Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Kral, Stephan"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Development of community, capabilities and understanding through unmanned aircraft-based atmospheric research: The LAPSE-RATE campaign
De Boer, Gijs; Diehl, Constantin; Jacob, Jamey; Houston, Adam; Smith, Suzanne; Chilson, Phillip B.; Schmale, David; Intrieri, Janet; Pinto, James; Elston, Jack; Brus, David; Kemppinen, Osku; Clark, Alex; Lawrence, Dale; Bailey, Sean; Sama, Michael; Frazier, Amy; Crick, Christopher; Natalie, Victoria; Pillar-Little, Elizabeth; Klein, Petra; Waugh, Sean; Lundquist, Julie K.; Barbieri, Lindsay; Kral, Stephan; Jensen, Anders; Dixon, Cory; Borenstein, Steven; Hesselius, Daniel; Human, Kathleen; Hall, Philip; Argrow, Brian; Thronberry, Troy; Wright, Randy; Kelly, Jason (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Because unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) offer new perspectives on the atmosphere, their use in atmospheric science is expanding rapidly. In support of this growth, the International Society for Atmospheric Research Using ... -
Exploring the potential of the RPA system SUMO for multipurpose boundary-layer missions during the BLLAST campaign
Reuder, Joachim; Båserud, Line; Jonassen, Marius Opsanger; Kral, Stephan; Müller, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-06-24)In June and July 2011 the RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) SUMO (Small Unmanned Meteorological Observer) performed a total number of 299 scientific flights during the BLLAST (Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset ... -
Innovative Strategies for Observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Kral, Stephan (Doctoral thesis, 2020-11-20)In this thesis, consisting of five scientific papers, I investigate the potential of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in stable boundary layer (SBL) research, by developing and applying a new innovative observation strategy. ... -
Innovative strategies for observations in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer (ISOBAR)—The Hailuoto 2017 Campaign
Kral, Stephan; Reuder, Joachim; Vihma, Timo; Suomi, Irene; O’Connor, Ewan; Kouznetsov, Rostislav D.; Wrenger, Burkhard; Rautenberg, Alexander; Urbancic, Gabin; Jonassen, Marius Opsanger; Båserud, Line; Maronga, Bjørn; Mayer, Stephanie; Lorenz, Torge; Holtslag, Albert A.M.; Steeneveld, Gert-Jan; Seidl, Andrew; Müller, Martin; Lindenberg, Christian; Langohr, Carsten; Voss, Hendrik; Bange, Jens; Hundhausen, Marie; Hilsheimer, Philipp; Schygulla, Markus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-07-16)The aim of the research project “Innovative Strategies for Observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ISOBAR)” is to substantially increase the understanding of the stable atmospheric boundary layer (SBL) through ... -
The Innovative Strategies for Observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer Project (ISOBAR) — Unique fine-scale observations under stable and very stable conditions
Kral, Stephan; Reuder, Joachim; Vihma, Timo Pekka; Suomi, Irene; Haualand, Kristine Flacké; Urbancic, Gabin; Greene, Brian R.; Steeneveld, Gert Jan; Lorenz, Torge; Maronga, Bjørn; Jonassen, Marius Opsanger; Ajosenpää, Hada; Båserud, Line; Chilson, Phillip B.; Holtslag, Albert A. M.; Jenkins, Alastair David; Kouznetsov, Rostislav; Mayer, Stephanie; Pillar-Little, Elizabeth A.; Rautenberg, Alexander; Schwenkel, Johannes; Seidl, Andrew; Wrenger, Burkhard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Innovative Strategies for Observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer Program (ISOBAR) is a research project investigating stable atmospheric boundary layer (SBL) processes, whose representation still poses ... -
Intercomparison of Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Measurements for Atmospheric Science during the LAPSE-RATE Campaign
Barbieri, Lindsay; Kral, Stephan; Bailey, Sean; Frazier, Amy; Jacob, Jamey; Reuder, Joachim; Brus, David; Chilson, Phillip; Crick, Christopher; Detweiler, Carrick; Doddi, Abhiram; Elston, Jack; Foroutan, Hosein; Gonzáles-Rocha, Javier; Greene, Brian; Guzmán, Marcelo I.; Houston, Adam; Islam, Ashraful; Kemppinen, Osku; Lawrence, Dale; Pillar-Little, Elizabeth; Ross, Shane; Sama, Michael; Schmale, David; Schuyler, Travis; Shankar, Ajay; Smith, Suzanne; Waugh, Sean; Dixon, Cory; Borenstein, Steve; De Boer, Gijs (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-10)Small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) are rapidly transforming atmospheric research. With the advancement of the development and application of these systems, improving knowledge of best practices for accurate measurement ... -
The Multi-Purpose Airborne Sensor Carrier MASC-3 for Wind and Turbulence Measurements in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Rautenberg, Alexander; Schön, Martin; zum Berge, Kjell; Mauz, Moritz; Manz, Patrick; Platis, Andreas; van Kesteren, Bram; Suomi, Irene; Kral, Stephan; Bange, Jens (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-17)For atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) studies, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) can provide new information in addition to traditional in-situ measurements, or by ground- or satellite-based remote sensing techniques. The ... -
Proof of concept for turbulence measurements with the RPAS SUMO during the BLLAST campaign
Båserud, Line; Reuder, Joachim; Jonassen, Marius Opsanger; Kral, Stephan; Bakhoday Paskyabi, Mostafa; Lothon, Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-10-06)The micro-RPAS (remotely piloted aircraft system) SUMO (Small Unmanned Meteorological Observer) equipped with a five-hole-probe (5HP) system for turbulent flow measurements was operated in 49 flight missions during the ... -
Proof of concept for wind turbine wake investigations with the RPAS SUMO
Reuder, Joachim; Båserud, Line; Kral, Stephan; Kumer, Valerie-Marie; Wagenaar, Jan Willem; Knauer, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-09)The Small Unmanned Meteorological Observer (SUMO) has been operated in the vicinity of five research turbines of the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) at the test site Wieringermeer. The intention of the ...