostein; Åstveit, Leif Inge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This paper presents a multi-proxy approach to coastal Stone Age demography. It uses the district Hordaland, western Norway as a case and applies the proxies SPD (summed probability distributions) of radiocarbon dates and ... -
DNA from Ancient Reindeer Antler as Marker for Transport Routes and Movement of Craftspeople, Raw Material and Products in Medieval Scandinavia
Røed, Knut H; Hansen, Gitte (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)This pilot project is a joint venture between natural and cultural scientists that share a common interest in exploiting whether available DNA technology makes it possible to trace back archaeologically found reindeer ... -
The Eurasian Modern Pollen Database (EMPD), version 2
Davis, B.A.S.; Chevalier, M.; Sommer, P.; Carter, V.A.; Finsinger, W.; Mauri, A.; Phelps, L.N.; Zanon, M.; Abegglen, R.; Åkesson, C.M.; Alba-Sanchez, F.; Anderson, R.S.; Antipina, T.G.; Atanassova, J.R.; Beer, R.; Belyanina, N.I.; Blyakharchuk, T.A.; Borisova, O.K.; Bozilova, E.; Bukreeva, G.; Bunting, M.J.; Clo, E.; Colombaroli, D.; Combourieu-Nebout, N.; Desprat, S.; Di Rita, F.; Djamali, M.; Edwards, K.J.; Fall, P.L.; Feurdean, A.; Fletcher, W.; Florenzano, A.; Furlanetto, G.; Gaceur, E.; Galimov, A.T.; Galka, M.; Garcia-Moreiras, I.; Giesecke, T.; Grindean, R.; Guido, M.A.; Gvozdeva, I.G.; Herzschuh, U.; Hjelle, Kari Loe; Ivanov, S.; Jahns, S.; Jankovska, V.; Jimenez-Moreno, G.; Karpinska-Kolaczek, M.; Kitaba, I.; Kolaczek, P.; Lapteva, E.G.; Latalowa, M.; Lebreton, V.; Leroy, S.; Leydet, M.; Lopatina, D.A.; Lopez-Saez, J.; Lotter, A.F.; Magri, D.; Marinova, E.; Matthias, I.; Mavridou, A.; Mercuri, A.M.; Mesa-Fernandez, J.M.; Mikishin, Y.A.; Milecka, K.; Montanari, C.; Morales-Molino, C.; Mrotzek, A.; Munoz Sobrino, C.; Naidina, O.D.; Nakagawa, T.; Nielsen, A.B.; Novenko, E.Y.; Panajiotidis, S.; Panova, N.K.; Papadopoulou, M.; Pardoe, H.S.; Pedziszewska, A.; Petrenko, T.I.; Ramos-Roman, M.J.; Ravazzi, C.; Rösch, M.; Ryabogina, N.; Ruiz, S.S.; Salonen, J.S.; Sapelko, T.V.; Schofield, J.E.; Seppä, H.; Shumilovskikh, L.; Stivrins, N.; Stojakowits, P.; Svitavska, H.S.; Swieta-Musznicka, J.; Tantau, I.; Tinner, W.; Tobolski, K.; Tonkov, S.; Tsakiridou, M.; Valsecchi, V.; Zanina, O.G.; Zimny, M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Eurasian (née European) Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) was established in 2013 to provide a public database of high-quality modern pollen surface samples to help support studies of past climate, land cover, and land use ... -
Exploitation of outfield resources – Joint Research at the University Museums of Norway
Indrelid, Svein; Hjelle, Kari Loe; Stene, Kathrine (Book; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
From deciduous forest to open landscape: application of new approaches to help understand cultural landscape development in western Norway
Mehl, Ingvild Kristine; Hjelle, Kari Loe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-06-17)Development of the cultural landscape in a village situated by the inner fjords of western Norway is investigated by pollen analysis and quantitative reconstruction methods. Pollen samples from lake sediments and a soil ... -
From pollen percentage to vegetation cover – evaluation ofthe Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm in western Norway
Hjelle, Kari Loe; Mehl, Ingvild Kristine; Sugita, Shinya; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-06-23)The Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm (LRA) with the two models REVEALS and LOVE is developed to transform pollen percentage data to vegetation cover. This paper presents the first study to evaluate LRA in a region with ... -
Linpollen - ei historie om lindyrking
Mehl, Ingvild K.; Hjelle, Kari Loe (Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen;25, Chapter, 2020-12)Linplanta har tradisjonelt vorte dyrka med føremål å produsere tekstilar og olje. Ved funn av fossile pollen, frø og fibrar frå planta kan vi botanikarar spore lindyrking attende i tid, medan arkeologiske funn som linhekle ... -
Long-term changes in regional vegetation cover along the west coast of southern Norway: The importance of human impact
Hjelle, Kari Loe; Halvorsen, Lene Synnøve; Prøsch-Danielsen, Lisbeth; Sugita, Shinya; Paus, Aage; Kaland, Peter Emil; Mehl, Ingvild Kristine; Overland, Anette; Danielsen, Randi; Høeg, Helge Irgens; Midtbø, Inger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-05)Questions: How open was the landscape prior to agriculture? Did agriculture start earlier in the south than in the north? How did the vegetation change in different regions after the introduction of agriculture? Location: ... -
Long-term vegetation dynamics and land-use history: Providing a baseline for conservation strategies in protected Alnus glutinosa swamp woodlands
Natlandsmyr, Brith; Hjelle, Kari Loe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Alnus glutinosa (alder) swamp woodlands are in danger of disappearing in Europe and, in Norway, several habitats with alder are threatened. Knowledge about the dynamics of alder swamp woodlands is crucial for the conservation ... -
The medieval landscapes of Bergen. Enhanced knowledge through vegetation reconstructions and pollen data from multiple sites
Hjelle, Kari Loe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Modern pollen–vegetation relationships in traditionally mown and unmanaged boreal rich-fen communities in central Norway
Fjordheim, Kristine; Moen, Asbjørn; Hjelle, Kari Loe; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth; Birks, Hilary H (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-04)Knowledge of the relationship between vegetation and modern pollen deposition is necessary to improve the interpretation of fossil pollen samples. We compared the cover of plant species and the modern pollen deposition in ... -
Pollenanalyse - en nødvendig metode for å forstå jernalderens jordbrukslandskap
Hjelle, Kari Loe (Universitetet i Bergen, Arkeologiske Skrifter (UBAS), Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2005) -
Settlement and subsistence strategies in western Norway: examples from two deserted medieval farms
Nesset, Therese; Hjelle, Kari Loe (UBAS – Universitetet i Bergen Arkeologiske Skrifter;13, Chapter, 2022)Two deserted medieval farms are investigated: the coastal Høybøen farm, located on an island on the western coast of Norway, and the inland Hellaug farm located in an upland but low-lying mountain valley. Both farms were ... -
Testing the Effect of Relative Pollen Productivity on the REVEALS Model: A Validated Reconstruction of Europe-Wide Holocene Vegetation
Serge, M.A.; Mazier, F.; Fyfe, R.; Gaillard, M.-J.; Klein, T.; Lagnoux, A.; Galop, D.; Githumbi, E.; Mindrescu, M.; Nielsen, A.B.; Trondman, A.-K.; Poska, A.; Sugita, S.; Woodbridge, J.; Abel-Schaad, D.; Åkesson, C.; Alenius, T.; Ammann, B.; Andersen, S.T.; Anderson, R. Scott; Andrič, M.; Balakauskas, L.; Barnekow, L.; Batalova, V.; Bergman, J.; Birks, H. John B.; Björkman, L.; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth; Borisova, O.; Broothaerts, N.; Carrion, J.; Caseldine, C.; Christiansen, J.; Cui, Q.; Currás, A.; Czerwiński, S.; David, R.; Davies, A.L.; De Jong, Jong; Di Rita, Rita; Dietre, B.; Dörfler, W.; Doyen, E.; Edwards, K.J.; Ejarque, A.; Endtmann, E.; Etienne, D.; Faure, E.; Feeser, I.; Feurdean, A.; Fischer, E.; Fletcher, W.; Franco-Múgica, F.; Fredh, Erik Daniel; Froyd, C.; Garcés-Pastor, S.; García-Moreiras, I.; Gauthier, E.; Gil-Romera, G.; González-Sampériz, P.; Grant, M.J.; Grindean, R.; Haas, J.N.; Hannon, G.; Heather, A.-J.; Heikkilä, M.; Hjelle, Kari Loe; Jahns, S.; Jasiunas, N.; Jiménez-Moreno, G.; Jouffroy-Bapicot, I.; Kabailienė, M.; Kamerling, I.M.; Kangur, M.; Karpińska-Kołaczek, M.; Kasianova, A.; Kołaczek, P.; Lagerås, P.; Latalowa, M.; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Leroyer, C.; Leydet, M.; Lindbladh, M.; Lisitsyna, O.; López-Sáez, J.-A.; Lowe, John; Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger, R.; Lukanina, E.; Macijauskaitė, L.; Magri, D.; Marguerie, D.; Marquer, L.; Martinez-Cortizas, A.; Mehl, Ingvild Kristine; Mesa-Fernández, J.M.; Mighall, T.; Miola, A.; Miras, Y.; Morales-Molino, C.; Mrotzek, A.; Sobrino, C. Muñoz; Odgaard, B.; Ozola, I.; Pérez-Díaz, S.; Pérez-Obiol, R.P.; Poggi, C.; Rego, P. Ramil; Ramos-Román, M.J.; Rasmussen, P.; Reille, M.; Rösch, M.; Ruffaldi, P.; Goni, M. Sanchez; Savukynienė, N.; Schröder, T.; Schult, M.; Segerström, U.; Seppä, H.; Vives, G. Servera; Shumilovskikh, L.; Smettan, H.W.; Stancikaite, M.; Stevenson, A.C.; Stivrins, N.; Tantau, I.; Theuerkauf, M.; Tonkov, S.; van der Knaap, der; van Leeuwen, Leeuwen; Vecmane, E.; Verstraeten, G.; Veski, S.; Voigt, R.; Von Stedingk, Stedingk; Waller, M.P.; Wiethold, J.; Willis, K.J.; Wolters, S.; Zernitskaya, V.P. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-29)Reliable quantitative vegetation reconstructions for Europe during the Holocene are crucial to improving our understanding of landscape dynamics, making it possible to assess the past effects of environmental variables and ... -
Two thousand years of Landscape—Human interactions at a coastal peninsula in Norway revealed through pollen analysis, shoreline reconstruction, and radiocarbon dates from archaeological sites
Hjelle, Kari Loe; Overland, Anette; Gran, Magnar Mojaren; Romundset, Anders; Ystgaard, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Human impact on long-term vegetation and biodiversity changes is often discussed on a general level, connecting palynological data to archaeological time periods. In the present paper we present environmental change during ... -
Uventede funn med konsekvenser - småskalajordbruk i yngre steinalder på Vestlandet
Bergsvik, Knut Andreas; Hjelle, Kari Loe (Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen;25, Chapter, 2020-12)Noen ganger dukker det opp uventede arkeologiske funn og naturobjekter. Det kan være gjenstander som er altfor gamle, ting fra et sted urimelig langt borte, eller pollen fra planter som ikke skal ha vokst der. Når dette ... -
Vegetasjonshistorie, tverrvitskap og naturmangfald
Hjelle, Kari Loe (Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen;24, Chapter, 2019-12)Nyleg vart FNs rapport om naturmangfaldet i verda lagt fram. Den syner ei faretruande utvikling, der artar og naturtypar forsvinn i stadig raskare tempo. På landjorda er endra arealbruk sett som den viktigaste årsaka, der ...