Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Kwon, O-Joung"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Close Relatives of Feedback Vertex Set Without Single-Exponential Algorithms Parameterized by Treewidth
Bergougnoux, Benjamin; Bonnet, Édouard; Brettell, Nick; Kwon, O-Joung (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Cut & Count technique and the rank-based approach have lead to single-exponential FPT algorithms parameterized by treewidth, that is, running in time 2^𝒪(tw)n^𝒪(1), for Feedback Vertex Set and connected versions of ... -
Mim-Width II. The Feedback Vertex Set Problem
Jaffke, Lars; Kwon, O-Joung; Telle, Jan Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We give a first polynomial-time algorithm for (WEIGHTED) FEEDBACK VERTEX SET on graphs of bounded maximum induced matching width (mim-width). Explicitly, given a branch decomposition of mim-width w, we give an nO(w)-time ... -
Mim-Width III. Graph powers and generalized distance domination problems
Telle, Jan Arne; Jaffke, Lars; Strømme, Torstein Jarl Fagerbakke; Kwon, O-Joung (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)We generalize the family of (σ,ρ) problems and locally checkable vertex partition problems to their distance versions, which naturally captures well-known problems such as Distance-r Dominating Set and Distance-r Independent ... -
Three problems on well-partitioned chordal graphs
Ahn, Jungho; Jaffke, Lars; Kwon, O-Joung; Lima, Paloma Thome de (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this work, we solve three problems on well-partitioned chordal graphs. First, we show that every connected (resp., 2-connected) well-partitioned chordal graph has a vertex that intersects all longest paths (resp., longest ...