Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Jordal, Bjarte Henry"
Ancient diversity of afrotropical Microborus: three endemic species - not one widespread
Jordal, Bjarte Henry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The primarily Neotropical genus Microborus Blandford is represented with three species in Africa and Madagascar. The previously recorded species from this region, M. boops Blandford, is a Neotropical species restricted to ... -
Bulk de novo mitogenome assembly from pooled total DNA elucidates the phylogeny of weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea)
Gillett, Conrad P.D.T.; Crampton-Platt, Alex; Timmermans, Martin J.T.N.; Jordal, Bjarte Henry; Emerson, Brent C.; Vogler, Alfried P. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Complete mitochondrial genomes have been shown to be reliable markers for phylogeny reconstruction among diverse animal groups. However, the relative difficulty and high cost associated with obtaining de novo full mitogenomes ... -
Classification of Weevils as a data-driven science: leaving opinion behind
Jordal, Bjarte Henry; Smith, Sarah M.; Cognato, Anthony I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-09-08)Data and explicit taxonomic ranking criteria, which minimize taxonomic change, provide a scientific approach to modern taxonomy and classification. However, traditional practices of opinion-based taxonomy (i.e., mid-20th ... -
Deep phylogenetic divergence between Scolytoplatypus and Remansus, a new genus of Scolytoplatypodini from Madagascar (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae)
Jordal, Bjarte Henry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Scolytoplatypodini Blandford is a monotypic tribe of ambrosia beetles found in Asia, Madagascar and Africa. Only three species are currently known from Madagascar and four additional species are here described as new to ... -
Diverse mite communities (Acari: Oribatida, Mesostigmata) from a broadleaf forest in western Norway
Seniczak, Anna Beata; Bolger, Thomas; Roth, Steffen; Seniczak, Stanislaw; Djursvoll, Per; Jordal, Bjarte Henry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Broadleaf forests are rare in Norway and they are considered one of the most biodiverse terrestrial habitats in Fennoscandia. These forests are poorly studied in terms of their acarofauna. Mites of two groups, Oribatida ... -
DNA from resin-embedded organisms: Past, present and future
Peris, David; Janssen, Kathrin; Barthel, H. Jonas; Bierbaum, Gabriele; Delclòs, Xavier; Peñalver, Enrique; Solórzano-Kraemer, Mónica M.; Jordal, Bjarte Henry; Rust, Jes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Past claims have been made for fossil DNA recovery from various organisms (bacteria, plants, insects and mammals, including humans) dating back in time from thousands to several million years BP. However, many of these ... -
The Essential Role of Taxonomic Expertise in the Creation of DNA Databases for the Identification and Delimitation of Southeast Asian Ambrosia Beetle Species (Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini)
Cognato, Anthony Ignacio; Sari, G; Smith, Sarah M.; Beaver, Roger A.; Li, Yousheng; Hulcr, Jiri; Jordal, Bjarte Henry; Kajimura, Hisashi; Lin, C-S; Pham, T; Singh, S; Sittichaya, Wisut (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)DNA holds great potential for species identification and efforts to create a DNA database of all animals and plants currently contains >7.5 million sequences representing ~300,000 species. This promise of a universally ... -
A Forest Pool as a Habitat Island for Mites in a Limestone Forest in Southern Norway
Seniczak, Anna; Seniczak, Stanisław; Graczyk, Radomir; Kaczmarek, Sławomir; Jordal, Bjarte Henry; Kowalski, Jaroslaw; Djursvoll, Per; Roth, Steffen; Bolger, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-12)Forest water bodies, e.g., pools, constitute ‘environmental islands’ within forests, with specific flora and fauna thus contributing considerably to the landscape biodiversity. The mite communities of Oribatida and ... -
Genetic and taxonomic assessment of the widespread Afrotropical ambrosia beetle Xyleborus principalis (Coleoptera, Scolytinae)
Jordal, Bjarte Henry; Tischer, Marta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The taxonomy of the widespread Afrotropical ambrosia beetle Xyleborus principalis Eichhoff, 1878 is reviewed based on morphological and molecular data. The species is both morphologically and genetically variable but without ... -
Genomic mining of phylogenetically informative nuclear markers in bark and ambrosia beetles
Pistone, Dario; Mugu, Sigrid; Jordal, Bjarte Henry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-09-26)Deep level insect relationships are generally difficult to resolve, especially within taxa of the most diverse and species rich holometabolous orders. In beetles, the major diversity occurs in the Phytophaga, including ... -
Globally distributed Xyleborus species reveal recurrent intercontinental dispersal in a landscape of ancient worldwide distributions Phylogenetics and phylogeography
Gohli, Jostein; Selvarajah, Tina; Kirkendall, Lawrence R.; Jordal, Bjarte Henry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-02-15)Background: Invasive species can have devastating effects on native ecosystems and therefore impose a significant threat to human welfare. The introduction rate of invasive species has accelerated dramatically in recent ... -
Glostatina, a new xyloctonine subtribe for Glostatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), based on clear genetic and morphological differences
Jordal, Bjarte Henry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)An integrated taxonomic revision of the Afrotropical Glostatus Schedl, 1939 is presented, which is based on multiple genetic markers and morphological characters. Both types of data clearly distinguish Glostatus from other ... -
High Diversity of Mites (Acari: Oribatida, Mesostigmata) Supports the High Conservation Value of a Broadleaf Forest in Eastern Norway
Seniczak, Anna; Seniczak, Stanislaw; Stary, Josef; Kaczmarek, Slawomir; Jordal, Bjarte Henry; Kowalski, Jaroslaw; Roth, Steffen; Djursvoll, Per; Bolger, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Broadleaf forests are critical habitats for biodiversity and this biodiversity is in turn essential for their proper functioning. Mites (Acari) are a numerous and functionally essential component of these forests. We report ... -
Improbable but true: the invasive inbreeding ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus morigerus has generalist genotypes
Andersen, Hanne Flåten; Jordal, Bjarte Henry; Kambestad, Marius; Kirkendall, Lawrence R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-01)The wide distribution and dominance of invasive inbreeding species in many forest ecosystems seems paradoxical in face of their limited genetic variation. Successful establishment of invasive species in new areas is ... -
Integrated Taxonomic Revision of Afrotropical Xyleborinus (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Reveals High Diversity After Recent Colonization of Madagascar
Eliassen, Jonas Meland; Jordal, Bjarte Henry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The ambrosia beetle genus Xyleborinus Reitter, 1913 is particularly species rich in Madagascar where the genus exhibits extraordinary morphological variation not seen elsewhere. This study provides the first detailed ... -
Molecular and morphological revision of Afrotropical Hypoborini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) revealed novel bark beetle taxa with narrow geographical distributions
Jordal, Bjarte Henry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Species in the bark beetle tribe Hypoborini Nüsslin, 1912 occur in dead twigs and branches, mainly in dry forest. The Afrotropical fauna previously included ten species in five genera. A taxonomic revision based on molecular ... -
Molecular phylogeny of bark and ambrosia beetles reveals multiple origins of fungus farming during periods of global warming
Jordal, Bjarte Henry; Cognato, Anthony Ignacio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-08-01)Background: Fungus farming is an unusual life style in insects that has evolved many times in the wood boring weevils named ‘ambrosia beetles’. Multiple occurrences of this behaviour allow for a detailed comparison of the ... -
New molecular markers resolve the phylogenetic position of the enigmatic wood-boring weevils Platypodinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Mugu, Sigrid; Pistone, Dario; Jordal, Bjarte Henry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The precise phylogenetic position of the weevil subfamily Platypodinae continues to be one of the more contentious issues in weevil systematics. Morphological features of adult beetles and similar ecological adaptations ... -
Origin and evolution of fungus farming in wood-boring Coleoptera – a palaeontological perspective
Peris, David; Delclòs, Xavier; Jordal, Bjarte Henry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Insect–fungus mutualism is one of the better-studied symbiotic interactions in nature. Ambrosia fungi are an ecological assemblage of unrelated fungi that are cultivated by ambrosia beetles in their galleries as obligate ... -
Patterns of coevolution of ambrosia beetle mycangia and the Ceratocystidaceae, with five new fungal genera and seven new species
Mayers, CG; Harrington, TC; Masuya, H; Mcnew, DL; Jordal, Bjarte Henry; Shih, H-H; Roets, F; Kietzka, GJ (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Ambrosia beetles farm specialised fungi in sapwood tunnels and use pocket-like organs called mycangia to carry propagules of the fungal cultivars. Ambrosia fungi selectively grow in mycangia, which is central to the ...