Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Kozina, Ana"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
The Association Between the 5Cs and Anxiety—Insights From Three Countries: Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain
Kozina, Ana; Gomez-Baya, Diego; Gaspar de Matos, Margarida; Tome, Gina; Wiium, Nora (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Several of the most frequent psychological difficulties in childhood and adolescence are related to anxiety and lead to numerous short- and long-term negative outcomes in emotional, social, and academic domains. Empirical ... -
The development of the 5Cs of positive youth development in a school year: A 3-wave longitudinal study of Slovenian youth during the COVID-19 pandemic
Kozina, Ana; Wiium, Nora (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The paper analyses the longitudinal pathways for the 5Cs of positive youth development outcomes (Competence, Confidence, Character, Caring, Connection) in a school context during the COVID-19 pandemic. The theoretical ... -
External Developmental Assets and Positive Identity Among Emerging Adults in Norway, Romania, Slovenia, and Turkey
Dost-Gozkan, Ayfer; Kozina, Ana; Stefenel, Delia; Wiium, Nora (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The present study adopts The Developmental Assets and Positive Youth Development (PYD) perspectives which (in contrast to the deficit-based approaches which highlight risks and deficit in youth development) claim that young ...