Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Li, Nan"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Dynamic regulation of the transcription initiation landscape at single nucleotide resolution during vertebrate embryogenesis
Nepal, Chirag; Hadzhiev, Yavor; Previti, A. Christopher; Haberle, Vanja; Li, Nan; Takahashi, Hazuki; Suzuki, Ana Maria; Sheng, Ying; Abdelhamid, Rehab; Anand, Santosh; Gehrig, Jochen; Akalin, Altuna; Kockx, Christel E.M.; van der Sloot, Antoine A.J.; van Ijcken, Wilfred F.J.; Armant, Olivier; Rastegar, Sepand; Watson, Craig; Strähle, Uwe; Stupka, Elia; Carninci, Piero; Lenhard, Boris; Müller, Ferenc (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Spatiotemporal control of gene expression is central to animal development. Core promoters represent a previously unanticipated regulatory level by interacting with cis-regulatory elements and transcription initiation in ... -
Revealing missing human protein isoforms based on Ab initio prediction, RNA-seq and proteomics
Hu, Zhiqiang; Scott, Hamish S.; Qin, Guangrong; Zheng, Guangyong; Chu, Xixia; Xie, Lu; Adelson, David L.; Oftedal, Bergithe Eikeland; Venugopal, Parvathy; Babic, Milena; Hahn, Christopher N.; Zhang, Bing; Wang, Xiaojing; Li, Nan; Wei, Chaochun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-07-09)Biological and biomedical research relies on comprehensive understanding of protein-coding transcripts. However, the total number of human proteins is still unknown due to the prevalence of alternative splicing. In this ...