Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Lecomte, Isabelle Christine"
Exploring seismic detection and resolution thresholds of fault zones and gas seeps in the shallow subsurface using seismic modelling
Faleide, Thea Sveva; Braathen, Alvar; Lecomte, Isabelle Christine; Anell, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Seismic resolution and illumination issues are sources of challenges in the detailed imaging and detection of subsurface fault architecture and fluid migration. Improved constraints on resolution can provide input into ... -
Imaging along-strike variability in fault structure; insights from seismic modelling of the Maghlaq Fault, Malta
Dimmen, Vilde; Rotevatn, Atle; Prestegård, Mari; Lecomte, Isabelle Christine; Andersen, Ingvild Gabrielsen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Seismic modelling studies of outcrop analogues have proven a powerful method to provide a link between geology as observed at outcrop, and the interpretation of subsurface geology from seismic data. Seismic imaging of fault ... -
Imaging of small-scale faults in seismic reflection data: Insights from seismic modelling of faults in outcrop
Dimmen, Vilde; Rotevatn, Atle; Lecomte, Isabelle Christine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Faults with throws that fall below vertical seismic resolution are challenging to identify in reflection seismic datasets. Nevertheless, such small-scale faults may still affect the seismic images, and in this study, we ... -
Impacts of seismic resolution on fault interpretation: Insights from seismic modelling
Faleide, Thea Sveva; Braathen, Alvar; Lecomte, Isabelle Christine; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Midtkandal, Ivar; Bugge, Aina J.; Planke, Sverre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Seismic mapping of subsurface faults is hampered by factors such as seismic resolution, velocity control for depth conversion and human bias. Here, we explore the challenges and pitfalls related to interpreting normal ... -
Outcrop-scale fracture analysis and seismic modelling of a basin-bounding normal fault in platform carbonates, central Italy
Volatili, Tiziano; Agosta, Fabrizio; Cardozo, Nestor; Zambrano, Miller; Lecomte, Isabelle Christine; Tondi, Emanuele (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Faults are characterized by a complex internal architecture. In carbonates, the geometry, attitude, and distribution of fault-related fractures and subsidiary faults can largely affect the petrophysical properties and hy ... -
Point-spread function convolution to simulate prestack depth migrated images: A validation study
Jensen, Kristian; Lecomte, Isabelle Christine; Gelius, Leiv-J.; Kaschwich, Tina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Seismic migration commonly yields an incomplete reconstruction of the Earth model due to restricted survey aperture, band-limited frequency content and propagation effects. This affects both illumination and resolution of ... -
Teaching with digital geology in the high Arctic: opportunities and challenges
Senger, Kim; Betlem, Peter; Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas; Horota, Rafael Kenji; Buckley, Simon John; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra; Jochmann, Malte Michel; Birchall, Thomas; Janocha, Julian; Ogata, Kei; Kuckero, Lilith; Johannessen, Rakul Maria; Lecomte, Isabelle Christine; Cohen, Sarah M.; Olaussen, Snorre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Covid-19 pandemic occurred at a time of major revolution in the geosciences – the era of digital geology. Digital outcrop models (DOMs) acquired from consumer drones, processed using user-friendly photogrammetric ...