Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Kronman, Linda"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Classifying humans: the indirect reverse operativity of machine vision
Kronman, Linda (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Classifying is human. Classifying is also what machine vision technologies do. This article analyses the cybernetic loop between human and machine classification by examining artworks that depict instances of bias when ... -
The deception of an infinite view – exploring machine vision in digital art
Kronman, Linda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This paper examines prediction product called Queryable Earth a project to “make Earth searchable for all”. A project pitched by the company Planet, owner of the largest fleet of Earth-imaging satellites in orbit and an ... -
Intuition Machines Cognizers in Complex Human-Technical Assemblages
Kronman, Linda (Journal article, 2020)The urgency of environmental, security, economic and political crises in the early twenty-first century has propelled the use of machine vision to aid human decision-making. These developments have led to strategies in ... -
Performing Bias : Conceptions of Machine Vision Bias in Digital Art
Kronman, Linda (Doctoral thesis, 2024-04-26)Gjennom tidene har produksjon og reproduksjon av bilder gradvis blitt mekanisert, digitalisert og automatisert, men persepsjon styrt av kunstig intelligens (AI) har hatt stor innvirkning på moderne maskinsyn-teknologier. ...