Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Lashchinskiy, Nikolay"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Effects of soil organic matter properties and microbial community composition on enzyme activities in cryoturbated arctic soils
Schnecker, Jörg; Wild, Birgit; Hofhansl, Florian; Alves, Ricardo J. Eloy; Bárta, Jiří; Čapek, Petr; Fuchslueger, Lucia; Gentsch, Norman; Gittel, Antje; Guggenberger, Georg; Hofer, Angelika; Kienzl, Sandra; Knoltsch, Anna; Lashchinskiy, Nikolay; Mikutta, Robert; Šantrůčková, Hana; Shibistova, Olga; Takriti, Mounir; Urich, Tim; Weltin, Georg; Richter, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-04-04)Enzyme-mediated decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) is controlled, amongst other factors, by organic matter properties and by the microbial decomposer community present. Since microbial community composition and SOM ... -
Input of easily available organic C and N stimulates microbial decomposition of soil organic matter in arctic permafrost soil
Wild, Birgit; Schnecker, Jörg; Alves, Ricardo J. Eloy; Barsukov, Pavel; Bárta, Jiří; Čapek, Petr; Gentsch, Norman; Gittel, Antje; Guggenberger, Georg; Lashchinskiy, Nikolay; Mikutta, Robert; Rusalimova, Olga; Šantrůčková, Hana; Shibistova, Olga; Urich, Tim; Watzka, Margarete; Zrazhevskaya, Galina; Richter, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-08)Rising temperatures in the Arctic can affect soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition directly and indirectly, by increasing plant primary production and thus the allocation of plant-derived organic compounds into the soil. ... -
Lignin Preservation and Microbial Carbohydrate Metabolism in Permafrost Soils
Dao, Thao Thi; Mikutta, Robert; Sauheitl, Leopold; Gentsch, Norman; Shibistova, Olga; Wild, Birgit; Schnecker, Jörg; Bárta, Jiří; Čapek, Petr; Gittel, Antje; Lashchinskiy, Nikolay; Urich, Tim; Šantrůčková, Hana; Richter, Andreas; Guggenberger, Georg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Permafrost-affected soils in the northern circumpolar region store more than 1,000 Pg soil organic carbon (OC), and are strongly vulnerable to climatic warming. However, the extent to which changing soil environmental ... -
Microbial community composition shapes enzyme patterns in topsoil and subsoil horizons along a latitudinal transect in Western Siberia
Schnecker, Jörg; Wild, Birgit; Takriti, Mounir; Eloy Alves, Ricardo J; Gentsch, Norman; Gittel, Antje; Hofer, Angelika; Klaus, Karoline; Knoltsch, Anna; Lashchinskiy, Nikolay; Mikutta, Robert; Richter, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-04)Soil horizons below 30 cm depth contain about 60% of the organic carbon stored in soils. Although insight into the physical and chemical stabilization of soil organic matter (SOM) and into microbial community composition ... -
Microbial nitrogen dynamics in organic and mineral soil horizons along a latitudinal transect in western Siberia
Wild, Birgit; Schnecker, Jörg; Knoltsch, Anna; Takriti, Mounir; Mooshammer, Maria; Gentsch, Norman; Mikutta, Robert; Alves, Ricardo J. Eloy; Gittel, Antje; Lashchinskiy, Nikolay; Richter, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-05-12)Soil N availability is constrained by the breakdown of N-containing polymers such as proteins to oligopeptides and amino acids that can be taken up by plants and microorganisms. Excess N is released from microbial cells ...