Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Klyve, Guro Parr"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
En ressursorientert gjestfrihet?
Klyve, Guro Parr (Master thesis, 2011-05-16)Denne studien undersøker musikkterapiens muligheter i et arbeid med enslige mindreårige asylsøkere. Gjennom en teoretisk studie blir perspektiver fra sosiologi, psykologi og filosofi trukket inn og drøftet opp mot den ... -
The importance of fun : Perceptions of music therapy for children at an inpatient unit in mental health care
Klyve, Guro Parr (Doctoral thesis, 2023-04-14)Barns psykiske helse, trivsel og livskvalitet er i stor grad påvirket av deres omgivelser. Dette er spesielt aktuelt nå da covid-19 pandemien viser seg å ha hatt store konsekvenser for barnas psykiske helse. Barns ... -
Moments of fun: Narratives of children’s experiences of music therapy in mental health care
Klyve, Guro Parr; Rolvsjord, Randi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction Mental health issues in children involve complexities and life challenges for the child and their families. Music therapy as part of treatment in mental health care focuses on interaction and communication ... -
Polyphonic perspectives: a focus group study of interprofessional staff’s perceptions of music therapy at an inpatient unit for children in mental health care
Klyve, Guro Parr; Rolvsjord, Randi; Elgen, Irene Bircow (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Purpose: In an inpatient unit for children in mental health care, a variety of services are provided through interprofessional collaborations. Music therapy is a relatively recent proposition in this context, but there is ...