• Double energy vulnerability in the Norwegian low-carbon urban transport transition 

      Sareen, Siddharth; Waage, Markus; Smirnova, Polina; Boakye Botah, Jeffery; Loe, Morten Ryen (Journal article, 2022)
      Household energy poverty and transport energy poverty are increasingly recognised as entangled in energy social science. The intersection of these related phenomena is growing due to twin transitions of decarbonisation and ...
    • Leisure mobility: Situating emotional geographies of friluftsliv in urban mobility transitions 

      Tråsavik, Helene S.; Loe, Morten Ryen; King, Katrina Starr Rose; Sareen, Siddharth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      In Norwegian culture, outdoor recreation in nature – such as hiking – is an important activity tied to the production of identity and aspirations of a ‘good life’. ‘Friluftsliv’ (outdoor life) in Norwegian entails a ...